Explain Sparty hate to a puzzled outsider

Submitted by MonkeyMan on

First off- I come in peace

Second, I come in peace (in case you missed the first sentence)


I have lived in Columbus Ohio all my life since 1959. I heard "Go Bucks!" more often than "Good Morning!" (BTW we did have mornings there). So I sort of became a UM fan out of rebellion. I "get" the OSU vs UM hate- both teams have been dominant a long time and knocked each other out of fun stuff a lot.

I do not have as good a sense for what goes on inside Michigan (the State). I sense, from reading these boards, that most of you guys may actually hate MSU more than OSU (I scientifically counted things like "Fuck Sparty!"). I understand CFB state rivalry, but not this one so much. 

There are reasons this dislike should NOT be so intense:

1. UM has owned Sparty forever in terms of wins and losses- despite recent losses

2. I would assume there are many more UM fans in the State of Michigan than Sparty fans due to MSU's long track record of mediocrity- so you should outnumber Sparty fans quite a bit and feel like neighbors/coworkers are on your side

3. MSU has a high percentage of players who are from Michigan and that should give anybody from Michigan a sense of satisfaction when they achieve


So what is it? Is it the recent losses only? Was it this intense 15 years ago? Is it the coach? Would a nice guy coach end this dislike? Is it the fans? Are they really different than other fans? Does the fact that ANY team from Michigan is in the playoffs mean nothing?

I believe JH will have us back in the playoffs sooner than later and don't really think about MSU much. So, as an outsider to the state of Michigan, I am curious as to what has happened to make this hate so intense. I understand OSU vs. UM but don't understand why MSU angers so many more given the 3 items I outlined above. What am I missing as an outsider to the state?

thanks ( and I promise not to bring the subject up again)

Go Blue!


December 6th, 2015 at 11:28 AM ^

Act like little brothers. Their team may very well not be the "little brother" anymore, but you wouldn't know that by the way they act. They are insufferable assholes who spend all day talking nothing but shit about you but the second somebody from a different fanbase comes along they act like the innocent sweetheart and that we are the devil. I despise them more than I despise the Buckeye fans now a days. And that gap is pretty significant.

I Love Lamp

December 6th, 2015 at 12:33 PM ^

"They are insufferable assholes who spend all day talking nothing but shit about you but the second somebody from a different fan base comes along they act like the innocent sweetheart and that we are the devil." Holy shit this. Furthermore, both the local and national media fall all over them and I never can understand how they don't see through their bullshit.


December 6th, 2015 at 11:28 AM ^

Michigan fans need to tighten it up in this regard. Its annoying that Sparty made the playoffs this year, but thats all. Our season was a ton of fun and the future is bright. Its easier to say this living out of state, but Sparty is not a big deal, and frankly them being good adds spice to the season.

The constant "fuck sparty" posts on this board are 1) beneath the board in terms of style 2) little brothery.



December 6th, 2015 at 11:36 AM ^

Basically the Spartans had a glorious past - in the 1950s with Duffy Daugherty they were national champions and championship contenders. They played in one of the first of many "game of the century" when an undefeated MSU played an undefeated Notre Dame (led by Ara Parseghian) to a 10-10 tie.

Michigan was mired in a decade long period of average to below average teams.

Then Bo arrived and it ushered in a multidecade period of great football 1969-2007 (end of the Lloyd Carr era) - characterized by good to great defenses, power running, smart quarterbacking and increasingly great receivers.

The Spartans during this time had an occasional good team but never could figure out what to do and foundered - until Dantonio arrived. He arrived just at a time when Michigan decided to abandon what had worked so well and go in a new direction. I won't go into this and even a quick search can fill you in.

Dantonio unlike previous coaching hires built his team around defense (a stifling punishing defense), power running and passed enough to win. He proved himself to be tricky (fake field goals and punts) and now after beating Meyer and OSU in Columbus with a team that is inferior in talent, arguably (Harbaugh is only in his first year) the reigning best coach in the Big Ten.

