MGoShirt Alert - Day 4

Submitted by Six Zero on


This is the fourth entry of the 2009 MGoShirt Alert , a design project that will enable MgoBlog readers to vote for upcoming designs in the brand spankin’ new MGoBlogStore.  To reach the store, click here.  To read more about exactly what MGoShirt Alert is and will be about, click here.


Alright, enough of you guys already-- take your big fat Charlie Weis shirt and be happy!  So yesterday's shirt, clearly not a hit.  No problem-- I take criticism well and you can all rest better knowing that I didn't go home and cut off my ear last night and send it off in a box.  (Speaking of which, Brodie-- keep an eye on your mailbox j/k).  Honestly, everyone's got the right to say what they feel around here, and I'm cool with that.  I did switch up my running order today, because it just felt like something on the lighter side was in order.  So maybe I'll run today's original shirt tomorrow, haven't decided yet.

So, time to vote!  What do you guys think? free polls
What do you think of MgoShirt #4?
Five Stars Four Stars Three Stars Two Stars One Star   

***** Five Stars:  Charlie Weis-- 734 lbs. GET IN MY BELLY!
**** Four Stars:   No, he can't weigh more than 650...
*** Three Stars:  Are you kidding me?  Half a ton, no more.
** Two Stars:  Leave him alone, he's a svelt 425!
* One Star:  Actually, he's a comparable to my own 300 lbs.

I've also tried to keep all shirts as a single side tee, just to keep costs down.  There are some two-sided shirts in the mix, including tomorrow's, but as I said, most of the shirts will be one front image, maize ink on a blue background.  If there was a back side to today's shirt, I'd probably just have it say "SHUT UP YOU BIG FAT IRISH SLOB."

One of the things that keeps coming up is the idea of "MGoBlog" listed somewhere on the shirt.  The big reservation here is that Brian has pretty much his entire life invested in this site, and although he hasn't personally said it, the potential fear is that of one of us goons might drag his blog's good name through the mud after one too many cases of beer and/or a run-in with a.) hardcore drugs, b.) various farm animals, or c.) a damn Buckeye co-ed fatter than Weis.  BUT I will say that yes, an MGoBlog shirt is among my designs.  As is Tacopants.  And Barwis.  Twice.

So enough is your votes, ladies and gentlemen, and feel free to love to hate below!  See you tomorrow for another exciting round of – MGoShirt Alert!!



August 13th, 2009 at 9:52 AM ^

He is fat, but so is half of America. Also, this is a Michigan shirt, do we need to make fun of the Irish? I like the "Returning to Glory since 1993" more. Plus, the shirt might soon be irrelevant if he gets axed. Good effort though!


August 13th, 2009 at 10:04 AM ^

I love the design! Concerns that the shirt might be a waste joke soon are silly. T-shirts are like... $15 bucks. You buy four or five a year probably, at least. Good deal! I'll give it a 4. It's very board centric.


August 13th, 2009 at 10:07 AM ^

why hasn't Brian's Facebook picture been turned into a 60 design yet? that would be wearable for hockey AND football (the nasty Irish lord of the rings shirt, not, you know, a picture of brian)

A tree

August 13th, 2009 at 10:16 AM ^

America is a fat country but im cool with the fact that I may alienate fat people I know if I wear this. Saying "irish slob" without any explicit iND imagery may be misconstrued as an ethnic insult so its good you kept it out. Overall a big improvement from day 2 and 3.

Cornelius Buttcheeks

August 13th, 2009 at 10:20 AM ^

I don't want to be rude; I respect the time and effort required by Six Zero to come up with all of these designs. But I just can't escape the fact that I hate all of these shirts. I think they're ugly and have little to do with the University of Michigan or the mgoblog community. Just epinion.


August 13th, 2009 at 10:39 AM ^

I agree that all the shirts so far have pretty much sucked (and I'm sorry that I have to say that out loud, Six Zero, but there you go). But I doubt that creative products are concocted right from the start. We must go through many iterations of crappy ideas before we hit on the winner, I guess. As much as it might pain Six Zero, it might be helpful to describe what about these shirts you don't like. For me, it's the non-traditional/overjazzed graphics and fonts and shit, combined with very 'meh' humor and content. Tone down the graphics, and jack up the humor, plzthx.


