
July 30th, 2016 at 11:55 AM ^

It's funny how these coaches must have thought everyone would be so impressed with their mastery of innuendo - the ladies will LOVE it! Yet, I think even they would have recognized that a slideshow ranking the camp attendees from prettiest to ugliest would not be a good idea. Whatever you think about the innuendo fiasco, it pales in comparison to cruel, personal, public attacks. Apples and oranges IMO. Not dissing your post, just my thoughts.

Perkis-Size Me

July 30th, 2016 at 7:56 AM ^

Not a good look for Sumlin, who is already on the hot seat coming into this year. Just one more nail in his coffin.

Who in their right mind thought presenting this to a bunch of women was a good idea? Did anyone down there stop and think "hmm, the social media repercussions from this might be a tad rough"?

No wonder the North won the Civil War.

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late night BTB

July 30th, 2016 at 8:06 AM ^

If you know east Texas, this was probably hilarious to them beforehand.

On another hand, these types of seminars are total BS. Why do women need to learn how to block from college coaches. They wont be playing. Id bet majority couldnt name positions and if it were on offense or defense.

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July 30th, 2016 at 8:09 AM ^

Ass clowns like this are why it's taken so long for the US to have a female Presidential nominee.

Also, these jokes are only funny to teens and really old people.

Craptain Crunch

July 30th, 2016 at 8:46 AM ^

must have been taken at Michigan State of Ohio State because your statement makes no sense. 

But, I do know for sure that Bill Clinton will be using this power point presentation if he does become the first lady of  Animal House. 


July 30th, 2016 at 8:11 PM ^

We do have a female presidential nominee.  Her name is Dr Jill Stein.  Instead of politicizing genitalia, you should read up on her rather than muckraking -- you'll: 1.  be informed for a change and 2. learn some good stuff.

The Mad Hatter

July 30th, 2016 at 8:57 AM ^

But Jesus Christ, there's a time and a place for it. And it wasn't even funny. Just rude, demeaning, and stupid. Which I suppose is par for the course in most of Texas.


July 30th, 2016 at 9:00 AM ^

It doesn't really matter how they present this, either.  Daniel Tosh probably could have had a room full of women laughing histerically at these slides, but certainly not these two idiots.  They probably wrote them up in a fit of anger at having to present to a bunch of women and delivered it thinking nobody would get the humor.  Fuckin' idiots...

With all of the crap going on at UTenn, Baylor, etc, how in hell does anyone think this is okay?  It essentially says to female aTm fans (and female alumni) 'you are not worthy of football, so go over there and be a good little cheerleader for us, ok sweety'...


July 30th, 2016 at 9:29 AM ^

I have a thick skin towards this stuff and think many times people are just overly sensitive. However this was just ugly especially with those position tip signs. The people involved who dreamed this shit up should be terminated. DOUCHES!!!


July 30th, 2016 at 10:32 AM ^

It's more along the lines of cutting people a break and not always assuming the most negative thing possible. Life's a lot easier on everyone if you assume positive intent from the start.

This, however, was clearly intended to insult the audience and is doubly weird considering that this was supposed to be an event to reach out to people.

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July 30th, 2016 at 11:00 AM ^

No offense, but your answer seems like BS. Especially when reading sentences 1 and 2, then your 3rd sentence when you kind of disproved your own point. Making assumptions isn't necessary. Neither is "assuming the most negative thing possible". People in their position should know better. Also, intent does not excuse pure sophomoric, chauvinistic idiocy. These are adult men, why should standards be so low that anyone should need to assume positive intent? And why should the easy road be the goal? Were you serious?


July 31st, 2016 at 6:07 PM ^

I said what those coaches did was insulting and earlier in the thread I called it unbelievable stupidity.  My feelings on the matter are quite clear.

I was referring to the PC movement in general, as was the original poster when he said people tend to take being offended too far, which is what I assume you were doing as well.

I don't get to choose how offended someone is, true, and if I ever say something to cause someone offense or hurt someone, I want to know about it so I can fix it.  That said, I'd also like to see people cut other people breaks instead of taking the offense-o-tron up to 11 in pursuit of some sort of weird moral authority. 

So yeah, I was serious, about two things: what those coaches did was dumb and insulting and that in most cases(not this one) assuming positive intent is better than flying off the handle.


July 30th, 2016 at 9:55 AM ^

Man, wow! I mean wow! And these "men" are role models or at least in the position to be. And the comments on the article seem to be mostly in support of the offensive presentation. As if being empathetic towards others is a weakness and a problem. Yeesh.


July 30th, 2016 at 10:28 AM ^

The stupidity on display there is unbelievable. It's like the thing you write with your buddies in high school to produce a minor chuckle and then erase so it never sees the light of day.

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July 30th, 2016 at 11:10 AM ^

is going to be a big problem.  where is he going to find another one that would be on the same page as the OC?   the reason that guy is still employed is because he is a hard part to replace at this time of the year.  if this happened in january, they'd both be gone.  heaven forbid this happen to us, i'm 99.9% certain JH would can them on the spot, no matter the time of year. 


July 30th, 2016 at 10:40 AM ^

Did y'all see this:…

At Ohio State's clinic they used Jayln Holmes and Raekwon McMillan to demonstrate taking off a uniform. The players on stage are stripped down to their boxers by women attending the clinic. In the first video in that link Shelley Meyer (Urban's wife) says that they "usually use a cute, hot player." Later in the video, the players on stage admit that they weren't told they would be stripped to their boxers.

That seems just a tad inappropriate.

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July 30th, 2016 at 4:09 PM ^

Shelly Meyer is so creepy.  However that is not a surprise considering who she is married to.

Suppose Michigan had this type of event and put Peppers up there on display in his boxers... Personally Id be disgusted in the coaching staff for putting a college KID up there to be oogled.

Its not only not appropriate, its exploitive and goes well beyond the scope of these events which are really supposed to be fun events which are slighlty informatitive on football rules and techniques, and raise money for a charity.

Good thing Jim Harbaugh has about 1 million more cells of sense in his body than fking creepy Urban and his disgusting wife.


July 30th, 2016 at 1:43 PM ^

To have been a fly on the wall when they were putting their collective 3 brain cells together and making those slides.  There's really only one of two things that could've happened.  A.) They thought they were being hilarious and must've been picturing their audience rolling in the aisles with laughter of B.) They knew they were being condescending douches to a group that paid money to feel like a part of the program. I'm not sure which is worse reflection on them.


July 31st, 2016 at 12:18 AM ^

On the one hand, if one of my buddies while shooting pool at the bar came up with this stuff, we'd all laugh because in that environment, it's funny.


On the other hand, if my wife was at this thing and was subjected to it because some guys thought it was funny in that environment, I'd want to knock someone's teeth in.


It's all about knowing your audience and the concept of "time and place."