So that is the background in a nutshell.

Many people seriously dislike the Spartans because they are what we were!

Great defense. Power running. Smart accurate passing. Trickiness when needed but tough. ARRRGH. We hate them because they have become us and like the changeling in old folklore and myth they have taken over our rightful place in the world.

There is also the usual socio-economic aspects of who goes to which school etc. But that is now increaesingly meanlingless when merely going to university is no longer a ticket to a middle class life.

Go Blue! I hope I can say the same of Harbaugh in the coming season, that he is the reigning best coach in the Big Ten.


December 6th, 2015 at 11:35 AM ^

I hate losing to Sparty so much more than OSU because I never stop hearing about it. I've been hearing about their wins since I was in high school- after I got into U of M and the other kids didn't (read: Spartys). Their inferiority complex forces them to overcompensate when they win.

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December 6th, 2015 at 11:40 AM ^

The reason is number 3, while there have always been a huge number of Michigan fans who are fine with cheering for Michigan State out of state pride, Michigan State's fan base derives more pleasure from Michigan losing than their own team winning... they spend a lot of time on sports radio stations talking about how long it will take for them to eclipse Michigan in popularity amongst young kids, etc. It is not a rivalry built on any kind of mutual respect, there is nothing but childish envy and seething hatred. Honestly, I'd rather beat Ohio State more but Ohio State being successful doesn't upset me. Michigan State being successful now bothers me more than anything else in sports.


December 6th, 2015 at 11:42 AM ^

I have many good friends and colleagues that attended school at MSU but the majority of their fan base is bandwagon, classless, and arrogant. The players act like pricks any chance they get and are known for taunting other teams fan bases at stadiums. The MSU program doesn't show any respect to anyone else and then wonders why no one respects them.

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December 6th, 2015 at 11:46 AM ^

I see their fans everyday and it's nauseating. They are like new rich people, don't know how to act. It's a way more personal rivalry for me because of their fans everywhere. Their actual team? I have a ton of respect for their players and even their coach. They have built a powerhouse from the ground up and that is not easy. But screw their fans, these holidays are going to suck because of their fans.


December 6th, 2015 at 11:51 AM ^

I got into an argument with a State fan once because he said Dantonio is better than Bo ever was due to more 11-win seasons and top 10 finishes.  Then I slowly have to explain to him that they only had 11-game seasons up until the 90s and Bo finished in the top 10 for 10 straight seasons and 16 times total out of 22 seasons.  They just think Dantonio is the greatest coach that has ever lived.

LSA Superstar

December 6th, 2015 at 11:58 AM ^

It's this:

"Michigan people" have always been told they were the best.  "Michigan State people" have always been told they were second best.

So when Michigan beats Michigan State, Michigan people feel relieved.  "Thank God I didn't lose to THEM."  Michigan State people feel embittered and resigned.  "Oh those arrogant Michigan fans - they win every time!"

When Michigan State beats Michigan, Michigan people feel ashamed.  "I can't believe we lost to THEM!"  Michigan State people feel vindicated.  "WHO'S LITTLE BROTHER NOW!!!"

So, to a Michigan fan, a game against Michigan State risks shame and offers only relief.  To a Michigan State fan, a game against Michigan offers pride and risks only an opportunity to stew over a revision to an unfair "natural order."

Of course, it's all about expectations.


December 6th, 2015 at 12:00 PM ^

MSU is a douchebag nation led by a douchebag coach. That whole program, top to bottom, reeks of douche. There are many other, far more successful programs than MSU, that carry themselves without their level of douchiness. MSU just won the B1G championship yet something tells me Michigan football will be the most important topic on RCMB today.


December 6th, 2015 at 12:31 PM ^

Exactly. And they can talk about how "obsessed" we're acting now, and some are. But I live in the Lansing area and follow local media. I remember how apeshit their fans were going over Michigan basketball's run in March, 2013. I remember hearing about the "Go Louisville" party that Rick's had the night of the National Championship game. If they want to act like we're somehow different now, let them. They've always looked like idiots who lack self-awareness, and that will only continue. 