August 13th, 2009 at 1:40 PM ^

Yea, Six Zero, clearly you're very talented and have an eye for design..but I haven't been blown away yet either... I myself prefer a more subtle/traditional style of tshirt...I don't think I'd wear any of these...I get the humor and its okay but I don't wear "loud" or "cartoonesque" shirts...these all seem to be that.


August 13th, 2009 at 10:35 AM ^

I genuinely appreciate the time and effort that SixZero has put into these designs, but I think that for this to be a meaningful "contest" it needs to be an open competition...IMHO SixZero is missing the point of an "MGoBlog" shirt...and this design...I would be embarased to wear it...there is just too much potential to offend for the wrong reasons. Ideas that seem to be resonating in the comment threads: +1, Up/Down Arrow grouping My Fake 40 Time: 4.33 OMG Shirtless Tacopants If I were to see one of these on a T-Shirt, I would likely introduce myself as a fellow MGoBlogger...even better would be if you could personalize them with your loggin name...wouldn't that be fun...


August 13th, 2009 at 10:55 AM ^ sister-in-law struggles with her weight...its just not that funny to pick on someone for being fat...whereas... OMG Shirtless! Who does that offend? Its and MGoBlog insider thing plain and simple...others likely won't even get it...that is the point of an MGoBlog shirt... Why the hell would I not want my loggin name on the shirt...unless I comment in a way that I would never speak to people in real life...which I don't I am all good...


August 13th, 2009 at 11:25 AM ^

Yeah I realize that this design in particular might not sit well everyone, but the Charlie Weis Is Fat meme has always been a part of the MGoBlog community. Remember when ShockFX made that Thanksgiving flash game about Charlie Weis's cholesterol? That was brilliant and hilarious. I would say that kind of thing is more snarky than offensive, and maybe that goes for mgoblog as a whole. Siz Zero has been putting a lot of work into making designs for us, and even if you might not dig some of them, I think saying explicitly you'd be embarrassed to wear them might be a little harsh. If you would rather create your own t-shirt, there are a lot of options through a quick Google search. Also, about the whole login-name-on-shirt thing: when I was like 14, I put my Xbox Live gamertag on the back of my soccer sweatshirt. It was cool for a few seconds, and then I was immediately embarrassed. Luckily my gamertag wasn't TitSucka6969 or anything, but it did show me that screennames should be kept to the Internet.


August 13th, 2009 at 10:40 AM ^

To Six Zero: I have really enjoyed all of your designs. I think they're awesome, but I also think they're best enjoyed on this board or posted on various Michigan websites or on Facebook pictures or something. If I wore that in public, a) I think a lot of people would get confused and b) I think Notre Dame fans would think I'm an asshole. I think opposing fans/players/coaches should hate us not only for being better than them at football (hopefully that happens soon), but also for our sportsmanship.


August 13th, 2009 at 1:19 PM ^

Not only are you a complete assface to sixzero but also can't comprehend the use of the reply button. Sorry, not usually a stickler about it but your other comment just really pissed me off. Sixzero has put in a lot of time and effort into this and you just go and be a schmuck about it.


August 13th, 2009 at 1:47 PM ^

My post was supposed to be more focused on standing up for a fellow community member who is contributing to the blog rather than coining new insults. Regardless, I'll take your criticism to mind and raise my name calling to a new level. (jk jk)


August 13th, 2009 at 10:47 AM ^

I am a larger fella and I am wondering if I were to wear this shirt would the fat Charlie Weis on the front make me look skinnier? Anyway not bad but like others have said it will only be good to wear once a year when the ND game comes around.

Will Trade Sou…

August 13th, 2009 at 11:16 AM ^

Six Zero - mgoblog inside jokes are all well and good, but I would be more interested in a sweet Michigan shirt than just a graphic representation of a catch-phrase from my favorite blog. Off the top of my head: something like you-know-who doing the Heisman pose? Or a Michigan player doing the Heisman pose with no number or name and a tag line like "Who's got next?" I am pumped to see some Barwis shirts, but don't be afraid to invoke some old school Michigan icons, too.


August 13th, 2009 at 11:42 AM ^

I would definitely buy and wear this shirt. I could care less if Notre Dame fans think I'm an asshole. However, why just blue shirts? I think I'd rather wear a maize shirt on gameday.