Per ESPN: We're fairly happy; Staee fans are miserable

Submitted by Larry Appleton on…

Michigan is the 22nd happiest fanbase in the country.  I trust that in the next two or three seasons (after more double-digit win seasons and hopefully some B1G championships to boot) that our joy will propel us into the top-10, whatever that's worth.

Staee fans, on the other hand, are #115 in the country (third lowest Power Five).  This time last year, they were crowing about their recent success, which no doubt was substantial.  But now they're ready to look for a high bridge.  I guess that's what happens when you base the entirety of your emotions on how another program is doing.


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:05 PM ^

State fans, however, are practically incapable of being not miserable.  They are fueled by schadenfreude the way most people are fueled by carbohydrates.  Whatever minimal pleasure the State fan derives from the success of his own team is inevitably outweighed by the euphoria of seeing others suffer defeat--particularly others of higher culture and prestige.  ESPN says State fans have fallen to #115 on the misery index?  I say they've simply gone back to where they belong.

Longballs Dong…

August 22nd, 2017 at 2:49 PM ^

"I guess that's what happens when you base the entirety of your emotions on how another program is doing."

I'm not following this.  It appears to me that you are basing your emotions on another program by saying this.  I think both programs do this to a degree but the largest factor in either's happiness is definitely performance on the field.  Do you really think State is unhappy because UM won 10 games and not because they lost 9 games?  This is a very minor statement if isolated, but it's a common trend that bugs me.  We make fun of another school for doing something that we do just as much.  The fact that you even care to point out MSU's ranking kind of proves my point.  

Longballs Dong…

August 22nd, 2017 at 4:50 PM ^

My parents, teachers, police, probation officers, spouse, anyone who's been to Mexico/NOLA/Vegas/ with me on a 72 hour bender with out sleep, etc.  It's actually a long list but I don't see how that's relevant here.  I'd just prefer we don't pretend to be high and mighty when we might be worse at pinning our happiness on a rival than said rival.  I admit your comment wasn't much in isolation but it happens a lot and i chose to point it out in this thread.  I'm not even saying it's bad to be happy with their downfall - I am for the most part - but don't pretend we don't care about them and then continually reference them. 


August 22nd, 2017 at 7:03 PM ^

I look at football much like the stock market. It's all about how things are trending and future values. As a Michigan fan I love the market and am happy, and a state fan is losing shares bigtime and guess what, not very happy about it. LOL. As a matter of fact there market may just crash. I just hope osu gets caught insider trading.


August 23rd, 2017 at 9:28 AM ^

This is just flat out wrong in my experience.  I live in an area surrounded by MSU fans and the people I work with were giddy beyond belief during the Michigan's struggles.  A few of them would come to my desk every day to talk about Michigan football with me.  Since things have turned around that's all stopped and not a word is spoken even before MSU's most recent season.  Their happiness is very much aligned with Michigan's failure, perhaps almost as much as mine is aligned with its success.


I've also lived surrounded by OSU fans and UofM fans and it's not the same.  OSU or UofM fans may enjoy each other's struggles, sure, but their real pride and joy comes from their own relative success.


August 22nd, 2017 at 2:51 PM ^

would have been slightly less brutal after the kick six, I could probably even sympathize with the following:

1) 38-0 v. Alabama in the CFP

2) Loss to Middle Tennessee State in the First Round

3) Immediate Devonte Davis depature

4) Slew of arrests of former Michigan State basketball players

5) 3-9

6) Off-season investigation into football program after 3-9 leading to the dismissal of numerous key football players

7) Recruit getting arrested on signing day 

8) Other departures and "red-locks"

Etc.  (And the full itemized list is quite a big longer than that).



August 22nd, 2017 at 3:51 PM ^

OSU is ranked the happiest fan base in the country. Which the OP conveniently failed to mention. I am happy JH is our coach. I will be a lot happier when we start beating OSU at least half the time. And maybe our fanbase would be the happiest in the country if we had beat OSU 12 out of 13 times, plus also had a couple national championships.

Oh, and MSU? Frankly, I don't care. And my happiness is not contingent on their lack of happiness. I'm kind of tired of all the Michigan fans who can't give up following State and on the banks of the Red Cedar, etc.

The Maizer

August 22nd, 2017 at 4:32 PM ^

I'll also find a way to be happy and enjoy football without a win over OSU, but I don't want to have to do that anymore. I've only seen a UM victory against OSU once in the entirety of my fandom.


