Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 oriental andrew
1.00 ItOffishul
2.00 MgoBlaze
2.00 The Geek
2.00 truferblue22
2.00 JonSnow54
2.00 MGoFoam
2.00 bluewave720
2.00 Blue Vet
2.00 MGlobules
2.00 Jack Hammer
2.00 UM85
2.00 JetFuelForBreakfast
2.00 HighBeta
2.00 Cranky Dave
2.00 BlueCE
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 BLUEinRockford
2.00 444
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
1.00 ItOffishul
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 rob f
-1.00 Bo Schemheckler
-1.00 JonnyHintz
1.00 JonnyHintz
-1.00 MaineGoBlue
-1.00 core42
-1.00 JonnyHintz
2.00 RGard
-1.00 MGoFoam
-1.00 King Tot
1.00 King Tot
2.00 ItOffishul
1.00 ItOffishul
-1.00 King Tot
-1.00 Jonesy
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
-1.00 Chalky White
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 TdK71
-1.00 TomJ
2.00 McDoomButt
2.00 MGK10
2.00 The Geek
-1.00 Don
2.00 King Tot
-1.00 mtxgoblue
2.00 The Mad Hatter