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Pull the string on a person with a dumb idea about Rich Rodriguez's job security and you will hear a variety of talking points parroted back to you, perhaps the dumbest of which is that Rodriguez "doesn't fit in" with the old bluehairs that secretly run the athletic department and probably the world. Rodriguez will fit in just fine as long as he wins, thanks much.

90% of the stuff used to put forth this viewpoint is silly at best. For example, someone not named Rodriguez assigned freshman cornerback JT Floyd the #1, which had just been endowed by Braylon Edwards for a non-freshman receiver who had earned the number. Braylon chose to mention this in a newspaper article instead of over the phone, an infinitesimal scandal transpired, and Floyd was given a different number. BFD unless you're a person with a dumb idea about Rich Rodriguez, in which case it must be mentioned in every one of your articles for the Bleacher Report or Detroit Free Press. The only changes Rodriguez has made to Michigan's traditions have been to add Team Walks To The Stadium and Hype Video to the pregame dossier, which fine. Hype Video is a huge missed opportunity to have three seniors say "the team, the team, the team" instead of "I am Michigan" but it's okay.

This, however, would suck:

“I think nowadays when people are coming to games they want entertainment,” Rodriguez said. “Obviously playing good football’s the best form of entertainment, but what else are you doing to get the crowd into the game and have it be a part of the game as opposed to just being there?”

Rodriguez said fans won’t see many noticeable changes this year.

“It’s a process,” he said. “It’s not going to happen overnight.”

But in the works are things like making “the band and the students and some music” more a part of the gameday experience.

The band and some music? Does the band not play music? If you prick them, do they not play "Let's Go Blue"? This addendum can only mean one thing:

In a word: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I've railed against this at literally every opportunity provided by the words coming out of Rodriguez's mouth or, horror, the RAWK MUSIK coming out of the speakers before the fourth quarter. So allow myself to quote myself:

…One of the most powerful things that forges a fan community is the shared culture that naturally arises when you can say things like "one second left against Penn State" and know that the person you're talking to is thinking and feeling the exact same thing you are. It sets the group apart. This apart-ness is fundamental to the passion sports fans experience: it's us and them, and the more us our us is and the more them their them is, the more important the thing beneath us seems.

Michigan has a lot of culture. That, fundamentally, is its main asset. From that culture flows the passion, and from that passion flows the money. Part of that culture is a public address announcer who embodies neutral gravitas. Part of it is the lack of advertising in the stadium. And part of that is the way the game is presented inside the stadium, with no "NoISe!!!" signs or plastic chariots or electromagic Spartys with frickin' eye lasers.

I like it like that. I like my church with incense and deceased Jesus, my Christmas carols by Bing Crosby, and my Michigan Stadium without frickin' eye lasers.

This was in March. He keeps talking about it. This aggression will not stand. Could someone call up Braylon so he can talk about it in the newspaper?

I have been to places, yes I have. And I can tell you that everywhere I go the blaring of extremely bad music at extreme levels of volume does nothing to pump up the crowd. Case in point: Joe Louis Arena, home to extremely loud, extremely bad music at every stoppage in play. Also home to perhaps the worst crowd in the NHL. Contrast: Yost Ice Arena, where the only sounds are from the band and the PA announcer. Yost has about the best crowd in sports, adjusted for size. I've been to Auburn and Michigan State and Penn State and Illinois and Ohio State and Northwestern and there is a direct correlation between piped-in music and crappy, chintzy game experience. There is none between it and a fired-up, intimidating crowd.

So, hey, relevant. The Michigan Marching Band is looking for a new thing to play between the third and fourth quarters and is looking for suggestions, if you're interested. I'm thinking of putting together a poll once the thread runs its course with the things that seem to make the most sense, so get your good suggestions in now. My obvious suggestion: Hawaiian War Chant, which has been overlooked far too long.

Except. There is one thing I'd like to see change as far as music at Michigan Stadium goes: turn the band up to 11. At certain spots in the stands, especially the far corner on the pressbox side, the band is nearly inaudible. Mic them up and make sure the entire stadium can hear it.



