META/OT/SIAP: Merry Half-Festivus - I've got a lot of problems with you people

Submitted by BiSB on

As the bleak, stark expanse of the offseason drags out before us, a cabin fever of sorts has set in, and cracks in the facade of our collective sanity have begun to expose themselves. We've seen a lot of back-and-forth about OT rules and points and cool stories, bro. These squabbles are merely symptoms of the greater conflicts that simmer just beneath the surface.

In that spirit, I declare today to be the FIRST ANNUAL FESTIVUS IN JUNE CELEBRATION. We shall now commence with the airing of the grievances. I will begin.

  • Pope Gregory XIII - May was too long. June is currently too long. July is not looking promising. If his Gregorian Calendar was better constructed, we wouldn't be in this mess.
  • Ghosts - I feel haunted by the ghosts of a number of coaches from the past. They are less cordial than I was anticipating.
  • People who declare things to the the "First Annual" - At this point, it's just "the first." You need two points to create a line. One point is simply "shit that happened today."
  • Henri - Enough with the ennui. We get it.

Thus begins my list. There shall be more. Your turn.


June 10th, 2013 at 10:30 AM ^

Like we're supposed to believe a mixed-race group of besties, ranging in age from 16-40, are going to be out camping in their circa 1960's Air Streams and bringing McDonald's to their rural camping area to enhance their game of horseshoes. Please go fuck yourself, Ronald.

Oh and the jackass chop shop full of douche bag Fast and Furious lovers tricking out their crotch rockets, too. 

Alf Urkel

June 10th, 2013 at 10:31 AM ^

Seth posts.  Every post he shits up with his shitty Seth writing.  He even got his shitty Seth fingerprints all over that transcription he posted that one time.  He even Sethed up a transcription of a conversation - he couldn't even just transcribe a conversation without going full Seth and shitting it up with his shitty Sethness.  Reading his Seth posts are just so tiring. And I never read or comment on his posts because "if you don't like it, don't read it."  And I follow that maxim, I really do.  But this is the Airing of Grievances, and sorry Seth, but you're writing is shit (in my opinion), and now I can finally vent about it in a safe, open environment.  

Alf Urkel

June 10th, 2013 at 10:45 AM ^

That's perfectly okay.  I understand that other people like Seth, but I happen not to.  And I never talk about it or complain about it in Seth posts.  But because this is the Airing of Grievances, I can vent about it, and not feel like "that guy."  I just really, really, really hate Seth's writing.  But it's okay.  We're all entitled to our own opinion.


June 10th, 2013 at 11:12 AM ^

Airing of Grievances != Unnecessarily blasting someone. About halfway through your post, I thought you were being sarcastic because you were going so far over the top. You're entitled to your opinion, and you're certainly free to express it, but show some class/respect.

What you did is like BiSB saying "Ok everyone, shooting range is open now! Fire away!" and you turn to the guy next to you and blast him with a bazooka. 

Alf Urkel

June 10th, 2013 at 11:21 AM ^

I didn't think anyone would take my post so seriously.  I didn't intend any offense to be taken.  I  assumed that most of us would have enough mental fortitude to read and process the words I wrote without reacting emotionally or getting offended.  I was merely expressing my own personal opinion and wasn't trying to make a personal attack on Seth.  I'm sure he is a great guy in real life, and I wish him the best.  I just don't like his writing style.  Again, it's nothing personal, and I'm disappointed you took it so personally.  


June 10th, 2013 at 12:20 PM ^

I love that she is a dedicated mother and a hard working woman.

I also like that she breast feeds in public, not because I am a perv but because I think that breastfeeding, or rather the American way of dealing with it, is absurd.

you probably just don't like her cause you don't like her music and/or her persona, and that is fine, but when it comes to being a solid role model you should read up on her.



June 10th, 2013 at 11:41 AM ^

I take issue with "The Victors Message Board" folk who only complain about Seth's writing. How about you provide better Michigan content in the Diary section? Otherwise, let me call the Wambulance to let them know someone needs a ride back to where lack of profound insight and generaly whining abounds.

Seth is a damn fine writer and I think you people are jealous he gets to write for the best blog on the planet. If, however, Seth ran over your cat back in the day, then I might understand differently.

Alf Urkel

June 10th, 2013 at 11:59 AM ^

I agree - I'm sure Seth is a "damn fine writer" in your eyes.  I appreciate you for sharing your opinion, although I am unfamiliar with "The Victors Message Board."  Also, I was unaware that providing "better Michigan content in the Diary section" is a prerequisite for voicing Grievances about Seth's writing style.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention, as it's not mentioned in the FAQs.


June 10th, 2013 at 10:38 AM ^

Be nice to sea how many MGoPoints people have from comenting about speeling corrections, grammar polic or tellin somone there title is wrong.  It only takes one person to comment about it, but instead we have 30 posts explaining the same thing.  Be nice to just read peoples comments about the actual topic, whether its OT or not.  If I clicked on it I evidently wanted to read the conversation.  People don't have time to be bothered with reading non-Michigan related posts, but yet they have the time to complain if its not marked correctly.


(Yes I know I spelled somethings wrong, just doing my part to boost peoples self esteem)


June 10th, 2013 at 10:50 AM ^

"It is what it is"

"Back in the day"

"The first time x has happened since the last time it happened" It can't be the first time if it already happened before!

IE9 for messing up my email.

