META NEGBANG: 502s and Heartbreak

Submitted by OwenGoBlue on

There are two goddamn active things on the board and the hamsters are kicking it with Freddy P. Soft

Let the backend hate out of your hearts. Please for the love of God don't make it about 17/18 year olds (for the adult babies in the room). 


January 8th, 2017 at 7:19 PM ^

Whether or not they make any money on it should not factor in to your UNACCEPTABLE RAGE about how the site it run, though.  It's free and it's their business and they have business decisions to make. They don't have stockholders to be beholden to and if they fail it's on them.  But, clearly they are not failing. 

Plus, they have addressed it in the past.  In fact, I feel that either Seth or Brian addresses the site/server upgrade issues at least once a year, if not more.  It's never (well, rarely, b/c I think Brian did it once) a big front page post, so I presume a lot of people miss the comments when they're made.


January 8th, 2017 at 9:17 PM ^

Yes, we get it. Businesses held privately can run their business as they would like. That doesn't mean it is good business to do when your business is an internet business based on keeping repeat end users happy. Eventually someone like WD comes along and branches out and that business that was stubborn is then out of business.


JWG Wolverine

January 8th, 2017 at 8:57 PM ^

I wish SOMEONE (we all know who that is) can notice and respond to this post so that we can stop hving to complain about this and HE can stop having to deal with our complaining.

The sad thing is that hoping this will be seen by that man is a waste of energy.


January 8th, 2017 at 7:30 PM ^

Every time this site goes down, I cringe with the knowledge that somewhere there is a Buckeye site that works just fine.

It's hard for us to look down our noses at them when the "flagship" site of Michigan is down while all the Buckeye sites that were designed with crayons are doing just fine.


Perkis-Size Me

January 8th, 2017 at 7:31 PM ^

Hard to disagree that the site crashing heavy traffic periods is considerably annoying. I can't imagine it's that overly difficult to get an upgraded server, and the fact that it's never been addressed by Brian, Ace, or anyone is annoying as well.

But the good from this site FAR AND AWAY outweighs the bad. This site is the best site for Michigan content, bar absolutely none. The writing is superior to anything you'll find anywhere else. The content, the MGoBoard community, the fact that it's all free, you just can't beat it. This place is a legitimate community.

We should feel obligated to complain because this site is important to us, and this is how Brian makes his money, so he ought to hear from his consumers on how the product can be improved. But I'm not going to let the fact that this site crashes for a few minutes every now and again ruin my day.

We live in an imperfect world. Even if the server is upgraded, eventually we'll all find something lose to complain about. We're Michigan fans: we're not happy unless were unhappy.

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El Jeffe

January 8th, 2017 at 7:55 PM ^

Jesus what a bunch of whinging, spoiled, entitled brats. "Whaaaaaah, the completely free site that I spend a lot of my discretionary time voluntarily visiting only meets 99% of my criteria!!!!"

This is a negbang right?

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JWG Wolverine

January 8th, 2017 at 8:42 PM ^

MGoBlog crashing is one of the only examples of a Michigan tradition we can surely get rid of.

The off-season has begun. and the hamsters didn't survive.
It's time for a makeover, Brian.

You deserve better, the rest of your front page crew deserves better, we as users deserve better, and most of all, the best blog ever deserves better.


January 8th, 2017 at 8:56 PM ^

But aren't the "two goddamn active things" directly linked to 17/18 year old kids? And isn't that what's driving the hamsters to an early death?

My beef is finishing a long post and ZAP! it's lost. (Waiting an extra 15 minutes to get information that isn't going to even remotely impact my day for 1-2 years isn't an issue.)

IMHO, the F5 brigade is part of the problem. I checked back every 30 minutes to see of Big Chuck said Go Blue! No doubt there were some hitting F5 (figuratively) from noon until after 2 pm!

Doctor Wolverine

January 8th, 2017 at 8:56 PM ^

Since we're neg banging...the app needs to be improved too. Definitely not optimized. I'll also admit that when there is big news, I go elsewhere since this site is often crashed. Now to be fair, I still check back here when things cool down for the solid content you get.