First Festivus Activity: Airing of the Grievances

Submitted by MGoVoldemort on
The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it! Let the airing of the grievances commence.


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:31 AM ^

My current grievance: People new to the MGoBoard who quickly reached 100 points—due to the new voting system and Harbaughmania—posting shitty threads. People are able to reach 100 points very quickly without even learning about the unwritten rules of the MGoBoard which prevent those kinds of shitty posts (like damn ChatSports articles being posted or something). With the new system, and the ease of reaching 100 points, we need to raise the thread creation limit.


December 23rd, 2014 at 1:55 PM ^

I get your point, somewhat. The ones that abuse the rules sometimes post stupid threads. Noted. However, I would counter your grievance with a grievance of my own. Grievance: Know-it-all posters complaining about people that are new to the board. How easy is it to forget that each and every person on here was "new" at some point. Solution: 1. New people to the board - BE RESPECTFUL OF TRADITION. Don't post nonsense just to spike your points. 2. Veterans - Stop acting like a pompous ass elitist. It doesn’t add any points to your IQ, or inches to your manhood.

Victors for Harbaugh

December 23rd, 2014 at 10:33 AM ^

Grievance: Grown men who presumably are college educated and have emerged from their parents basement having some form of ridiculous cartoon in their avatar.

In reply to by lbpeley


December 23rd, 2014 at 2:53 PM ^

There is a guy in my office who is into My Little Pony. He has them in boxes all over his desk like Big Bang Theory collects comic books. I guess there's a club of these aficionados -- they're called Bronies. I shit you not.


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:51 AM ^

Let's be fair about this now....some of us once occupied the finished space above the garage. Of course, that was 15 years ago and to ensure I never came back, my parents did sell the house and move into a condo where there was no spare room. I succumbed to a mortgage about 12 years ago much to my chagrin. 


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:39 AM ^

Grievance #1: Replacing "faze" with "phase."  "He's just going through a phase" - correct.  "That doesn't phase me" - FUCKING NO.  Get it right.

Grievance #2: "That kid's a stud."  Fuck no, man.  There's no definition of the word "stud" where "stud" means "someone who is good at football.  What you're saying is you admire his virility and that he's being brought in for the purpose of breeding.  As if the stalking of high school kids wasn't creepy enough.


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:42 AM ^

I've got a lot of problems with these people:
Adam Schefter, Jason La Canfora, Colin Cowturd, Ian Rapoport, Dave Brandon, Hunter Lochmann,
I do like Jim Hackett
Did I mention that I have a problem with Adam Schefter?

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:43 AM ^

I've got a lot of problems with these people:
Adam Schefter, Jason La Canfora, Colin Cowturd, Ian Rapoport, Dave Brandon, Hunter Lochmann,
I do like Jim Hackett
Did I mention that I have a problem with Adam Schefter?

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:43 AM ^

I've got a lot of problems with these people:
Adam Schefter, Jason La Canfora, Colin Cowturd, Ian Rapoport, Dave Brandon, Hunter Lochmann,
I do like Jim Hackett
Did I mention that I have a problem with Adam Schefter?

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


December 23rd, 2014 at 10:44 AM ^

I've got a lot of problems with these people:
Adam Schefter, Jason La Canfora, Colin Cowturd, Ian Rapoport, Dave Brandon, Hunter Lochmann,
I do like Jim Hackett
Did I mention that I have a problem with Adam Schefter?

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad

Ty Butterfield

December 23rd, 2014 at 10:59 AM ^

Grievance: Michigan fans who say the also want MSU to do well except for when they play Michigan. College sports are about rivalries. Pick a side and stick with it. I want MSU to lose every game they play.


December 23rd, 2014 at 11:10 AM ^

Grievance:  NCAA for shitty pot rules RE:Mitch McGary and I miss him so.  WIN THE GAME!

Also, apple for my mac keyboard/trackpad going out forcing me to type on a giant shitty cheap dell keyboard.


December 23rd, 2014 at 12:48 PM ^

It's a big giant usb keyboard that has barely ever been used because it feels cheap.  You have to pound the keys, it's noisy as can be and feels cheaply made with each stroke. 

The macbook is nearly five years old and has been used heavily.  I would much rather type on it, but hey, these things don't last forever.  It has endured much abuse. 

So yeah, I would call the one that feels like it came from the dollar store cheap.  Not saying pc cannot have nice keyboards.  Saying the one I had on hand is crap.



December 23rd, 2014 at 11:24 AM ^

and getting them deleted reminded me of a scene from Seinfeld.

MGOBLOG: Uh...o.k., you're checked in. Here's your khakis.
KRAMER: Uh, no thanks.
MGOBLOG: You don't want to wear khakis?
MGOBLOG: But you have to wear the khakis.
KRAMER: I have to?
KRAMER: See, that's why I don't want to.
MGOBLOG: But everyone wears the khakis. You must wear the khakis!
KRAMER: You know what you are? You're a khakis bully. <Walks away.>
MGOBLOG: Hey you! Come back here! Come back here and put these on!
POSTER #1: Hey, where's your khakis?
KRAMER: Oh, I don't wear the khakis.
POSTER #2: Oh, you don't wear the khakis? Are you against Michigan?
KRAMER: Yeah, I'm against Michigan. I mean, I'm here posting, aren't I? I just don't wear the khakis.
POSTER #3: Who do you think you are?
POSTER #1: Put the khakis on!
POSTER #2: Hey, Cedric! Bob! This guy won't wear a khakis! <Cedric and Bob turn around and glare at Kramer.>
BOB: Who? Who does not want to wear the khakis? <Kramer is frightened.>

New scene - Kramer surrounded by Cedric, Bob, and the other MGOBLOG posters.

BOB: So! What's it going to be? Are you going to wear the khakis?
KRAMER (nervously): No! Never.
BOB: But I am wearing the khakis. He is wearing the khakis. We are all wearing the khakis! So why aren't you going to wear the khakis!?
KRAMER: This is America! I don't have to wear anything I don't want to wear!
CEDRIC: What are we gonna do with him?
BOB: I guess we are just going to have to teach him to wear the khakis!
<Kramer tries to climb up a fire escape, but the mob grabs him and pulls him back down. Kramer screams.>


December 23rd, 2014 at 11:34 AM ^

I can feel it in my f'n bones that Harbaugh isn't coming. I funny want it to be true but I know it is. Why? He'll realize he's leaning to UM right now (I think he is) only because he's being pulled by so many to come. Even more, I don't want Jim if HE doesn't want to be here. It's far too happy/optimistic around the fan base for it to happen. I realized it this morning. He'll realize that he doesn't want to do it as much as others he cares about want him to. That's when he'll take an NFL gig. I just feel it. My bones are rarely wrong on things like this. Hate/neg away.


December 23rd, 2014 at 11:39 AM ^

Grievance - that when a newbie poster with a cute chick avatar posts a generic OP she gets 30 upvotes, and that same content posted by the other 98% of the board would have received  4 upvotes. ;)


December 23rd, 2014 at 11:52 AM ^

I've got a problem with how much time the coaching search has caused me to waste repeatedly checking boards and rereading articles to see if I missed something.  Harbaugh, just come home already, I've got a job to do dammit!