December 6th, 2015 at 12:04 PM ^

The inferiority complex in its fans is just cute. I hate MSU because Dantonio lets his players commit crimes (often violent) and barely punishes them. He runs a trash program. Here's a sample.





In addition, I can't stand Connor Cook. He's a punk, mocked our student section after their "win" and did the same to OSU.

Here's a sample,

All in all, they're a trash program with insecure or bandwagon fans. It's fucking annoying to see them do so well and act so poorly.


December 6th, 2015 at 12:07 PM ^

I was at the Library of Michigan, as in the library for the State of Michigan, doing some geneology research recently. Noticed a whole bunch of Red Wings colors and logos out of the corner of my eye and stumbled onto their section covering sports in the state. When I got to college football, there were several dozen U of M-related titles. Made me wish I had all day to sit and read.

Had two MSU titles. Both were by the same guy, and both were about how Michigan allegedly moved heaven and Earth to try to keep State out of the Big Ten.

There's a great start for this question, right there.  


December 6th, 2015 at 12:06 PM ^

Growing up in michigan, you simply have to deal with them way more than osu fans. And I'm sure all of us have at least a few sparties that have infiltrated our families. So familiarity breeds contempt.
More important than that is the attitude with which their fan base (and frankly both their bball and football) operates with. They are going through their best stretch of football in 60 years, yet they still frame all of their success relative to michigan. To me, it seems like they enjoy Michigan losses more than their own wins. It's amazing how many texts messages/Facebook posts I see from sparties when Michigan loses to non-msu teams. They just do not know how to handle success and it frustrates me to no end that they continue to win games they way they do, when their inferiority complex driven fan base simply doesn't deserve it.

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December 6th, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

He came from a corrupt tOSU program and made a very sudden change at his new school.  Yes, some of that is coaching, but there have been many rumblings about "better play through chemistry"  We are in an era where it pays to cheat...


December 6th, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

degrees for 5 national championships. State fans don't get that, instead they seem to believe that any success is evidence of their superiority. All I know is that my diplomas have served me better than flashing a football record at an interview.


December 6th, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

Most of it has to do with proximity.  Any time you have to sit next to opposing fans every day at work or at the dinner table the stakes and emotions go up a notch.  The rivalry is hot right now because of how good State has been and how unbearable they have been about it.  Dantonio is like Phil Leotardo from Sopranos, everything is some kind of slight or disrespect.  Maybe once it was good motivation for a team that has long been down but at this point its just an uncomfortable inferiority complex.

All that said, Ohio State is always the primary rival and its not close.


December 6th, 2015 at 12:22 PM ^

I'll find the post again but a State News sports editor once listed App State beating M as his best Spartan sports memory from his time at the student paper.

That sums up their mentality.

Add to that the preening and boasting and general lack of humility and class, and there's a disdain. I do not hate Sparty but am more annoyed with their fans due to the attitude.

Interestingly at least where I live the M and S fans act very differently. Michigan fans are known by wearing maize&blue on game days. Spartan fans are known by wearing green&white the day AFTER wins.

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December 6th, 2015 at 1:53 PM ^

I saw more people with M gear on yesterday than Sparty gear. They had a big ten title game and we had the huge Houston baptist bball game. In SW Michigan there's a pretty equal M v MSU fan contingent outside the domers.

Have only been to church today but I guarantee it'll be Spartan Monday. Haha

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December 6th, 2015 at 12:26 PM ^

Ironic and unfortunate that many people point to Sparty's inferiority complex as an excuse to say insecure things about them.  I was pissed when some Sparty fans were taunting as I was leaving the stadium after the MSU game this year, particularly those who were headed towards the stadium that didn't even go to the game.  Not the way to handle a win, particularly a win like that.  But I wasn't pissed because I wished I could do it to them.  There will always be outliers in a large and diverse fanbase, but hopefully in general we're better than that.  If not, what makes us different? 

