Who's Your Favorite/Least Favorite MGoPoster?

Submitted by Glen Masons Hot Wife on
Who are your favorite/least favorite MGoBlog Posters/Commentators? My Favorites: WolvinLA: Makes me LOL most consistently. Always seems to have a good line up his sleeve. Chitown Blue: Does a really good job dissecting weak, or just plain retarded arguments. Has a lot of good points. I disagreed with the way he went after Johnny of RBUAS this year, but hey, can't agree on everything. Honorable Mentions: Huss: Can be at his best when fired up. His Magnus-inspired tirade alone, makes him worth a mention. (Link to said tirade: http://www.mgoblog.com/diaries/omg-we-lost-our-3rd-string-qb?page=1 ) Barking Sphyncter: I don't know if this guy died, got banned, or what... but he has/had talent. Coming directly out of left field, B. Sphyncter came up with some of the most hysterical rants i've seen on the e-bays. (Example:http://www.mgoblog.com/content/unverified-voracity-has-new-favorite-sta… ) Least Favorite: Magnus: Has the miraculous ability to annoy me every other time he posts. I don't think he's all bad though. I'll always give him props for sticking up for Lloyd, when everyone wanted to take a dump on the man. **Side Note** Didn't include Brian, Tom VH or JamieMac on here. I feel like they're the main event (for all their good work, research and efforts), while the rest of us are more color commentators or studio correspondents (for lack of a better metaphor).



March 6th, 2009 at 12:11 PM ^

This won't turn ugly???.....nope it will stay nice and civil. lg. hog head 1 1/2 tbsp. salt Dash of red pepper Dash of black pepper 1 onion 1 c. vinegar Clean hog head by removing eyes, ears and brains. Saw into 4 pieces. Put in large pot and boil until tender. Remove meat from broth. Pick out bones and cook onion until done in broth. Dip out onion and run meat and onion through food chopper. Mix in peppers, vinegar and salt, put in cheese cloth, hang, let drip overnight. Slice and enjoy. Refrigerate unused portion.

Glen Masons Hot Wife

March 6th, 2009 at 2:00 PM ^

If anyone thinks the "Snake Oil" references are bad... you haven't spent any time on the free rivals board. BayAreaWolverine, has referenced the same inside joke every day for the last several years.... Nauseating.


March 6th, 2009 at 12:17 PM ^

Favorite: Anonymosity, of course (followed distantly by Brian, and then gsimmons85 for his football analysis and jamiemac for his excellent bubble diaries) Least favorite: no longer here, but Craven M. He's the only one to cause me to look at a picture of a corpse on this site. Thanks.


March 6th, 2009 at 12:20 PM ^

Favorite Poster: The Stairway to Heaven one with the guy on top of that mountain. Least Favorite: I had a life size Larry Bird one that I won in a three point contest in grade school. I hated Larry Bird and he was butt-ass ugly to boot.

Tim Waymen

March 6th, 2009 at 12:28 PM ^

I'm rather self-loathing, so I think I'll just go with Tim Waymen as the worst MGoCommenter ever. That guy's a total douchebag. The Storyteller established a while ago that Gsims holds a special place in my heart for trying to teach us football theory, so props to him wherever he may be. I don't post here that often anymore though because you all suck so much. That and the fact that football season is over.

Six Zero

March 6th, 2009 at 12:45 PM ^

For the most part I think of most of you as my equal. Peers and not someone to hold above anyone else... Except for the WLA, who I just try not to think of, for fear of bloody horse heads in my bed. But if I must: My favorite: Well, certainly chrisgocomment's evil twin, crisgocomment. My least favorite: Don't want to pick fights, but I will say it forever, I don't trust the damn Buckeyes in our camp.


March 6th, 2009 at 1:13 PM ^

This is really a simple question. My favorite poster is anyone whom I agree with, while the worst are those morons whom I don't agree with. They're just wasting my time. Idiots!


