Minick tells a story about Hackett: lip-readers needed

Submitted by vbnautilus on

In the interest of knowing absolutely everything possible about the recent coaching search and its aftermath, it's time for us all to come together and pool our intellectual resources. We can not let inconsequential details like those contained herein to languish undiscovered.

As Bando Calrissian pointed out in the "Coach is in Pittsburgh" thread, has published a short video of the Harbaughs and Jim Minick walking into tonight's game.  In the clip, Minick appears to be telling John Harbaugh a story about something that happened in Hackett's office. 

Here is the clip in question:

I've taken the audio of the important part and cleaned up some of the background noise to make it easier to hear:

Here's an attempted transcript: 

Minick: So I'm going about meeting with Hackett, meeting with Hackett in his office, and he says, "The first thing I gotta talk to you about, I just love your <unitelligible>."  Jim says, "All you needed was three hours of <unintelligible>."

John Harbaugh: <laughter>

So, what was it that Hackett loved? Sounds like maybe his tie? Something else? What was the punch line from Jim? I have confidence we can figure this out.





January 3rd, 2015 at 9:27 PM ^

This is a little bit weird and creepy, OP. In the interest of this not becomming a 100-post thread, he says "all you need is 3 hours of sleep"


January 3rd, 2015 at 9:29 PM ^

Minick: So I'm going about meeting with Hackett, meeting with Hackett in his office, and he says, "The first thing I gotta talk to you about, I just love your pork tenderloin."  Jim says, "All you needed was three hours of marinating."


January 3rd, 2015 at 9:40 PM ^

or anyone in his family ever finds out about this blog they are gonna be so creeped out that he will bolt for the NFL...

Moonlight Graham

January 3rd, 2015 at 9:41 PM ^

was wearing an Maize and Blue jacket. So, I swore I saw Jim (not John) on the sideline when Al Michaels mentioned him, wearing a some sort of black Nike jacket ... anyone else see that clip? Or was I looking away and then back and simply caught a quick shot of John? I was about to start a Nike conspiracy thread of my own but this Bad Lip Reading episode is even better. 

Moonlight Graham

January 3rd, 2015 at 10:06 PM ^

It's not like they didn't realize that camera guy (probably adorned with multiple NFL media crew logos) was rolling ... Whatever they said, even though it wasn't fully audible they weren't covering their mouths with a play card or anything. Now if it was being secretly filmed by a fan, that's different.

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January 3rd, 2015 at 9:57 PM ^

Drive.  Yes, I like this theory. Makes a lot more sense with "all he needs is three hours of sleep" than tie.

Although, given Jim's aversion to choosing clothes, we might hold open the possibility that he thinks choosing a tie requires long hours of sleep, so I'm not calling this solved just yet. 


January 3rd, 2015 at 9:51 PM ^

This is the point where even I got creeped out by our man crush on Jim Harbaugh.  I'll admit it, I clicked on this thread hoping for another tender morsel of coaching/staff news... And the sad thing is, I'll be back here in 15 minutes to do it again. But, I'm just calling it.  Now it's just creepy.


January 3rd, 2015 at 9:56 PM ^

Someone who tweeted this pic mentioned that Harbaugh was the Oakland Raiders' QB coach in 2002 when Rich Gannon was there, which I knew but had forgotten about. I decided to look up Rich Gannon's performance that year. Turns out he recorded carrer highs in yards (4,689), completion percentage (67.6%), and QB rating (97.3). They also got the Superbowl that year but lost to Tampa Bay.

Just sayin...