Policy on Advertising and Promoting Personal Businesses on MGoBlog

Submitted by Wood_Chuckson on

What's the policy for advertising or posting links to personal businesses on MGoBlog? For example, if one did a UM related campaign on T-Spring, would they be able to post the link to their storefront on MGoBlog? I tried to search for an answer without making a thread and I didn't want to assume either way (despite the blog having a store), so I figured I would ask. 


June 12th, 2016 at 11:00 AM ^

from my super liberal side of the world I would ask you to think why someone should have I pay for a public service simply because they have more money.
You wouldn't expect a rich man or woman to pay to use a public park but you want them to pay for health care?
I'm just saying think about it...
And believe me I am as liberal as it gets, I just don't hate rich people on principal...
And I'm a Bernie supporter... So I really just asking you to think about the logic behind your post...
Love you

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


June 12th, 2016 at 12:04 PM ^

Im highly discourage to read this and the opinions on this. Basically we have a bunch of communists on this board! Yea lets redistribute the wealth. And make sure everybody gets the same pay, services, etc. Now what does that sound? Karl Marx would be proud to know his doctrine is alive and well in Ann Arbor. Geez no wonder yall were deepthroating Obama when he visits.


June 12th, 2016 at 2:39 PM ^

I don't know how much insider access there is to give. Reid came on the show with us once I guess? He does sell a very specific thing, so getting his name out there doesn't necessarily turn into instant business. But he's been around a while now, and will keep being around, and he's a good dude who intends to be part of this Michigan community for a long time, so it's a good fit, and I do think it'll see a payoff eventually. Still, I ask him every time "are you getting business from this?" and he's always "nah, I'm supporting the blog." I don't think any other advertiser is like that, really. Reid's the shit.


June 12th, 2016 at 9:03 AM ^

As far as I know, the basic policy that you need only to ask permission from Seth or Brian in order to do so (they maintain the site itself and deal with the advertising). A few people have done that over the years and indeed some of the advertisers actually keep up with the blog too, from what I understand. As a rule, unauthorized stuff will come down, but if you've got the go-ahead to push some product around here, if you will, then you may do so. 

Optimism Attache

June 12th, 2016 at 9:08 AM ^

I am unfamiliar with T-spring, but if a "campaign" is simply selling stuff with no real purpose other than making money for the sponsor, then I'd say that is probably off limits, or at least not something that would be embraced here. However, if it is relevant to Michigan, you can make a case that it is supporting a (even subjectively) good cause, and so long as we are in the OT season dead zone, it may well be fine to post. 

Note that this totally does not answer your question about there being a policy and the specifics of said policy, if it indeed does exist.


June 12th, 2016 at 12:16 PM ^

to advertise my Schweddy Balls?


I've done a lot of careful reasearch, but with my limited budget, I've found my advertising situation to be quite harry.


June 12th, 2016 at 1:32 PM ^

mad hatter is a dancer, for hire!  

and that avatar picture, that's what he looks like, but crossed with a chip n dale's body. 

(hatter is so going to kick my tail when we meet.  i'm in trouble now...)


June 12th, 2016 at 1:46 PM ^

This is just a shot in the dark: i would think if you want to use Mgoblog as a platform for generating personal profit through advertising, then you should probably pay Mgoblog for advertising and become a sponsor. If it's for a selfless and worthy cause or charity, then by all means, spam away. Many of us have contributed time/money to charities we've heard about on mgoblog.


June 12th, 2016 at 2:32 PM ^

Just contact me. My name @ this site dot com. The simple and short answer is advertising is a thing you have to buy.