Blue and Joe

June 16th, 2015 at 4:09 PM ^

"Little Brother" gets thrown around a lot, but this is why it will never die. It's about so much more than what happens on the field. They have a major superiority complex.

Reaching to make yourself look highly ranked by using a poll no one cares about, and then bragging about winning a game against a bad team.

If that's not "Little Brother" I don't know what is.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:11 PM ^

There are articles about these rings and it said MSU puts the score of their second biggest win (after the bowl game) on their bowl rings. Their Rose Bowl ring celebrates the win over Ohio State in the B1G championship. Ohio State also does this and has the score of the Michigan v. OSU game from the 2008 season on their conference championship rings. I don't really read that much into it.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:35 PM ^

If true, I guess that makes sense, though you'd figure their wins over, I mean, Nebraska or PSU would be higher on the list.

But yeah, if that's a tradition then I guess do it.  Still seems weird to me, and just because OSU (with its own complex) does it doesn't really change that calculus.

By comparison, UM's 2012 Sugar Bowl ring had the game score and the player's name and Team 132 on the opposite side.  That seems to make sense than another score.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:51 PM ^

Thats' the thing about Sparties "awesome" season - they beat almost no one except a Baylor team that packed it in up 20 about 5 minutes too early - beat a bunch of bad Big 10 teams incl UM and lost to anyone with a heartbeat.  Nebrasks is probably their best win of the regular season - and that was a team that Wiscy crushed and McNeese State almost beat in Nebraska.  I can't find the 2nd best team they beat - I guess Maryland.

Ron Utah

June 16th, 2015 at 6:10 PM ^

Unfortunately, this "second-best win" thing just goes to prove the "Little Brother" complex even further.

U-M's record was worse than Maryland, Rutgers, and Nebraska.  Heck, even Penn State finished bowl eligible and with a better record, though they were behind us in the conference standings.

Beating a 5-7 team and counting it as your second-biggest win is just silly.  But even more silly is that even after all of their effort to be noticed, MSU will never be more than our second-biggest rival, and perhaps only that because the ND chickens bailed.

When we won the Outback Bowl in 2002, did we put the score of our victory over the 5-7 Spartans?  Can you imagine ANY situation where we would put the score of a win over a 5-7 MSU team on our championship rings?  Would NEVER happen.

Please.  This is the ultimate LB move.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:13 PM ^

They have cared more about the rivalry the past 5-6 years and it shows. I hate to say it but we are little brother right now. Let them have their moment. Getting butt hurt by this or calling names when hey have our number and have dominated us makes us look bad fellas.

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June 16th, 2015 at 4:32 PM ^

You're delusional.  

Even though Moo U has won most of the games against Michigan lately, they, BY EVERY MEASURE, still look to us for validation.  There is NO cogent reason to put the score of the UM game on their bowl rings.

They are the ultimate little brother.  Little brother finally kicks big bro's ass and instead of being happy with it, they still look up to big bro.   Little brother doesn't even become a thing either if Dantonio didn't take personal offense to Mike Hart.  If Dantionio kept his pie hole shut, this wouldn't be a thing. 


June 16th, 2015 at 5:09 PM ^

Delusional? The only people who are delusional are those who think UM is superior to them. We cite 68-34 and think it's good enough.

They are kicking our asses right now, much more than OSU and partly due to the fact that they care about the rivalry more than we do because it's not a talent issue.

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June 16th, 2015 at 6:01 PM ^

I hate the "they cared more" argument in sports because it's so lazy. Clearly Devin Gardner had less care than Connor Cook. DAMMIT DEVIN WHY DIDNT YOU CARE MORE

The issue is clearly not Dantonio having a good program and Hoke being in over his head. We need more FEELINGS

MSU remains little brother because they always find their value in how they compare to Michigan

Hotel Putingrad

June 16th, 2015 at 4:18 PM ^

we would never do that because they're not our biggest rival. they had the opportunity to feast the past seven years, but I think another famine is on the horizon.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:25 PM ^

Between this and the OSU idiot, makes it hard to buy all of the arguments from both camps that Michigan is "irrelevant" and not in their heads.

By all means MSU, enjoy your win over a Baylor team that ran you off the field for 3 quarters and then inexplicably stopped running a coherent offense.  But the fact that multiple adults had to agree that putting the score of your rivalry game on your championship ring was a great idea is ludicrous.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:38 PM ^

AWWWW that's cute.  Look at them having fun and enjoying being good and their little rings for the Cotton Bowl.  It's totes adorbs guys!


June 16th, 2015 at 4:39 PM ^

They should be grateful to Art Briles' kid that Baylor took the foot off the gas in the 4th quarter and stopped throwing. Once they started running to run out the clock MSU was back in the game.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:46 PM ^

I dont know why any Michigan fan would be bothered by this. I say good for them. Beating Michigan is everything to them. Ohio has the gold pants thing. We cant begrudge them their ambitions. Its part of their respective programs.


June 16th, 2015 at 4:51 PM ^

LOL Pathetic.  They have such a high retardation level and massive inferiority complex that they can't even enjoy their bowl win.  That shit is hilarious.


June 16th, 2015 at 5:00 PM ^

Slightly different context, but YES!

We've been down since 2008 yet everyone still thinks the best thing in the world is to win against Michigan.  It means in their eyes, we are the absoute Kings of the Hill.


June 16th, 2015 at 6:04 PM ^

As said above, it was basically their bowl game so it makes sense. But the fact that they put "TUN" is gimmicky. The joke is going to be lost in 20 years and these guys will just have a tacky ring. It'd be a nicer keepsake if it just said 'M'


June 16th, 2015 at 4:57 PM ^

His football program is superior at this point, and yet some how he found a way to make them look pathetic.  This practically screams out, "I'M TERRIFIED OF JIM HARBAUGH"