OT: How many days during the week do you drink?

Submitted by Bluetotheday on
I give up trying to figure what is or isn't appropriate. It's football season, what's your best excuse for a drink?

OMG Shirtless

November 6th, 2015 at 9:26 AM ^

You said there was nothing stopping you. That is wrong. There isn't a bouncer at your house preventing you from downloading music.

My point was that your opinion may change when you are able to take part in a fairly common social activity.

(This is of course written under the assumption that you don't have a fake ID)


November 5th, 2015 at 11:22 PM ^

It depends on my work stress level. Wish that wasn't true but it is. Some weeks I'll have a glass of wine 5 nights in a row. I drink more than one drink only 2-3 times a month though. Lately I've been trying to exercise instead to deal with stress, but wine is easier and quicker.

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Gucci Mane

November 6th, 2015 at 1:38 AM ^

I love wine but it's not healthy, that an excuse. From what I've read the beneficial properties in wine are also in grape juice. So basically it's like eating vegetables with butter. Yeah it's good for you, but the butter is just for fun.


November 6th, 2015 at 7:12 AM ^

Is what kind of juice? You need the skins, and frankly, the amount of added sugar to grape juice far outweigh any health benefits to the grapes. One glass of wine a day is better than one glass of typical grape juice. Also, there have been actual studies involving wine. Not so much grape juice. That sounds like an argument of someone who doesn't believe in drinking and is making a theoretical argument based on the common physiology of a grape.

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November 5th, 2015 at 11:26 PM ^

Most weeks I don't drink at all. I never drink during Michigan games. I don't need beer to enjoy my team, and I find it actually takes a lot away from my game watching experience. On a heavy week i may have a handful of drinks two separate nights.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:31 PM ^

How many nights do I drink, or how many nights do I have a drink? The former is zero. I haven't been drunk (not even close) in 5+ years. I do, however enjoy a drink with dinner one or two nights a week. Maybe 2-3 beers on game day, but that's all day. Can't handle hangovers anymore, and my wife doesn't drink, so I usually feel like an ass. It's in the past.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:32 PM ^

I get the feeling from reading this thread that most of the posters drink to excess when they drink. Most nights I'll have a drink, but only one or two nights a week will I drink much more than that.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:38 PM ^

Moderation mutherfuckers.

But seriously.  I have at least a beer 5-6 nights a week.  I've gotten big into "craft" beer, and so I don't get home and have 7 tall boys of Busch Light.  I'll open an  IPA or pale ale, a 12 oz barrel-aged stout, etc. etc..  Now come Friday and Saturday and sometimes Sundays, I'll be having multiple drinks, for sure.

As someone, maybe jokingly, stated above, I don't recall the last time I went very long without a beer, but I also haven't been drunk in quite sometime, as I'm not drinking to get to that state.  I'll come across a buzz sometimes after an afternoon/evening of stouts and/or sours, but I'm no where near getting messed up when I drink these days.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:38 PM ^

Multiple drinks one night a week, one beer with dinner maybe two more times a week. Depends on my mood. I have a fridge in the garage full of beer but it'll take me months to get through it all.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:39 PM ^

I don't understand how people can drink 6 nights a week and not be incredibly overweight.  I've never been a huge drinker but definitely drank Thur-Sat in college but afterwards I cut back to when I'd go out on a Friday or Saturday night or with a nice dinner.  But there was a stressful period of a month in my late 20s where I was drinking a 2 beers a night after work every day and within a month I had packed on 8 pounds.  Laid off the booze for a few weeks and the weight came right back off. 


November 6th, 2015 at 12:22 AM ^

Not sure if this relates to your situation, but I've found that it's more what you eat when drinking.  I usually eat decently healthy, but after having a few I crave something greasy.  Either that or it'll be something convenient that's full of sodium.  You end up retaining a ton of water.

Always got way worse muchies drinking than smoking weed.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:41 PM ^

We are talking one beer before bed 6 nights a week. Usually have a few on Sat., but spread out across the day, so not getting hammered. I don't drink to get drunk. I just like beer...and wine with dinner.


November 5th, 2015 at 11:46 PM ^

In my 30s now. I go a couple weeks between drinks now. Entering my 30s was like this unwanted switch was flipped. I used to be a more nights than not guy. Just destroyed my whole body all through my 20s and didn't feel a thing. Now my body can't keep up. I can remember why I loved it, but haven't had an enjoyable guilt free buzz in some times. Even though I've been forced to grow old I still don't know how to dress like a dad though. If you see me I may look like you, and may look like I want to party, but I can't party with you, but I may try.