Harbaugh Playing Drums at Springsteen Concert

Submitted by BursleyHall82 on

Numerous reports on Twitter that Harbaugh is on stage playing drums at the Bruce Springsteen concert (before Bruce has taken the stage).


April 14th, 2016 at 7:28 PM ^

If true, this guy just gets to do it all. Look at all the attention he is getting not only for himself but for the University of Michigan. Always in the news, always in the limelight. It's no wonder the SEC and many other coaches don't like him. They're jealous they aren't him and don't do all the cool things that he does.

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M Go Dead

April 14th, 2016 at 8:47 PM ^

If anyone can hide having a twin brother and lead an incredibly high profile life, it would be Jim 1 and Jim 2 Harbaugh. They coukd possibly even do triplets. His parents may not even know, they concocted this scheme up in the womb.


April 14th, 2016 at 7:44 PM ^

This is the long game that Harbaugh plays. He wants to be the next Most Interesting Man in the World, and figures he needs to start building his resume now.


April 14th, 2016 at 9:06 PM ^

Witness the difference between going out and earning respect and cred and...whining about "we are so dizerspechted!"

Also expect that the SEC and ACC will file complaints with the NCAA tomorrow, primarily about protecting the right of coaches to get to bed at a nice, early hour.