Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 PrestigeWorldwide
-1.00 Detwolverine2009
2.00 webbertucky
2.00 greatlakestate
2.00 Hanlon's Razor
2.00 Davy Found
2.00 gremlin3
2.00 Jon06
2.00 mgo한국
2.00 Mark McBoneski
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Westside Wolverine
2.00 Cowboy Cody
-2.00 Cowboy Cody
2.00 Noleverine
-1.00 MartyinDayton
2.00 alum96
2.00 waittilnextyear
2.00 kjhager444
2.00 blueballsohard
2.00 truferblue22
2.00 Cowboy Cody
2.00 yoyo
2.00 fish on a hook
2.00 Oh Deer
2.00 NFG
2.00 Vote_Crisler_1937
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 tragictones
2.00 funkywolve
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
1.00 PrestigeWorldwide
2.00 Louie C
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 Monday Morning…
2.00 Engin77
2.00 MGoChicago5
1.00 PrestigeWorldwide
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
2.00 HighBeta
2.00 Ham
2.00 The Victors
2.00 remdog
2.00 cheesheadwolverine
2.00 Tex_Ind_Blue
2.00 907_UM Nanook
2.00 Njia
2.00 Mr. Elbel
2.00 mmc22