I'm disappointed that we haven't had more success in recent years against Sparty, and I don't like they way many of their fans handle themselves.  Doesn't make me hate them, which does absolutely nothing but build them up.  Our team just needs to win next time, and hopefully we can collectively show why we're better than them off the field until then.  I also hope we'll handle it with class afterwards (even Mike Hart says he regrets the "little brother" comment).


December 6th, 2015 at 12:36 PM ^

For me this is somewhat simple.

My background: I'm from the Lansing area so most of my friends and classmates were MSU fans. My friend's uncle or cousin was attending U of M when I was 6 or 7, so my one friend and I became Michigan fans. My whole extended family is from Ohio or near it and are huge OSU fans. Growing up, Michigan State was my second favorite team, we would call my uncle if MSU beat OSU etc. I was closer to neutral in hockey actually and attended many games at Munn as I grew up. I've never cared about the sport of basketball, but was more for Michigan than MSU, and football was always definitely Michigan but I cheered for MSU in their other games. My rivalry fun with MSU was mostly betting pops on the game type of thing.

Why I hate MSU: I was a sophomore at Michigan in 2008. I'd always had a friendly rivalry with MSU fans, not really talking too much trash because I liked their team and at that point we were 10-2 against MSU since I knew what was going on (I was 7 in 1996). The turning point for me was after the MSU game when I received > 30 texts from the MSU fans I knew talking nasty, immature, vitriol-filled smack, including from people I barely talked to. I was kind of in shock and had fun reading all those texts that I didn't remember sending in years prior, and that was that for me. 


Willy Wonka

December 6th, 2015 at 12:42 PM ^

People like Mike Valenti, Jemele Hill, Rico Beard, Sean Baligian, Pat Caputo, Scott "The Gator" Anderson etc. are unabashed in representing them without anyone with "Michigan Influence" to counter. They're all quick to gloat for their success and snicker or turn their nose up at Michigan for having any.

Twitter trolls are the worst. Especially people who single out people like Brian for having an anti MSU opinion.

Also, Dantonio spewing crap that "God favors [his] program" is arrogance at its finest...coming from the guy who allows players to walk out of jail right onto the field (Chris L Rucker, Williams, etc.), on top of all his other actions.

Their fans are also annoying. They all freed off of the crap that people like Valenti and Hill spew and bring up their talking points to make arguments. Sitting in their stadium and hearing things like "Go Fuck Yourself" after wishing them good luck or good game, or chanting "First Down Bitch" as an entire crowd is complete douche-baggery.


December 6th, 2015 at 1:00 PM ^

No, it wasn't this intense 15 yrs ago..they sucked. Now they don't and there is hell to pay. Yes, it's the dumb ass fans. They are obnoxious, not too bright, classless, and boisterous asf (now). Their whole existence rests on us and what we're doing yet too dumb to know it. They've been trash forever and suddenly forget that. Idc about the State in this instance. Sparty must be stopped. They even counterfeited our Go Blue motto. I hate them now. Born and raised in Lansing btw. Thank you for this festivus airing of grievances!


December 6th, 2015 at 1:03 PM ^

I'm generally okay with MSU.

My brother went there. I spent many a siblings weekend there.

It's what I refer to as the "300" that annoy the shit out of me.

For years I heard them whine about Michigan arrogance, and I tried to be civil. I'd root for MSU when they weren't playing UM.

But then dantonio came with all this "chip" bullshit. With it I got called "stinkbear, scUM, etc"

Then, they go on about "walverines" while benefitting from their own, recent subway alumni.

So with reasonable Spartan fans I'm fine. With dickheads.. They can go to hell.

