Troll Sparty

Submitted by MGoBoz on
A friend of mine started a new job and unfortunately (fortunately?) has a Michigan State fan sitting right next to him. There's a prominent Michigan State flag featured in this individual's workspace. It's even more blatant because the job is not located in Michigan. Any ideas for how to silently troll this person? It being a new job and all, my friend doesn't want to be obvious that it's him. I suggested three and nine but that's a little hard to do without this person knowing. Much appreciated!


June 21st, 2017 at 9:04 AM ^

I would like this be become a monthly feature/diary. Build the trolling, giving a first-person account of the planning and results.

It could be a new version of The Office, but low-rent, text only, and proably fairly boring.

But I would read every word.

I'm not joking.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:04 AM ^

Risking your brand new job, where you probably have no idea who's connected to who or who could easily make your life miserable before ultimately firing you or getting you fired, is bad. Just do nothing but kick ass at work and become the go to person for your boss and his/her boss.

The accidental result of that will be the most pure troll job a Michigan man/woman could lay on a MSU grad anyway.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:07 AM ^

I've always had a smashing time holding valuable items hostage for a while: cars, jewelry, pets, children. The key is sending them threatening notes made by cutting letters out of various magazines that you steal from your neighbor's waste collection unit. 

In my experience, it usually takes about 48 hours for these legendary pranks to make the news. 


June 21st, 2017 at 12:49 PM ^

I can just see the apology email now...

I want to publicly apologize to Bob in Accounting as well as the secretaries and supporters of Michigan State for my act of poor sportsmanship displayed pre-meeting yesterday. I spoke with Bob earlier today and expressed to him that we meant no disrespect to his team. During my regular post-Applebee's bathroom break one of the topics presented to motivate our team was a history lesson addressing commitment and teamwork in a tough environment. A tent stake was presented to the team as a symbol of this concept. The stake was brought into my cubicle as a visual reminder, and one of our team leaders chose to take it into another cubicle.

As the assistant to the regional manager of Accounting, I take full responsibility for the actions of our team. We believe in displaying a high level of respect at the A1A Car Wash and unfortunately that was not reflected by this action prior to the power point presentation on reducing the number of commas used in our internal controls framework task instructions.



June 21st, 2017 at 9:22 AM ^

Rooting for your cherished football team is fundamentally a expression of tribalism, and I'm OK with being a member of the Michigan/MgoBlog tribe. In the context of football, it's acceptable to say your tribe is inherently better than other tribes. That just isn't part of the workplace (outside of lunch/breaks), itself another expression of tribalism, except it's a tribe you get paid to be part of. Have some empathy for typical members of Sparty's tribe, at least in the workplace. They are just starting down the path we recently endured.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:23 AM ^

I have a spartan wife and buckeye aunts uncles and cousins.  we joke and have a good natured rivalry.  old fashioned i know but you may want to let your friend know it's more socially acceptable than being an asshole.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:26 AM ^

your probationary period is over then:

1.  Tell him as a Michigan fan you love his Slippery Rock University flag.

2. Ask him what his little brother's name is.

3. Have Sam Webb call him live and on the air at least once a week.

4. Ask him what his favorite part of Title IX is.

5. Leave business cards from Ufer Insurance Company on his desk on occasion.

6. Get promoted before him.

7. Explain to him why Jack Benny's favorite age was 3-9.

8. Set your cell phone to a Victor's ring tone.

9. Leave anonymous photos of Mike Valenti on his desk right after he was burned in the flaming steak incident.

10. Tell him condoms were named after Trojans because Spartans were not long enough...



June 21st, 2017 at 9:26 AM ^

Remind your friend that Michigan fans have been trolling Sparty fans for decades by NOT trolling them.  Aside from the won/loss record, nothing infuriates Sparty fans more than being ignored by Michigan fans who instead focus our attention on Ohio State and national prominence.  

Unless it's subtle, any direct troll effort will actually please the Sparty fan, since nothing affirms a little brother's existence more than receiving attention from Big Bro.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:36 AM ^

Hitching on to a common theme, the best "troll" this guy can do is to perform his job better than his MSU cubemate.  This is an expectation of every U of M alumnus.


June 21st, 2017 at 10:12 AM ^

You're going to go there and propose a snow tire day at Yankee Stadium, just as long as they don't throw them onto the field.  During the meeting make sure your friend eats enough shrimp to the point that this guys is forced to look at him and say:

"Hey MGoBoz's friend, the ocean called....they're running out of shrimp."

Now he's got him, have him look this guy right in the eye and drop the hammer:

"Oh yeah?  Well the Jerk Store called....they're running out of you!"


June 21st, 2017 at 10:04 AM ^

I would just change my ring tone to The Victors and tell people some of my closest friends to call me a few times a day at work. A subtle way to troll the guy.  


June 21st, 2017 at 10:05 AM ^

When he steps away from his desk, mess with the formulas on any spreadsheets he might be working on.  Also, if you can, send female co-workers dick pics from his email account.  He won't be around long!!


June 21st, 2017 at 10:26 AM ^

It's even more blatant because the job is not located in Michigan.

Then he is already trolling himself.

Nobody outside the state of Michigan cares about Michigan State at all.

He might as well have an Eastern Michigan banner hanging in his workspace.  It would mean just as little.



June 21st, 2017 at 10:29 AM ^

...troll him by not being an asshole? It will make him conflicted when he wants to bash Michigan fans as being arrogant pricks. Also, not being an asshole is generally the right move.


June 21st, 2017 at 10:56 AM ^

I actually have often found that one of the most effective trolls is simply being the bigger person in the room, if indeed there is a problem. If they guy is genuinely nice, then all you've done is be a professional. It's a win-win in its own way really. 


June 21st, 2017 at 12:14 PM ^

Download it as a .docx. Add a current Spartan athlete from a regional team to the top of the list. Leave it in the coworkers mailbox or on the desk. Periodically go back to the list and add a new player and continue to do this until they flip. Once they have lost it, leave a slip of paper on the desk with Lou Anna Simon's contact information on it. With the title "Call her, whoever she talks to beleive they are innocent also!". 

Rufus X

June 21st, 2017 at 12:28 PM ^

... that pisses them off.  And make sure any football conversation gravitiates towards how much you hate OSU. Never mention MSU at any time unless directly questioned, and then make sure you act like you don't know anything about them - personnel, off the field issues, W-L record from last year., etc.  If you can possibly mention their coach "D'Antoni" with a straight face that is highly recommended as well.  And apologize profusely when he corrects you.

Before all that, though, you should make sure you have a small fan on your desk blowing in his direction or else the smell of Axe body spray will be really distracting.

Year of Revenge II

June 21st, 2017 at 12:41 PM ^

In the break or lunch room, put up a sign-up sheet for Future Farmers of America, and another one with an envelope for resumes for an opening for night manager at Comfort Inn.


June 21st, 2017 at 1:07 PM ^

 There is nothing you can say to a Spartan right now than what is already going on in their head:

1.)  they always knew they were little brother

2.)  They just never knew they would implode like this.





June 21st, 2017 at 2:04 PM ^

Make a bet on the game. Loser has to wear other teams clothes for a day to work. Take a pic of him decked out in maize and blue and hang it up with the flag at work. If he's scared ask him if a spread of 3 to 9 points will make him feel better.


June 21st, 2017 at 7:45 PM ^

Office next to mine, OSU fan. There was no holding back. Game On. Loser this year wears winner's Jersey. All day. Come on Boys! Suggest you do the same.