OT: Something's Happening in Alabama with Kiffin

Submitted by Bando Calrissian on

Sounds like Lane Kiffin may be on the way out at Alabama due to some... Extracurricular activities. Worth staying tuned today if the rumors have legs.

This is probably the best compilation of all the twitter buzz out there:


EDIT: Only posting chatsports because they've compiled the twitterverse into one article. 


September 24th, 2015 at 12:46 PM ^

The Twitterverse is certainly alive with this right now, but this is absolutely rumor and nothing else at the moment. Should probably have "rumor" in the title. And, uh, a Chatsports link isn't usually a reliable go-to (though it seems to be a pretty good summary of what is and isn't out there). I'm pumping the brakes, personally. But, man, if this is true... Social media gold. The LSUFreek action will be marvelous.


September 24th, 2015 at 12:48 PM ^

long does Kiffin have to keep being terrible at coaching football before people stop paying him money to do so.  I wish that I could get paid increasingly higher sums of money to continue to such at things.  I would be a multi-millionaire on the PGA tour right now.

In reply to by ijohnb


September 24th, 2015 at 1:24 PM ^

Say what you want about Kiffin, and I'm not talking about his head coaching chops--but as an OC he is good. There is no way Nick Saban hires you and retains you for the second year if you are not a good coach.


September 24th, 2015 at 12:49 PM ^

To supplement the OP (because, Chatsports....yeah, the aggregators aggregate and occasionally employ he who shall not be mentioned), SI has been on this as well - their summary is here - LINK

The rumor going around the interwebs involves Lane Kiffin and improper relations with the wife of a booster or head coach Nick Saban’s daughter, depending on which random Twitter user you arbitrarily decide to believe.

Unsubstantiated at this time, of course, and we shall see if a credible source out of Tuscaloosa (is there such a thing?) can confirm or deny these things, but if the latter scenario in the above quote turned out somehow to be the case...wow...


September 24th, 2015 at 1:08 PM ^

I'm curious how this thread is handled going forward. On one hand, we have a totally unsubstantiated rumor that has blown up on Twitter with no visible source. On the other hand, we have a lot of chatter about a well-known and highly controversial character in our favorite sport at the center of a lot of heat. I mean, I'm no fan of Chatsports, but I think Bando was in the right mind to post this. It does, after all, interest the audience of the board. This is the sort of thing I'd expect to come across here.


September 24th, 2015 at 2:09 PM ^

I wish we had more consistency with regard to these rumors. Seth has stepped in and locked rumor threads before, because (and I'm paraphrasing here) MGoBlog isn't in the practice of ruining peoples lives over unsubstantiated stuff.

I know it's happened twice with things that turned out to be true (Manti Teo, and Harold Reynolds), but then rumors threads like this are allowed up.

No skin off my nose either way, but site consistency would be nice