July 30th, 2009 at 1:33 PM ^

I suggested this in the other thread, but folks didn't really like the idea. I think there are enough smart people who work for UM / the AD to make this work in a way that isn't cheesy. Of COURSE, I prefer to hear them without amplification, but I do believe that turning it up could make a big difference.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:34 PM ^

maybe they'll do it like Minor League batting where before Zoltan goes up to punt they'll play Kenny Loggins' Danger Zone. and when forcier throws a pick six, just put the eject scene where Goose dies. grown men will weep and there will be gnashing of the teeth... you better believe there won't be more INTs after that.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:36 PM ^

I wrote the band director last season and complained that I couldn't hear the band in Section 21. He wrote me back and was very nice but said that NCAA rules prohibit any kind of amplification of the band. I think that the completion of the new boxes will help reflect the band back to those of us sitting in the old folks sections.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:50 PM ^

It would help a lot if said band director would let the band turn it up to 11. The band CAN be loud; anyone remember Bohemian Rhapsody from a few years ago? Right now, they're trying to change the band's focus and make it more musical, as opposed to entertaining. If you want more damn sound, write an email to the director (Boerma) or the director of bands at the school of music (Haithcock) and maybe they'll let the band cut loose a little bit.


July 30th, 2009 at 3:05 PM ^

They just created those custom stands to move the band to where they are a few years ago. The real pain of this is that you can't well put them down on the field and sell / fill those seats like they used to...


July 30th, 2009 at 3:42 PM ^

yes, but everyone would like to hear the band, what are you going to do, put the band on a gigantic lazy susan that slowly turns? They are a MARCHING Band aren't they? Why don't they just . . . march around through the stadium? If they NEVER stop moving, there will be even more seats to sell.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:28 PM ^

Given that, it's my earned right to state that today's MMB doesn't actually march any more, so you'd think they'd be better able to find their mouthpieces and fill their horns with sound. Yes, this is the same complaint that old band alumni had for MMB when I was marching. It's tradition. But this time we mean it. You can't both stop marching AND stop being loud. We used to scoff when folks would want to make MMB "more musical." That's what Campus Band is for.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:32 PM ^

Ditto, same situation here - my last year in band was the last year with Jamie Nix as director. The first game I went back in A2 the following fall (Boerma's first year), I went to check out the band. First observation: they were much quieter. Second observation: they were doing a freaking Cirque du Soleil show. I threw up in my mouth a little bit.


July 30th, 2009 at 3:45 PM ^

A million times yes. My first season as an alum was with Nix still at the helm so I can compare it directly to Boerma's first year the following season. MORE DAMN SOUND!!! That is a true MMB & Michigan tradition, he needs to bring it back but I am not sure that is going to happen as you can't teach an old dog new tricks.


July 30th, 2009 at 5:22 PM ^

Have they turned into a damn drum and bugle corp or something? No more marching? Not even in pregame playing Hail? Bastards. That was alway cool, running down the tunnel for like 5 minutes, marching 7 minutes straight and trying not to die on the spot then play the national anthem.... Ah, I remember it like it was 15 years ago..... It was the reason I lost 25 pounds when I started college. And I was skinny to begin with.

Bando Calrissian

July 30th, 2009 at 11:35 PM ^

I'm sure he was nice, but this is totally his fault. The MMB got noticeably quieter between 2006 and 2007, and I can tell you exactly why that happened. I was there. We were told not to play loud, lest the dynamic contrast and musical expression of Let's Go Blue be compromised. Yeah, no. In the words of Bob Dylan onstage at Manchester Free Trade Hall in 1966, "Play $%^#in' loud!"


July 30th, 2009 at 1:37 PM ^

Brian, I hate you for making me listen to 5 seconds of Saliva. That's five seconds I'll never get back. Miking up the band is something that needs to happen, at least eventually, but I imagine it will be a nightmare for the sound engineers and acousticians trying to sort out how to properly go about doing so in the environment that is Michigan Stadium. Either way, the band is not loud enough at games, and it's a shame, because they are arguably one of the best marching bands (if not the best) in D-1. And, no, you can't just PLAY LOUDER because it would destroy that dynamic. Get some audio engineers in here, stat.