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December 6th, 2015 at 1:05 PM ^

If it was Ws and Ls, I'd feel the same vitriol about OSU as I do MSU. I hate that the Little Brother thing ever came up, but in some respects, it's an apt description. Little Brother in today's parlance isn't about one school owning the other on the field. To me, it's acting like a 13 year old who's still mad that their big brother stole his candy when he was 3.

MSU doesn't have the grace to handle it's own success. The first thing they all tweet last night isn't positive stuff about their own season, it's "haaa, look at us Michigan fans... losers... haaaa". They don't enjoy their achievements because they're always looking around to see who's watching, who's noting how great they are, and who's slighting or disrespekting them in any way.  I can guarantee you, if Michigan was in their position this morning, we would NOT be taunting Spartans.

The MSU loss still hurts today but I got over the OSU loss very quickly. I have to live with and work for Spartans. I can't function in a world where they win a National Championship. They would be unbearable. They would care less about winning it for themselves than for lording it over everyone who's ever slighted them.


December 6th, 2015 at 1:25 PM ^

I totally agree with you.
I grew up in a sparty household. Anybody that went to college in our family went to state. If it hadn't been for the Bo and Woody wars in the 70 ' s I might have been one of them. Thank you Bo!!!
I always used to root for sparty when Michigan beat them almost yearly. I even tolerated their success in basketball when izzo took control , but their recent success in football caused their fans to get amnesia. They forgot how they thought we were arrogant or are just paying us back? I don't know. Don't care. But I will never root for them again after the state / Michigan game this year. I want them to lose everything. Lose in football , lose in basketball , lose in bad mitten , girls tiddleywinks , lose their keys , lose their wallet. Lose everything.
If u lived in Michigan and had to tolerate this bunch of assbags you would not have to ask.
GO BLUE!!!!!!

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Mr. Owl

December 6th, 2015 at 3:08 PM ^

To me, it basically comes down to their fans seeming to hate Michigan more than they like their own team.  I think some fans actually are more aware of whether Michigan won or lost than that of their own team..

Back in the days when the world was right and Michigan was winning more often than not against Sparty the fans were annoying.  "Michigan sucks!"  Ok.  Yeah, I get it.  You are a fan of your school and not Michigan.  Did you see the scoreboard?

Results didn't seem to matter when MSU lost.  "Michigan still sucks!"  Why?  "Because Michigan sucks!"  I had actually tried engaging in talk about a good MSU victory over another team and only to be mocked for Michigan being upset that day.

I actually know someone who graduated from MSU, then went to grad school at Michigan.  Every time she went to class she would dress like she was going to a game, decked out in green & white.  Because "Michigan sucks," of course... even if you go there?

Now that they have had a little success it has comepletely gone to their heads.  They get a gift of a win, in which their team has the lead for zero seconds, yet to hear Sparty talk about the win it's like they watched a completely different game.  Their clock operator gifts thema play, allowing them a win... no Sparty will admit that even happened.  It's just "Michigan sucks."

As I said yesterday in a now deleted thread:

Sparties are classy like a warm beer with a cigarette in it.


edit:  Nearly forgot... The only problem I have with the school itself came when Michigan last had a grass field and asked MSU for their expert assistance in agricultural matters like how to grow sustainable grass where the rainwater from a hill drains to.  MSU turned Michigan down.  (MSU for some reason had a fake turf field at the time... way to advertize your abilities!)  Instead of just going straight to turf I thought Michigan should have went to another school for help.  Then we could have had some fun with lauding the abilities of ____ A&M, and simply brushed off questions as to MSU with something like "You would have to ask them.  Perhaps they didn't feel up to the challenge.  _____ A&M did a fine job!"

Not to try to rehash the "Little Brother" thing over again, but the players seem to always have this thing where they always want to take that punch when the refs aren't looking, then scream about whatever is done in retaliation.  The fans look at these moments as if it is some god-like great event.  They will talk about them for years.  Never is one of their players dirty.  Yet ALL Michigan players are dirty.

It just gets old.