March 6th, 2009 at 2:02 PM ^

My favorites are everyone here who can post civilly; that is probably at least 95% of those who post. Whether we agree or not, discussion is great, and dissenting opinions have opened my eyes and actually changed my mind for me a few times here. My least favorites are those who cannot agree to disagree. Those who feel it is appropriate to belittle those who have the unadulterated nerve to post an opinion that is different than theirs. Those who call anyone with whom they disagree names. Those who think their humor is funny but everyone else's is inappropriate or "not funny." Mostly, though, my least favorite posters are those who forget one important thing: We are all UM fans here. As someone who has lived out of state for about ten years now, I feel that if you are a UM fan, you are my brother. I wish everybody felt that way. Since they don't, though, I just hope that those who don't share my affinity for fellow UM fans can at least keep from being mean-spirited when they post. Luckily, almost everyone here is a lot of fun to read.

k bizzle

March 7th, 2009 at 9:48 AM ^

Least favorite posters for me are those who call out recruits (Big Will) and say to hell with them for taking LSU money and not coming to UM off of rumors before the recruit has ever made a decision. Favorite: Big Gay Heart and gsimmons for his insight

Elno Lewis

March 6th, 2009 at 2:04 PM ^

the major players in the WLA are great. Sharp wit, good research, sense of humor. And, some of the ebrawls they either start/finish, are awesome. Oh, and thanks to the many people who provide fodder for all our follies. don't really dislike any posters. I mean, its a freaking blog. Why dislike anyone?

03 Blue 07

March 6th, 2009 at 3:16 PM ^

Favorites: 1.) Chunks the Hobo. No one has made me laugh as hard as he did in his few posts back at the end of '07 2.) The WLA guys for their UFR of the 2008 OSU game. I was reading it at work and laughing out loud so much that people kept stopping by my office giving me "what the fuck?" looks. I then tried to explain to them why it was so funny. They didn't go to Michigan. They didn't understand. Least Favorite: 1.) Not going to name names. . . but people who attempt to destroy others' posts in an uncivil manner with bold assertions on things that are difficult to quantify. Some of my favorite posters do this sometimes, and it can be frustrating.


March 8th, 2009 at 1:24 AM ^

Yo tengo un gato grande en mis pantalones. Gracias, Jorge (El Mexicutioner) Morales Translation: From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the compliment in regards to my avatar. Sincerely, George (The Mexicutioner) Morales

Blue Durham

March 6th, 2009 at 9:27 PM ^

He is even-handed, and demands people to back up their opinions with some minimal effort in facts and research. I also think Chitownblue's effect on this blog is important in what people end up choosing not to post. I really can't imagine what this blog would be like without his tireless efforts. But dammit, Dex, KRK and Elno Lewis just crack me up, though. If I ever do make it back to Ann Arbor, I want to buy that chimp a drink.

Big Boutros

March 7th, 2009 at 12:18 AM ^

I personally think Big Boutros is a pile of ass, but Tim Waymen comes close. That guy is such a dirtbag. I liked MallettFumblesSnaps, if I'm thinking of the right guy.

Tha Quiet Storm

March 7th, 2009 at 1:44 PM ^

Favorite: MBAGoBlue is a jolly good chap Least Favorite: Brando Calrissian - only comes around to make it known that he's offended by something (such as WLA's signing day facts about the newest Wolverines), or to tell us we are all bandwagoners for being interested in M BBall this year because we didn't watch every single game during the last 10 years when they were crap like he did.


March 7th, 2009 at 5:37 PM ^

See, I remember a post where it said that Diaries shouldn't be used to flame other posters. I guess you didn't read that post, huh? Anyway, I really couldn't care less if you don't like me. I've been posting on this site for a few years, and it's really nothing new. I never post anything as mean-spirited as this, where you just single out one person to talk shit about. But I guess I'm the asshole, right? My favorite posters: Jamiemac Chitownblue dex KRK