Little Brown Jug/BIG TEN Championship game

Submitted by Trip McNeely on August 26th, 2019 at 10:56 AM

IF Michigan and Minnesota make it to the Championship game in Indy, should the Little Brown Jug be on the line?

I think yes. It adds another dimension to the game, although I think it would be mostly for the broadcast not the teams. I think it would be cool to see them hoisting the championship trophy along with The Jug.

Pretty sure that when it started that both teams said whenever they play The Jug is on the line. I couldn’t find anything saying that in the Wikipedia though.

Anyway, what say you? Jug or no Jug?


August 26th, 2019 at 11:16 AM ^

It's a pretty wide-open West so who knows. They did have good games blowing out Purdue and Wisconsin last year. 

They also got hamblasted by Nebraska, Maryland, and Illinois (!!!)   in utter blowouts and weren't particularly competitive against OSU, Northwestern, and Iowa.

Seems unlikely they'll emerge above Wisconsin/Purdue/Iowa this year but this has the potential to be an everyone eats everyone year in the west and stranger things have happened. 

I actually think looking at the teams and the schedules, Northwestern may have the best chance to emerge, which means of course they won't.


August 26th, 2019 at 11:18 AM ^

Duke has played in an ACC title game.  Northwestern has played in a B1G title game.  Mississippi State & Missouri have played in an SEC title game (not against each other).  Arizona has played in a Pac-12 title game.  

It's hardly unreasonable for a Minnesota or Purdue to make it to Indianapolis some day.

The Lions?  Now THAT is unreasonable.  (half sarcasm/half sadly real).

Perkis-Size Me

August 26th, 2019 at 11:49 AM ^

Reading your post is just another sad, grim reminder for me that the likes of Northwestern has played in the BTCG game before Michigan has. I know they're in a far easier division and if they swapped places Michigan would've been at least twice by now. But still, it doesn't change reality. 

We are joined with Indiana, Rutgers, Maryland, Purdue, and Illinois as teams that have never played in the BTCG. Much less won it. That is terrible company to keep. 

Indy Pete - Go Blue

August 26th, 2019 at 11:02 AM ^

 Yes, I agree that they should play for a brown jug. However, I think they should make a big brown jug, just for this scenario.  It would be really sweet to have both the little brown jug and the big brown jug. 


August 26th, 2019 at 11:02 AM ^

Why wouldn't it be?  The jug is at stake whenever those teams play, sometimes not for a few years.  Why not even if it's twice in one year?

That said, this doesn't seem like a probable scenario.



August 26th, 2019 at 11:03 AM ^


That said if we beat OSU, win the B1G Title, and get to play in the championship game, I don't care who we're playing or what historically significant side-trophies are available.


August 26th, 2019 at 11:14 AM ^

Why wouldnt it be?  The jug isn't dependent on playing the game either in Minnesota or Michigan.

And yes, it absolutely could happen.  The Gophers schedule is as soft as a freaking pillow with only Iowa being a difficult game on the road and their cross division games being Penn State (home), Rutgers (road) and Maryland (home).  

They damn sure should win it or come close.

The Mad Hatter

August 26th, 2019 at 11:15 AM ^

Of course the Jug would be on the line.

Also, thank you for reminding me how angry I am at Delaney for making us wait 14 years to play a rival we played every damn year for a century so we can play motherfucking Rutgers instead.



August 26th, 2019 at 11:24 AM ^

There is a precedent - in 1926 we played the Gophers twice.  Presumably the Jug was up for grabs both times (they are both painted on it anyway).  So I don't see why not.


August 26th, 2019 at 11:25 AM ^

All the marbles.  In Fact, I think that every B1G team should pony up every trophy from the season and make it winner take all.  


I can't tell if I'm /s or not, so what the heck.  Let's just win it all this year please.