Moderator Action Sticky 2017

Submitted by Seth on

New offseason, new sticky, because these get cumbrously long.




What this thread is for: It's an ad-hoc way of tracking what threads and comments get removed. Mods that remove a thread should post the title here with a brief reason as to why the thread is gone.

Don't comment in this thread unless you have to: if you leave an irrelevant comment in this thread it will be deleted (see: "cumbrously long").


Things we will moderate so hard that if we were the government you’d probably have a 1st Amendment case but we’re not so shaddup about your freedom of speech this ain’t no democracy it’s just a message board run by people who believe in democracy.

  1. Politics. Don’t you get enough of this everywhere else?
    How moderation looks from our end.
  2. Noise. We ask our moderators to try really hard not to censor ideas, but we do control noise. If you’re getting a substantial amount of downvotes we’ll look to see if you’re posting an unpopular opinion that you can support. If you can’t support it politely and rationally, or if you don’t acknowledge the holes in your argument, it’s noise.
  3. Useless content from other sites. There are a lot of sites feeding a lot of Michigan content out there, and a lot of that is good stuff. But more than ever these days a lot of it is just stuff which tries to tickle your fancy or make you mad about something. 247, WTKA always get the benefit of the doubt.
  4. The Drew Sharp Memorial Don’t Feed the Professional Trolls Rule. Pete Finebaum has taken the place of the late Sharp. Valenti and Chatsports are the other two on the ban list. By the time you have enough points to post an article you should know that some people make a living off of trying to get the legions of Michigan fans angry enough to click.
  5. Bewbs and general misogyny/objectifying of women. We tried one year of this and our female readership shot up after being really low. This means it’s a good rule: however much you enjoy cutting loose with the guys, we have tens of thousands of readers it drives away.

Hall of Stickies Past:

The first, the second, the third. the fourth. The fifth. The sixth.

Great Moments in Moderation:

Clarence Boddicker

January 16th, 2018 at 1:05 PM ^

This...person seriously has nothing better to do but post racism on MGoBlog all day. You know, before the birth of the internet comment systems, I had a pretty good feeling about humanity. Then you encounter people who produce garbage like this, and it seems as if there's no end to it.


January 16th, 2018 at 2:11 PM ^

I'm not sure about the registration process anymore, but I assume this person is using some throw-away email addresses and connecting from same IP address range when creating these accounts, so it shouldn't be too hard to ban them.  

The thing that cracks me up is that it's lazy trolling.  Like, I get it, you are a dumb, uncreative person.  You've proven your point that you can copy-paste the worst types of comments you'll see on message boards.  But like, the joke has run its course.  


January 16th, 2018 at 1:22 PM ^

I was checking to see if the crew had already reported the BNB asshat and thankfully the gang is on top of it. So, instead, I'll just wonder if we're going to get a new sticky for the new year? Or maybe just wait for new site?


January 16th, 2018 at 2:40 PM ^

Yeah, can we cave Biggest N Blackest already?  Don't even really care who he really is or isn't but this leaking genital wart is to the MGoBoard what RCMB is to the whole internet.


January 16th, 2018 at 7:53 PM ^

And since it's been brought up a lot already, lets start with IP Bans. Only way to stop the same people from making multiple accounts.


January 17th, 2018 at 9:45 AM ^

I've never posted in here, so not quite sure how this works, but can we please get rid of Boner Stabone's MSU joke in the WSU QB suicide thread?

Remember the Alamo

January 21st, 2018 at 8:22 PM ^

I'm feeling like it's pointless to point out trolls on here because you still haven't banned maize blue 11. It's pathetic you guys let him run your blog. Through some simple digging in the last two hours, i can tell you his other accounts are orlando2, point a minute, supa hot fire, lakewylie wolverine and a couple others that aren't as obvious so I can't say for certain. Please ban all of those accounts or you are letting your blog go to crap from one psycho. Everytime he posts he needs to be called out until the moderators ban all of these. If I'm out of line ban me too, i don't care. This seems like it could be a cool blog, but the bullying you allowed this scab to do to me is uncalled for.


January 26th, 2018 at 12:19 PM ^

ESPN Reported MSU HID NASSAR INVESTIGATION from Dept of Ed officials

This was on the board yesterday, but from a different source, I think. The non-compliance with the DofE and the Nassar connection was mentioned though in that piece.

multiple outlets reporting Hollis to resign

Now that he is, we'll go with the other thread.