STW P. Brabbs

July 30th, 2009 at 4:36 PM ^

I really do. But how the hell can you tell they're one of the best in D-1, since you can't, you know, hear 50% of the notes they play? It probably sounds absolutely gorgeous to the band director standing on the field. But the band ain't there to give the director a big harmonious hard-on. It should be there for the fans. Play. Louder.


July 31st, 2009 at 8:33 PM ^

Again, it's not that simple. You can't just PLAY LOUDER and not have it destroy the dynamic of the band -- that's not how acoustic instruments work. Nevermind that you would probably have to replace the entire woodwind section with more brass, etc.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:37 PM ^

We need to increase the volume of the fans. It's ok to get up and cheer for team. I mean if your on this blog you gotta care about the team and if we as fans can do something like stand up and cheer or yell then we should. Oh and night games too!!!

Sgt. Wolverine

July 30th, 2009 at 1:39 PM ^

I think they should suspend a giant disco ball over the middle of the field and light it up on third downs. Then the transformation from "Michigan football game" to "obnoxious wedding reception" would be complete.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:45 PM ^

I have no problem with bringing in some music as long as it is done Tastefully and with Class. Knowing the Michigan Football game day experience like I do...I do not doubt for one second that if it is done, it will be done with Taste and Class. The head banging video clip is funny...but really do you expect that type of music with fog and running out from the mouth of a big inflated Wolverine? I just dont see it to that extreme. A little modernization couldnt hurt things at the old stadium though...


July 30th, 2009 at 2:38 PM ^

whether it is possible to do the music thing "Tastefully and with Class." Brian asserts that based on what has been seen... it is unlikely, and best to err on the side of caution on this particular front (but not all fronts in trying to better the atmosphere). You disagree, which, okay, but I would personally side with Brian on this one.


July 30th, 2009 at 3:42 PM ^

At the Joe or Palace, or really any other venue, the music screams "we can't have one single second without loud music or people won't pay attention--GET EXCITED!" It's awful and insults any real fan. I would hate even a little of it to come to our stadium, because once it's in, the slope gets slippery real fast.

STW P. Brabbs

July 30th, 2009 at 4:40 PM ^

and another -.5 for Inappropriate Capitalization. There's no inherent value in 'modernization,' especially when the lack thereof sets the program apart. And the music would be RAWK, if it's being implemented to create [artificial] energy. I don't think Modest Mouse is coming through those speakers.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:45 PM ^

Although I'm a bit more sanguine to the idea of some music in the stadium than most, I do sympathize with the absolutists in their desire to maintain our distinctive culture. If we get Saliva or We Will Rock You or anything from Andrew W.K., Thar Be Major Suck, so let's never put anything in at all. That being said, if we could be assured that it would be different music that was either distinctively off-kilter or eccentric, I would hope that could be a better compromise between the Rodriguezite modernists and the Yostraelis. For example, the fact that the raucous Liverpool fans, many without all their teeth or brain cells, tearfully belt out "You'll Never Walk Alone", a song from goddamned Carousel, is delightful. It also has to be said that if we start piping in pump-up videos during a game (a move I do not support btw), we will beat the everliving shit out of MSU's increasingly dated "This is Sparta!" crap: Maybe we can get C. Thomas Howell to come out a la Patrick Stewart and direct MMB.