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:25 PM ^

Your saying your tired of Michigan fans finally getting our revenge for being tortured by State fans over the last decade. Ok, got it. Wow, guess your shit don't stink than too. Guys like you give Michigan fans a bad reputation for being arrogant.

In reply to by H8anythingState


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:56 PM ^

No, it's spelling and grammar like yours that gives Michigan fans a bad reputation. You're, not your. Then, not than, comma before too, but the sentence still doesn't work. And don't get me started on the avatar. If you're going to buy a vanity license plate, why would you use it to disparage a rival rather than promoting your own school? That's pathetic, and a total little brother move. I can only hope it's photoshop and not real.


August 22nd, 2017 at 11:00 PM ^

Yes, it is arrogant and petty, to loudly point out the difference between "your" and "you're."  If there were someone who actually made a habit of that, that person would be a dick.

But hang around long enough and you'll find nobody actually does that, except to people who need to be taken down a peg.  Like when someone newish lectures a long time member, who is well known not to be arrogant, about being arrogant.  And does it badly.

In reply to by H8anythingState


August 22nd, 2017 at 5:15 PM ^

No, I'm thrilled we beat State last year. I'm looking forward to beating State regularly, if not totally, over the next 10 years. I'm just saying, the 3 - 9 jokes have run their course, imhe. And the delirious joy at what has happened to their team is almost piling on, from my perspective. There are Michigan fans, and I know some of them, who want two things:  for Michigan to win all their games, and for MSU to lose all of theirs. Whose two favorite teams are Michigan and whoever is playing MSU. Who hate MSU so much that OSU is secondary in their minds.

From my perspective, OSU has always been the ultimate enemy. MSU has had a little success in the 50's and 60's, and again in the last 10 years. Other than those momentary blips, Michigan has dominated. For crying out loud, the all time record is 69 - 35 - 5. And I expect that Michigan will dominate once again.

The record against OSU is not as good. While it is true that Michigan has the overall winning record, the gap narrows considerably once you throw out the first 20 years. In those first 20 years, Michigan was dominant against OSU, with a record of 13 - 0 - 2. In the last 100 years, Michigan has a losing record to the Buckeyes. This vexes me. 

So I am happy in general. My happiness doesn't depend at all on football records. But I would be "happier" if Michigan was regularly beating OSU.


August 22nd, 2017 at 5:45 PM ^


Some UM fans that live in the state of Michigan have dealt with the brunt of the MSU abuse. Some of them have put the MSU game up next to the OSU because having to hear them all year long in any public place is intolerable, which they do. I know first hand, I live in Michigan. If you don't, then you don't know where that side of our fan base is coming from. MSU takes a slight back seat to OSU for me for this very reason. GOD I H8anythingState!!!


August 22nd, 2017 at 9:33 PM ^

MSU fans were total douches when they were winning. They were convinced that the tide had finally turned and MSU had regained its true destiny from the 50's and Michigan was finally exposed as dinosaurs due for extinction.

Even now I still hear them confidently predicting 9+ wins this year since Dantonio doesn't need talent to win.  They are incredibly delusional and fail to recognize their success was largely due to Michigan's implosion.  It's no coincidence they are falling apart now.  Their sole source of energy is dark matter generated by Michigan failures. Harbaugh has cut off that source.

Hotel Putingrad

August 22nd, 2017 at 4:01 PM ^

I was just remarking to my wife the other day how I feel truly happy for the first time in a long time. Healthy (recent lipid panel and glucose test came back okay), new job with a great boss, new house in a great neighborhood...God, if we actually beat OSU this fall, I won't know what to do with myself.


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:20 PM ^

I am very excited and happy with the program.  I haven't been this happy and excited about the program as a whole since I walked out of the Rose Bowl Jan. 1 1998 singing "It's great to be a Michigan Wolverine."


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:36 PM ^

I found more meaningless than this one...I for one don't think anyone can be happier than being a Michigan fan.  Win or lose, NO ONE'S GOT IT BETTER THAN US!!  Screw state, screw osu, screw florida.  

Maize n Blue forever.



August 22nd, 2017 at 4:40 PM ^

I used to watch ESPN in the morning while I worked. More like background noise unless it was football related. Cant stand ESPN anymore. Who do you guys like. I have directv and sirius. Thanks


August 22nd, 2017 at 4:45 PM ^

FREEP posted a story saying that a study found that Lions fans are the second most dateable in the NFL.  I guess being totally devoted to something that's a complete waste of time and an embarrrassment is a very redeeming quality.