OT: Stress

Submitted by MichiganFan1984 on

Hi everyone. I have learned quite a bit lately about stress and how bad it is for you. In fact 90% of all Illness can be attributed to stress. 

Nothing relieves stress for me like a Fall Saturday when I can watch Michigan play. Besides those saturdays, which unfortunately are only about 12 days a year, I watch movies, play video games, exercise, golf (only able to go about 10 times a year) and go to church (only go about once a month) to relieve stress. I love to read, but that is one of the things I can’t focus on when I’m stressed. Worrying is my biggest issue and I really have been trying to get over that cause I know it’s awful for me. 

After learning how bad stress is and knowing that we all deal with it, I was curious what everyone does to relieve stress other than watch Michigan. Also any tips on reducing worry would be interesting as well. Saying things that you do that actually cause more stress or illness won’t help anyone, but I’m sure the community will enjoy the humor. 

I hope everyone’s having a good week. Peace out. 


June 27th, 2018 at 9:32 AM ^

All good points and definitely agree with finding time to do something you enjoy doing, even if it is alone. A hobby, or video games or just sitting with a good book.  Everyone needs some time to just recharge away from people and do something enjoyable. It will help relieve stress and keep you grounded.


June 26th, 2018 at 5:47 PM ^

I'd also say that you should realize that not only is your life and personal experience incredibly common and basically nothing special compared to everyone else, it's also incredibly rare, unique and valuable at the same time.  Nothing matters, but it also matters a lot.  I think this perspective allows you to live freely and not take things to seriously, but also live with a purpose with something to aim at and goals to achieve via gifting the world with what you have to offer.  Walk the line of chaos and order.  Learn from your mistakes and grow stronger.  Failing is the only way to readjust your worldview, embrace it instead of fearing it, throw away what didn't work and arise in confident that you are a better version of yourself.  When you have successes you can hang your hat on them and keep building on those competencies as you become a more complex and enriched individual and thus able to enrich the lives of others. 

Surveillance Doe

June 26th, 2018 at 7:16 PM ^

Yep, just realize that nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, and everybody's going to die. You're sitting in a waiting room waiting for your number to be called. And it will be called. So find something to do that keeps you entertained in the meantime. Choosing to be stressed--and make no mistake, it is a choice--seems like a shitty way to spend your time to me, but to each his own.


June 27th, 2018 at 9:02 PM ^

Yeah, when you are very young the grim reaper sits on a  park bench miles away, after 50 you look back and you can see him gaining on you. After a while he's on your heels ready to sickle your ass down. You are born to die, so enjoy the ride. A lot of times the riches people are the most unhappiest in life. Find something you enjoy doing and make a career out of it.  Role with the ups and down in life.



June 26th, 2018 at 5:49 PM ^

"90% of all illness can be attributed to stress."

That's some nice bullshit fake hippy statistic you're pedaling. As someone who researches human disease, this has no bearing in reality. You probably also think the government has a cure for aids and a spoonful of cinnamon every day will clear that cancer right up... 


June 26th, 2018 at 6:11 PM ^

Kung, there are many researchers and doctors who say the 90% figure. And no I don’t believe those other things you stated. I’m not saying the 90% figure is 100% accurate, but many people smarter than me think it is. 


June 26th, 2018 at 6:37 PM ^

The statistic is not true, and no doctor or medical professional would state that. I would agree that stress can be a risk factor for disease and aid in the progression. But it is absolutely incorrect that doctors and educated researchers say that stress is CAUSITIVE 90% of the time. 


June 26th, 2018 at 5:53 PM ^

I've found punching a wall after losses is a good release for stress, and the patching of the wall is then a good time for reflection.


June 26th, 2018 at 5:53 PM ^

Not sure how you do it, but I'm a huge ball of stress during Michigan games.

I love to fish, so the act of going fishing is a stress relief. That all changes when I can't get a bite or if I'm being out-fished.

Swimming is probably my biggest stress relief. 


June 26th, 2018 at 6:13 PM ^

I just get so excited for the games and I look forward to them so much that even if we lose, the good feelings of watching outweigh any stress. My wife’s family basically hates me in the fall because those 12 Saturday’s I pretty much refuse to be involved with them. 


June 26th, 2018 at 5:57 PM ^

Meditation, sex, exercise and time with friends and family and in nature.

Just started meditation regularly before starting the day. Also, introduced it to my 10 year old son so we often do it together.

Sex...that's a healthy way to connect and relief stress. Always has been and always will be when done respectfully and safely.

Running...that has always helped lower my stress. I go with my son and we also play basketball and tennis together.

Just time connecting with family and friends. Put the phone down and put aside the worry about 'likes' and 'friends' and keep your head in the real world for a few hours works wonders for me.

Nature....I live in hyper Stressed out London but near to a intercity Marsh with tons of open land, horses, cows and water fowl. Just feeding and stroking the horses or sitting a watch the birds above are good ways to come down.


June 26th, 2018 at 5:59 PM ^

I generally do not watch live...not that I have much of a choice stuck out here in the gawdawful state of Kansas. I then watch replays-selectively. 

Cooking/baking, gardening, farm work, fishing, hiking, watching sports where I have no strong allegiances...


June 26th, 2018 at 7:12 PM ^

I thought going into this World Cup that I wouldn't particularly care much, but it has been the exact opposite. Even though it is a bunch of games in which I have no strong alliances (USA and the Netherlands are not in it), I still find myself rooting for certain teams and rooting against other teams. It kind of takes away the joy of it all.

For example, yesterday I was rooting against Spain and for Portugal (yes, I'm rooting for them purely because of Ronaldo). The last few minutes were an amazing spectacle for the neutral fan, but I was devastated that Portugal blew its lead against Iran and Spain tied their game with Morocco. If I would stop picking sides, I would probably find the World Cup a lot more fascinating.


June 26th, 2018 at 6:06 PM ^

Three deep breaths

When shtuff isn't going the way I'd prefer, three deep breaths, slow.  Changes the body chemistry and re-centers.  Often gives me enough time to pause and re-think situations.

That and attacking each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.  Those are my stress-beating tricks.

Like OP says, finding your ways are key to being and staying healthy.  Godspeed, MGoFriends.


June 26th, 2018 at 6:18 PM ^

Not sure why you would ask that? Curious why you think that or care?  I’ve actually never been banned, as I stated two months ago.... I’ve read this website for about 8 or 9 years and decided to get an account out of boredom and cause it seemed like fun. At first I barely posted, but after awhile I guess I’ve gotten more addicted.