OT: MSU and the Banality of Evil

FOr now, we'll stick to the news and keep our editorials in the threads. Just trying to keep the threads a bit streamlined - no offense to the OP on this one. 

Franklin H

January 28th, 2018 at 8:37 PM ^

Hey yall.... im sorry my return disrupted the blog. Yall lettin the inmates run the asylum. If u dont want me here feel free to ban me ill understand why sadly, no hard feelings. If u dont ban me ill fight through and try to win the crowd bak over. If you ban me, you have my word ill never come back unless yall ask me to. I will still read. Thanks and Go Blue!


February 10th, 2018 at 6:15 PM ^

Did you accidentally ban me for this?


I was banned near when you posted this comment, but hadn't made any controversial comments recently.


I think this is comment you accidentally banned me for:…


Note how it receives one reply and then a second commenter is confused who the first commenter was replying to.  


February 8th, 2018 at 9:44 AM ^

Seth, this guy has used up his "been here for a long time so he should get leeway" capital.  Take a gander at his posting history and ask yourself if it were someone who'd only been here a year doing this would you even have bothered with your initial warning?  Or if this dude spent all the time he does following you around the message board, waiting for you to post so he could make increasingly unhinged and disturbingly personal attacks on you.

Enough is enough.


February 8th, 2018 at 5:24 PM ^

Since the Gregg Henson post was (rightfully) nuked, I couldn't post the fact that Mr. Henson once wrote an entire post on his website (which sadly seems to have stopped working due to his wordpress platform being broken) because I wrote this in a longer blog post about the Harbaugh job search:


This race for "scoops" also creates the shit-throwers like Gregg Henson and Football Scoop who basically "report" everything they can think of in the hope that enough of it is right that people forget everything else they make up. I mean, technically they are true, but Paul the Octopus also had a nice streak going but I don't remember him trying to drive traffic to his blog. And in virtually all cases, these same guys tried to inflate their numbers by claiming the most obvious things as "news" (Brandon to be fired! Michigan is looking at Harbaugh! Lots of money is involved!). I'm sure these guys had some "sources" as they were; you sniff around enough and someone will talk. But now every time one of these guys fires off some harebrained "insider scoop" about a team, they'll have that whiff of undeserved credibility.

So anyone who wonders if said person is a professional or has much credibility, remember that a guy with his own radio station and (apparently) contacts in the UM athletic department was bothered enough by me to post a rebuttal on his own site.

Tampa 2

February 10th, 2018 at 4:14 PM ^

LSa why would you send me to Bolivia? My threads have spurred alot of discussion and that keeps traffic coming to the blog. When people hop on and there's nothing to talk about they leave. Banning or taking away points from people who haven't done anything wrong is not the way to go. Let the other bloggers decide, unless I'm being inflammatory, which I'm clearly not or you would just ban me. I also agree that users should be able to hide posts from people they don't like. I would hide your posts and Timmaaays. Timmaaay does nothing except complain and talk shit to people and your posts are usually just terrible, pointless and a waste of my time to read. Try taking advice from my posts in this thread. It would help you, you honestly need to grow up with the anime shit and your ignorant thoughts.

Tampa 2

February 10th, 2018 at 4:56 PM ^

No you haven't sorry, it's pathetic, maybe in your personal life, I dont know you, but on here it's really bad. Anime I don't really care it's a joke. Ignorant... yes, you take away my points for what? Starting threads that drive discussions. That's ignorant as hell. I mean start some threads of your own once in awhile if you can come up with something interesting. No one replys to you because you say unavailing shit. My threads aren't great, but there fun and give people something to do. I'm not being an asshole, I'm just telling you what's wrong on here as someone who has read this blog for about 10 years. The trolls are obvious (it's all the same guy) the bullying, group think and mob mentality runs rampant because you allow it. Saying "whatever" to taking advice proves all of my points, especially my top point.


February 12th, 2018 at 2:57 PM ^

The business model you are describing is not ours. "Driving discussion" create very short term page views and drives off the kind of people who tend to put more thought into their discussions. What we use the board for is to have a forum for non-stupid Michigan fan discussions. We do not want it driving page views. We want it to build a Tighter and stronger community.


February 10th, 2018 at 5:01 PM ^

Please just get rid of Tampa 2 for good. I've never felt the need to post in here before, but this guy is just terrible. It seems like every thread I read is littered with his toxic comments.