Slow internet service


June 10th, 2013 at 10:55 AM ^

too long.  

So, I want to create my own conference

  • Michigan
  • Ohio (tOSU)
  • USC
  • Texas
  • Alabama
  • Washington (hey, they used to be good and someone needs to lose in this conference)
  • Oklahoma
  • Nebraska (nice fans)
  • Boise State (so they actually have to play someone decent during the season)
  • South Carolina (because they have a funny nickname)


June 10th, 2013 at 11:01 AM ^

Garage Sales:

  • Enough with the old, out-dated trinkets that should have been thrown away rather than put up for sale. 
  • I don't want your stanky, musty Members Only jacket.  Donate it, weirdo.
  • Apparently, most of the ladies who host sales have been brainwashed on the actual definition of HUGE.
  • I would like to buy your old tools.  I would NOT like to get home and find out they're broken, missing parts, or fried.
  • My kids are embarrassed by my sudden obsession with Craigslist "free" section


June 10th, 2013 at 11:18 AM ^

It was better...WAY better.  If somebody posted something really great or funny every single vote "counted" and your points could soar.  And conversely if you posted something really stupid or out of bounds then the masses would take care of your punishment, not the mods.  In essence the entire board acted as moderators instead of just a couple of people.  Mods still existed when somebody got waaaay out bounds (looking at you Ghost) but for the most part they were un-needed as the board collective would met out carrots or sticks without parental approval needed.



June 10th, 2013 at 11:20 AM ^


And when people can figure out if something is OT or not. Nothing is OT-ish ro semi-OT. This is 'merica, and these colors don't run, and something being Offtopic or not is black and white!

They spell out what is offtopic or not on the damn content creater. Figure the shit out, man up and choose one or the other. 

And please quit asking the Mods to take down your shitty post if it sucks. Either come with something useful to the board or dont come at all. If I were a mod, and you said "Mods remove if you think you should" I'd remove your wussy ass post just for being a teenage girl about it. This is a board in which us Michigan fans get together to share informative ideas, articles, events, etc., don't be afraid to voice your opinion. Don't be afraid to add to the community. And if you are worried that your post is useless, it probably is. Just don't post it then.


June 10th, 2013 at 11:12 AM ^

That play still blows my mind, he must have had some delusions of grandeur. That comeback would have been epic, hey it was only the best return man ever RIGHT BEHIND HIM. instead he just runs out of bounds? WTF?!?! There was a game earlier in the season that the QB hit him in the flats, probably the 3rd or 4th option, with no time left and he just trotted out of bounds. Didn't seem lie a very bright player... Oh yeah, i also dislike Germaine Crowell...


June 10th, 2013 at 11:15 AM ^

Also everybody stop writing "phased" when the correct word is "fazed," and "insure" when you mean "ensure."  You can insure your boat but you can't insure that something happens.


June 10th, 2013 at 11:21 AM ^

In a similar vein to 1484, I would also like to berate the drivers on my street, but more for what they are passing off as modern-era hot rods.

Just this last weekend, right in front of my house, some kid spun the very bald tires on his 1982 Oldsmobile 88 until one of them burst and tossed rubber shrapnel about the yard. Really? REALLY? Are your friends impressed with a dilapidated sedan?

A few streets over, there is someone with flame detailing on their Ford Focus. Flames. On A Focus. No evidence that it has been overhauled for use at the Milan Dragway or whatnot, just really racy decals for something with a 2.0 liter Ecoboost.

To the man who invented whiffle ball - thanks a lot. I now have a child who believes that his version of baseball, in which one must physically defend the plate with the bat to prevent runs from scoring, is safe and amusing. I can now only hope that his prowess translates into skill in higher levels of the game. 

To Target - just yesterday, I spent $120 on literally miscellaneous crap. The allure of your store is dulled considerably when I realize that 20% of my bill was shaving supplies. My receipt creates ennui of a scope only topped by Michigan losses and the cancellation of "Quantum Leap". 



June 10th, 2013 at 11:30 AM ^

Regarding your point about "modern era hot rods," what is the feeling from the previous generation about the new body style on the Camaro, Mustang, and Challenger? And by previous generation, I mean the folks who are old enough to remember those cars from their glory days (I'm thinking 60's/70's).


June 10th, 2013 at 1:18 PM ^

When we had the first generation muscle cars, each of the Big 3 had fresh designs and kept bringing out new designs over the years.  Hell, even the 90s had fresh designs.  Now it's all retro with no originality.  So, in topic with this thread... Hey Big 3, put your balls in the wind and come up with something new!


June 10th, 2013 at 11:31 AM ^


Indiana making the CWS is on topic

Torii Hunter Jr getting drafted is on topic

The most snakebit B1G team is on topic

The site banner is on topic



June 10th, 2013 at 12:01 PM ^

Wouldn't his drafting fall under OT rules as per the FAQ pro sports are OT? 


  • Anything Michigan sports related
  • Anything related to other Big Ten teams or upcoming opponents
  • Stuff about the blog itself
  • University of Michigan topics that don't relate to sports


  • College sports in general
  • Ann Arbor


  • Politics
  • Drew Sharp, Ace Williams, Mike Valenti. Saying stupid and/or false things about Michigan in order to get Michigan fans upset is a tried and true way to phish for clicks. Let's not feed the trolls.


  • Pro sports of any variety
  • Everything else

We will let pro sports topics slide even during football season but "everything else" posts are likely to get the axe.