OT MGoQuestion: What's your go-to joke?

Submitted by Chuck Norris on


Here’s mine:

A Frenchman, an American, a nun, and a Swedish girl are all sitting in a train compartment. The train goes through a tunnel and everything goes pitch black. While in the tunnel, everyone hears a loud slapping noise. When they exit the tunnel, the Frenchman has a large red mark on his cheek.

The nun thinks to herself, “The Frenchman probably groped the Swedish girl, so the  Swedish girl slapped him.”

The Swedish girl thinks to herself, “The Frenchman probably meant to grope me, but accidentally groped the nun, and the nun slapped him.”

The Frenchman thinks to himself, “The American probably groped the Swedish girl, and the Swedish girl slapped me by accident.”

The American is hoping the train will go through another tunnel so he can slap the Frenchman again.


June 20th, 2013 at 12:08 PM ^

A seafood lover fulfills a lifelong dream and flies to Boston.  He jumps in a cab and says, "Take me somewhere where I can get scrod."

The cabbie turns around and says, "A lot of fellas have come in my cab and asked for the same thing.  But you're the first to ask in the pluperfect subjunctive form."


June 20th, 2013 at 12:09 PM ^

anybody ever heard a "joke" that was actually funny as opposed to one that you were culturally obligated to laugh at?  Like a real "I got a good one to tell you" joke and not a spur of the moment comment.  I just don't think jokes are funny.  Sure, like Eddie Murphy's are but the kind that some asshole just tells you because he needs attention.  Those are never funny.

In reply to by ijohnb

Hardware Sushi

June 20th, 2013 at 12:22 PM ^

Sounds like you need to hang out with better people. There are plenty of great jokes that are laugh out loud funny if told properly.

Or you just need to lighten up.


June 20th, 2013 at 12:40 PM ^

I am perfectly light.  That's what she said gets me every time.  It does not even have to really be applicable.  But the "there were three guys in the desert, one of the....." kind of jokes just are not funny to me.  I find myself making a kind of "haeya" noise at the end of placate the teller.  I don't know, you know the punchline is coming, and it is just anticlimatical.  Maybe all my friends just tell shitty jokes.

Hardware Sushi

June 20th, 2013 at 12:15 PM ^

Just turrible, as far as having any sort of line goes...but I love the dirty jokes. NSFanybody warning:

Q: What's long, cold, slimy and smells like pork?




A: Kermit the Frog's fingers

I have a much worse one if anyone is interested but want to gauge the reaction to this level of dirty first.


June 20th, 2013 at 12:33 PM ^

Three guys are driving in a car when suddenly, the driver swerves, hits a tree, and they all die.

The three of them go to Heaven and see God in a this huge room surrounded by billions of clocks.  They ask God, "what are all these clocks for?" and God replies, "Everytime you jerk off, the clock moves forward a little".  

Guy#1 looks around for his clock, finally finds it and sees it is at 1:30.  "Not too bad", he thought

Guy#2 sees his at 7:30 and says, "yeah, I was single for a long time, whatever!".

Guy#3 can't find his so he asks God where his clock is.  God replies, "Your clock is in my office, I use it as a fan".