
February 4th, 2016 at 5:31 PM ^

Is it just me or does Kingston Davis kind of stand out as having an edge to him?  In a good way.  Seems like he's ALL business.  No playin.   Bet he's going to be a beast on the field. 


February 4th, 2016 at 6:11 PM ^

I haven't made it official yet, but I'm thinking about going with Kingston Davis as my MGoSleeper of the year. That guy impresses me more and more every time I hear from him, and I think he's gonna be a really good player.


February 4th, 2016 at 6:08 PM ^

that although Brandon Peters came out strong, Devin Bush wins the drawing competition?

EDIT: I should have scrolled down to at least Smoothitron's comment. It appears we do have a general consensus.

Also, I think I like it so much because it reminds me of Where the Wild Things Are.


February 4th, 2016 at 6:36 PM ^

Well then I will have to keep a eye out for him whenever I play the Monster out at Hudson Mills. If he doesn't know about it yet, he will find it on the PDGA website as sure as I am sitting here. Thats definetly one of my favorites along with Kensington on the west side. As for me I live in Clarkston so I practice alot around here at Holly or Seymour Lake, Firefighters in Troy.The only course near here that matches up with the Hudson Mills Monster is Stoney Creek in Utica alot of the bigger tourney's I like to enter are played there and of course the Mills Monster, Kensington Monster all three are fun to play at least for advanced players beginners would not have any fun. The smaller courses are everywhere and alot of fun for anyone including first timers.

WARNING Disc golf is very addictive for any family members and extreme caution should be used so you won't have family members constantly missing out golfing.

Lucky Socks

February 4th, 2016 at 8:57 PM ^

I'm worried that Jim wasn't completely honest about the wake-up times for our athletes.  What a scumbag /s.  These kids think they're done waking up at 6AM?  I see some 4:30-5:30 alarm clocks for early morning lifts in their futures.  



February 4th, 2016 at 9:18 PM ^


Contribute to late-game lethargy and injuries. Everybody, especially athletes, should wake up naturally. Elite athletes tend to require more sleep than non-athletes. Sure there are exceptions, but the research shows that circadian rhythms are something not to mess with. Including as to classroom alertness and receptiveness towards working the mind. 0.02

Yes I respect this in the breach, personally. But then I'm old and nobody cares.

Lucky Socks

February 4th, 2016 at 9:49 PM ^

Great sentiment, and I agree.  But as a medical resident I can personally relate to the fact that the world just doesn't work that way.  They'll have time to nap and these four years will be a great lesson in self-discipline (and some enforced disclipline) and time management. 




February 4th, 2016 at 10:00 PM ^

Can you point me to some studies on what a normal person needs to do to respect circadian rhythms and sleep correctly in general?

Completely serious. I'm getting old and my sleep habits are complete shit and always have been.

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February 4th, 2016 at 10:55 PM ^


There are so many studies supporting my claims, and fewer others challenging, that I wouldn't know where to begin pointing for a balanced enquiry. Like the good Doctor, above, I personally observe in the breach and have never slept well by common measures since childhood.

You can find studies investigating both sides through the usual technical medical, holistic and athletic coaching channels online. You are entitled to your own conclusions but I doubt you can persuade me that young male athletes across the population can skate on six hours dedicated sleep and naps while still performing on the field and in the classroom to full potential.


February 4th, 2016 at 11:07 PM ^

Being from Chicago, all I heard this morning was this morning is Mike Mulligan and Brian Hanley talking crap and making fun of Harbaugh and Michigan about his tactics and the SOTS event. What really pissed me off is while they're doing this, they fail to mention the reason he set it up and the money raised. Pity, I used to like their show, and maybe it was just a blip on the radar, but lost a little respect for those two today. I know many of you have no idea who those guys are, but any of my fellow Chicagoland people might.

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