STW P. Brabbs

July 30th, 2009 at 5:00 PM ^

You're aware, of course, that Liverpool supporters sing without any recorded music playing, and that the whole freaking stadium sings at once, right? It's cool because, despite being a weirdo choice for soccer fans to begin singing in the first place, it requires massive fan coordination, and not some DJ pushing play from the bowels of the stadium. It is a far fucking sight different than any kind of piped-in music, no matter how good the song. If you want an EPL analog, piped-in music = Chelsea fans being handed plastic flags at the gate. EDIT: To be fair, from what I understand Anfield is pretty much the platonic ideal of stadium atmosphere, so we might be setting the bar a bit high there. Those fans actually do unheard-of things like cheer loudly when the team is playing poorly to lift the atmosphere. Of course, as much as we think we care about Michigan football, they care much, much more about Liverpool FC. It's actually rather insane. For those who pay any attention to EPL news (context is everything), here's a suggested new chant I've seen for the opener at Anfield. Stevie G's from Huyton Stevie G's a Red Let him pick his music Or he'll punch your fookin head


July 30th, 2009 at 6:31 PM ^

YNWA is sung along with piped in music, actually... Before the game for sure. Usually at the end of the match, it is done spontaneously, win or lose, without the recording... but, there are exceptions (which are excellent)... A fellow Red here, so I know of which I speak. Also, note how the announcers on TV know to shut up and let the moment play itself-- something American TV announcers could learn a great deal from. Anyway, I agree it is magic, but I think the traditions are different; I sing The Victors with the marching band with passion, but American football is not a game, like soccer, that lends itself to singing like that. Timeouts, TV time outs, two minute warnings, video review, the play clock, moving the chains, downs, etc etc, all cut away from the flow of American football-- it is hard. Example, when you go crazy after huge run to the one yard line, and you're all pumped up, a video review is requested, after that time out is called to set up a play, they stuff the run, time out again, run again, stopped, two minute warning, run for a touchdown-- the momentum is just sucked away. You are not on the same pins and needles as you are in a 1-0 soccer match where every touch of the ball could be disasterous or life-alteringly great.

Elno Lewis

July 30th, 2009 at 1:50 PM ^

You old foggies just don't appreciate the new stuff. Sports itself is just not good enough any more. We need more bang for our entertainment dollar. I work hard for my money and I would like some added value. I think live bands would be better than piped in music. AC/DC at one end of the field and Prince at the other end. I have to agree about the eye lasers, unless we really do have night games--and then, oh yeah. Have at least six eye lasers. And, why can't Zolton wear the number 1? Its just a number! Oh, and have any of you seen those Flint Wolverines with the flaming winged helmets? Now that is hot. We could have those in no time.


July 30th, 2009 at 1:51 PM ^

The worst part of piped in game day music, and I've seen it countless times, is that they get some jackass who has NO clue about football whatsoever to DJ it. If we're all yelling about whatever during some relatively unimportant 2nd quarter drive and you want to play some AC/DC in the background, fine. It will just blend in with the yelling. But you occasionally go to a game where they pipe in background music, and the jackhole DJing the thing has NO idea that when you have the ball on a critical late 4th quarter drive and you need a score, it's the time to be absolutely dead, pin drop silent. If you can't hear the QB shouting the play call in the top row, it's too loud. If you can't hear one of the defensive linemen fart in fear, it's too loud. I can't tell you how many times the bucknugget running the music thought that was the perfect time to start blaring Monster Magnet.

big gay heart

July 30th, 2009 at 1:57 PM ^

...can fuck right off for all I care. When are they going to bite the pillow and finally add a skin flute section? Marching band music fucking sucks. You bet your ass I'd love to hear some IRON FUCKING MAIDEN piped over the loud speakers at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

big gay heart

July 30th, 2009 at 2:02 PM ^

I'm serious. Watching/listening to this shit does absolutely nothing for me. The MMB plays one cool song. The rest suck. We live in a world of awesome music. I want to hear that. Not the Hawaiian War Chant. And, the ridiculous nerd defense of the MB irritates me. You weigh 110 lbs and your only tangible skill-set is blowing on a fucking piccolo. Take a hike.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:31 PM ^

He's right. There is nothing more boring than marching band music and nothing more annoying than MMB members who act like they're part of the team. "We've got a hard game next week"... shut the fuck up, there is no game for you.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:51 PM ^

those deafening USC crowds sure do help them and the 35 people that went to Miami games in the 90s were terrifying the six dozen that show up for Marlins games have really held that franchise back the "quietest 110,000 in america" have definitely held michigan back you pretty much can win with or without a crowd to support you