
November 16th, 2014 at 9:11 PM ^

But if those reports are factual, then what a fucking loser asshole.  Real men don't abuse women or children.  Can you imagine the terror when that big boy starts slamming her around?

Don't guys like him ever think about the consequences?  Okay stay clean and play out the season and you will be making millions of dollars a year.  Slap women around and your life will be it should be.

Again, if those reports are truly factual, then we don't need that kind of person having anything to do with the University of Michigan.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:20 PM ^

has a clueless coach, a President who is pondering life questions and the link between academics and football, and a potential domestic abuse case involving a player. Can this program bury itself deeper in the ground?


November 16th, 2014 at 9:25 PM ^

How is having an introspective and intelligent university president that's willing to question things a problem? The school is bigger than the football team, despite the team being a huge draw for all of us. Every day, I'm more convinced that Schlissel is the best thing to happen to the University in years. 


November 16th, 2014 at 9:38 PM ^

but he might just want to keep his thoughts and introspection to himself next time. I don't believe anyone thinks football is bigger than the school. It concerns me that this person will have a hand in hiring the next AD.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:43 PM ^

Why on Earth would he want to do that? The guy's a genius. He deftly handled the Brandon situation, or at least as deftly as was possible, he purged the Medical system in an attempt to solve the administrative disfunction that's been ocurring for decades there, he has a natural gift for administration that he has employed in the Ivy League, he's humble, and he fully admits when he isn't fully familiar with a topic. He is literally the prototypical leader. I think it's wonderful that he's hiring the next AD, because he's admitted that this isn't his area of expertise, which to me signifies that he's probably going to hire a real AD and not another corporate figure with no university or athletics experience. 

Furthermore, nobody at a university should keep introspection to themself. It's a place of learning for God's sake. That entails contention and disagreement, as it should. 


November 16th, 2014 at 10:10 PM ^

of others that exist only because we are a flithy rich country that can afford to have people degrees in such fields. I myself have a degree in one of these fields. 

There really are only a handful of degree fields that do tangibly benefit society. Pretty much anything science related will, although there is not an equality in importance for those degrees.


November 16th, 2014 at 10:41 PM ^

Of course they can do great thingds. Any person can regardless if they have a degree or not. Greatness is not found in classrooms, but in the minds and hearts of people.Raoul Wallenberg was not great because he went to UM. He was great because he acted upon his moral principles. How many with similiar principles would have placed themselves in such danger as Wallenberg did?


November 16th, 2014 at 10:25 PM ^

As a holder of one of the more "useful" science degrees from UM, I disagree with your point of some degrees being completely useless. I think it has to do more with the market of job availability after college. 

My degree is Neuroscience and many of my ilk would consider Psychology far inferior along with BCN or w/e they call it. Hell some people switch to those majors from Neuro to boost their GPAs. 

What I was saying was Psychology is a over saturated field atm making it "less useful." Other than Gen Ed, I do not think many majors are "useless" I think it has to do with the demand for said specialty in the market post-graduation. 

In this era where college education is the end all be all, we will see many more useless majors due to market saturation. I personally believe trade schools should be emphasized more today, but they are not deemed as prestigious, which is a shame for they teach valuable skills that can be utilized right away in society. 


November 16th, 2014 at 10:34 PM ^

that they are not important for our survival as a species. That's what I mean.


I love history. I absolutely love it and believe it to be hugely important to society. But it is not as important as degrees relating to medicine, engineering, or agricutlure. What I'm talking about is the basics of a society. What we need to function as a country. My previous posts were a poor articulation of that.


There are tiers of importance when it comes to degrees. That is what I should have said in the first place.

I do, however, think that there are a lot of "junk" degree tracks that serve no real purpose.They either can be merged with other degree tracks or exist mainly for the career students. (which is great for those who can afford it,  but not so for those taking out loans to pay for the education)


November 16th, 2014 at 10:47 PM ^

Right exactly so it goes into what I was saying about demand. The market needs more engineers, doctors etc... It, at the moment, does not need anymore "artists, architects, historians etc" because a) those needs are filled by people already or b) have limited slots for which they are deemed worthy enough for pay. 

