
February 22nd, 2018 at 8:44 PM ^

*reads title of thread only*


Can we have a thread where we just discuss puppies or something?

*reads article*

In all seriousness though, for those of us that live in the Rouge, Huron and other watersheds, it is a definite fear when you get a lot of snow followed by a lot of rain, or just a shit ton of rain. My sump pump - the new one which replaced the burned-out old one - has been working triple shifts for most of this week. 


February 22nd, 2018 at 10:51 PM ^

but its just a bunch of dumbasses over in Okemos getting their foreign sedans stuck in the water.  Okemos is full of pretentious wannabes with no common sense.  The Mercedes, Toyota, and BMW dealers are going to make a killing on this week.

Eye of the Tiger

February 22nd, 2018 at 11:10 PM ^

I respect anyone's right to believe in whatever faith or creed they choose, provided they are not harming others. Equally, I will respect anyone as a person, regardless of their faith (or lack thereof), if they return the favor and respect me regardless of my faith (or lack thereof). 

So I am not criticizing the OP for believing whatever the OP wants to believe. 

That said, can we PLEASE get religion the fuck off this Michigan sports board? There are many, many other places you can talk about religion. Or politics. This is a sancturary. One of the few left. 



February 23rd, 2018 at 1:31 AM ^

Smh. Irritating. I happen to be an mgoblogger who is extremely interested in religion. But it causes certain segments of the mgoreadership to have conniptions, get very snarky, and become extremely judgemental in their own particular way. It just isn't even funny. I mean even when Jim Harbaugh or John Beilein or one of the guys on the team does something clearly, publicly, explicitly religious, some guys on here have a case of hissy fits. get all grumpy and crochety and get their shorts in a wad. Thanks, no thanks.


February 23rd, 2018 at 4:40 PM ^

Thanks, but no thanks.

Inf. Thank you, but I am not interested. (A way of turning down something that is not very desirable.) Alice: How wouldyou like to buy my old car? Jane: Thanks, but no thanks. John: What do you think about a trip over to see theWilsons? Sally: Thanks, but no thanks. We don't get along.

UM Fan from Sydney

February 26th, 2018 at 12:37 PM ^

That is wrong and not what it means. The correct way to say thank you after declining is "No, but thank you" or something similar. Saying "thanks but no thanks" says exactly what it means. You give thanks but then take them back.


September 2nd, 2020 at 3:02 PM ^

Our religion is full of myths and judgments. I mean people create these judgements and myths. So, we should be very attentive reading about Jesus. There are many fake sites on the internet but I was able to find a good one. It was created for people who sincerely praise God and this service can give us a lot to think about.