OT: Game of Thrones S7 E4- The Spoils of War

Submitted by Eastside Maize on
The first 3 episodes were great and I know that will continue. Hackers you can keep your damn leaked episodes, I shall wait until 9! Dany, be a dragon. WE DO NOT SOW


August 7th, 2017 at 11:49 AM ^

The last words of his to her that they showed were "if you use your dragons to melt cities then you are no better than the rest of them".

What they DIDN'T show was that he clearly suggested that he use her dragons to do what she did--hit the Lannister army returing to King's Landing.  Let's he show the Kingdog what her dragons can do without indiscriminately killing civillians as you VaBlue said.  


August 7th, 2017 at 1:33 PM ^

that was an Army that just took Highgarden, likely killing innocents as it happened, and half of them (Tarly's) betrayed oaths to Dany's allies to do it. It was also an army fighting on the same side as the Navy that just killed a bunch of Dany's other allies.

This was in no way Mad King-like.  This was war, fair and square.


August 6th, 2017 at 10:29 PM ^

I think it will more boil down to asking her if she really means to be doing this to be a better ruler, it'll be more dramatic than that, but at the end it'll boil down to her having to decide who she is.  This is still a TV show after all.and the familiar beats will be hit(Martin is a TV writer at heart and so is going to follow the rules).


August 7th, 2017 at 10:21 AM ^

Betray? No. Betraying her would mean helping his sister stay on the Iron Throne and I think he knows that trading one mad ruler that he can reason with somewhat vs a mad ruler that wants him dead is not a good trade-off. He will convince her as best he can to take the humanitarian route to winning the war. 


August 7th, 2017 at 11:43 AM ^

Or would mean prolonging the chaos so that no one holds the Iron Throne securely.  One doesn't have to want Cersei to win to want to lkeep Danarys from winning.

Someone told Cersei's side about the two fleet movements, else Euron wouldn't have known to intercept them (unless the showrunners are just abandoning suspension of disbelief entirely).  The "I will burn you if you betray me" scene was meaningless unless it impacts the two of them in the future.  The show doesn't have time for meaningless scenes.


August 7th, 2017 at 1:21 PM ^

I'm talking about Tyrion, not Varys. For Tyrion, Dany losing means Cersei wins. At least until circumstances change.

I can completely buy that Varys will betray her. He has the patience and worldview to be okay with chaos if he thinks that it's better in the long run. We saw in the preview for next week that Varys is pleading with Tyrion to talk to her. Tyrion would not betray someone he respects by leaking info. He would stab someone in the back that he doesn't care for (ie Pycelle, Janos Slynt etc), but he still believes in Dany. Varys would do anything he thinks is good for the realm, as he stated. And he's obviously very concerned about Dany becoming the Mad Queen.

And even if Tyrion/Varys haven't/won't betray Dany, that scene isn't meaningless. It showed her continuing to take steps closer to madness. 

I Bleed Maize N Blue

August 6th, 2017 at 10:28 PM ^


Dany learns that dragons aren't invulnerable and almost pays for it. A valuable lesson.

But you don't really want to piss a dragon off.

I wonder what Sansa and Littlefinger think of Arya's skills.


August 7th, 2017 at 11:23 AM ^

Go back one episode as LF was giving Sansa his speech on "think about all alternatives, all the time ... and then you'll never get caught offguard."  Now he should be too scared to sleep if he takes his own advice because, for better or worse, the general extent of the surviving Stark children's abilities just got outed to him:

- Jon Snow he already knew about (although perhaps not in his entirety, if he really is a Targaryen)

- Sansa he believes he has wrapped around his finger, but she'll never really trust him because despite her flaming ego she won't forget him putting the moves on her

- he has seen Arya can kill him (or anyone else) anytime she wants

- he now knows Bran is something entirely different ... and perhaps the most terrifying of all to a self-styled master of secrets

So did he just see his doom written on the wall? Or is he simply that good that he will somehow be able to process all of this and use it to his advantage?
He's a fascinating character.  I thought Tommy Carcetti would be Aiden Gillen's role of a lifetime, but then he got this.  Wow, have he and HBO been a fantastic match.


August 7th, 2017 at 12:32 AM ^

Watching Jamie try to slay the dragon I wanted him to kill that bitch.


In my heart of hearts I am a lannister.  Never knew.


Moonlight Graham

August 7th, 2017 at 12:12 PM ^

That was an all-time best scene. There are those plot-twist moments like "Luke I'm Your Father" and "We Have to Go Back, Kate!" that are more mind-blowing, but that final two minutes had it all...

1. Callback to Jaime being the Kingslayer, now about the become the Targaryan Queenslayer. 

2. Tyrion showing his regard for his brother's safety, laying the groundwork for possible betrayal in the future. 

3. Dany having so much control over that dragon that they're in a virtual mind-meld. She turns to see Jaime's charging and the dragon instantly knows as well.

4. And though it's only for one week, a monumental cliffhanger.  

I also liked Bronn's scene, from the Bronn-vs.-Dothraki bad-assery to the low-camera angle/continuous shot scene that was very similar to Jon's in the BotB. Was that the same director? 

I drive my son nuts with this but I'm banking on Dany and Jaime getting together. He said there was no way, but now if Jaime survives and becomes Dany's prisoner, things could happen. She told Daario that she needed to marry, but who's left in Westeros who would be "worthy"? Jon Snow is her nephew and all the other young-ish "lords" are either dead or haven't even been introduced in the show. There was a Martell in the books who was going to be a candidate. If Dany getting married is a plot point that needs to happen for some reason, I think it has to be Jaime. 

Or she and Tyrion hold him hostage for the Tyrell gold, as mentioned before. 


August 7th, 2017 at 12:45 PM ^

should actually be all the more reason for them to hook up since Targaryeans always did marry within bloodlines.  But I don't see it happnening as they both want to not be the same old rulers.

Certainly possible, maybe even likely, there's a Dany-Jaime connection.  And would provide further motivation for the much-talked-about Queenslayer role (Jaime offing his sister).


August 7th, 2017 at 1:13 PM ^

I could see a Dany-Jaime hookup, but not til closer to the conclusion of the series. Jaime killed her dad. Even though he was evil, and she acknolwedges it, that's a big hurdle to jump at this point in time. I think it could be a marriage to help keep the kingdom together after Dany wins the Iron Throne. Ensure a smoother transition. 

Blue since birthed

August 7th, 2017 at 1:28 AM ^

Arya has moved up from "one of my favorite characters, maybe top 3" to "officially my favorite character". When Sansa realizes she wasn't joking about her kill list... The training scene was amazing with Sansa and Little Finger looking on. Everyone is talking about the battle... But this was Arya's episode to me. Arya's and Sansa's to a lesser extent. The battles are great but it's this is the stuff that really makes the show for me. The scene where Tyrion drags the chair at The Small Council meeting, The Spider opening the box, Little Finger's "Chaos Is A Ladder" speech... All of Arya's role/performance in this episode.


August 7th, 2017 at 10:25 AM ^

Arya still has seven on her hit list:  Cersie, The Mountain, The Hound (although she thinks he's dead), Milisandre, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros, and Ilyn Payne.  That should keep her busy for a bit.

Her "practice" with Brienne was awesome.  The looks on the faces of Sansa and Littlefinger were priceless, and the surprise on Brienne's face was the non-dragon highlights of the show.