Unfortunately, the whole "follow your dreams" adage indoctrinated to us from middle school does not emphasis the importance of what is actually needed in a job market. Hence why you get oversaturation in certain fields vs others. 

I used to paint, but does that mean I want to major in Art History? No, b/c the demand for that is almost nothing and I will be broke. I would rather art be a hobby and enter medical school for my future's sake. 

If I were to follow my dream per say, I would sit around and paint all day haha. Not very feasible in the real world. 



November 16th, 2014 at 10:30 PM ^

I don't know, man. I see what you're saying, but I can think of a ton of degrees unrelated to science that benefit society, and definitely more than just a handful. An argument could be made that most, if not every degree, benefit society somehow, someway. But it depends on the definition of the word benefit as well. I suppose I just think any form of education benfits society in the long run.


November 16th, 2014 at 10:38 PM ^

Sapere Aude and all that.

But as I stated, we can pursue it because we have the wealth to do so. If we had to cut costs and just offered those that society derived a direct, tangible, and immediate benefit from, many of the programs we offer today would be eliminated. 

There are tiers of societal importance when it comes to degrees. Many are important, but only a few are essential. That is how I ought to have stated it the first time. I apologize for the poor articulation of what I was thinking.


November 16th, 2014 at 10:58 PM ^

This whole argument is ridiculous. What degrees have "merit" and which degrees have worth is a subjective asessment. 

You can get a "worthless" degree and go on to do great things that benefit humanity. All those "worthless" degrees are more about the training you go through to get the degree. So please, stop with the sciene high horse. 



November 16th, 2014 at 10:44 PM ^

I would be willing to bet really inappropriate things on the FACT the many Michigan football fans not on the board believe football is more important than the university. The other problem is you have athletic depts all over the country that feel the same way.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:45 PM ^

football team.  From the colors to the use of "Leaders and Best" to the use of the Winged Helmet to the widespread reference to Bo's image and words Michigan has used the football program has a vehicle to sell the school. 

The question of whether it should be is pointless to ask. The moment they made the decision to construct that big hole in the ground made all such questions irrelevant. 



November 16th, 2014 at 9:27 PM ^

I would assume Schlissel has the sense to know that domestic violence isn't a football player issue, recent NFL headlines nonwithstanding. What the woman allegedly went through here was tragic, but it's a type of crime that happens too often in every social class, including among doctors and academics.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:23 PM ^

Oh, man. I just read it.

Yeah, he's gotta go. And that should be pretty far down the list of the things he should be worried about at this point in time. 


November 16th, 2014 at 9:24 PM ^

If comments above or below no longer make sense, it's because of serious moderation that's apparently required. Hair trigger for bans on this subject. Consider this fair warning.

Blue Ninja

November 16th, 2014 at 9:30 PM ^

Why isn't he at least suspended from the team pending investigation? It doesn't affect any other status as a student or scholarship and if nothing comes of it (highly doubtful) at least the university took the high road unlike FSU.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:52 PM ^

The Gibbons criminal investigation was wrapped up months before Hoke was named coach and Lewan was allowed to play a bowl game while the legal system played out (on a relatively run of the mill charge). Stonum was dismissed in 2011, York was dismissed in 2014.

Hoke gets a bad rap on here for his comments about Gibbons, but his discipline record leaves pretty much no doubt that Clark will be gone if the report has pictures and third party testimony.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:38 PM ^

Hopefully that announcement will come tomorrow. I'm okay with it not being a knee jerk reaction a few hrs after his arrest but this police report doesn't leave much to speculate about. Innocent until proven guilty and a but to play football is an honor and a privilege, not a right. If you put yourself in that situation you should be suspended indefinitely until the case is resolved whether that means reinstatement or getting kick off the team.

East German Judge

November 16th, 2014 at 9:32 PM ^

This is so sad, this is beyond football, from every possible angle, especially from the victim's POV, hopefully she and her unborn baby will recover fully.  Hopefully, not sure if possible, all effected lives can be put back together.  A prayer may not hurt right now.


November 16th, 2014 at 9:32 PM ^

Crazy, violent encounter that scared the crap out of kids and needed the cops to come, let alone getting thrown in jail for the weekend without bail. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong actions. Hoke better step up to the plate now.