OT: ESPN host Ryen Russillo arrested for criminal entry while on vacation in WY

Submitted by Sopwith on

Yesterday, dedicated ESPN employee Ryen Russillo tried his level best to push the Robert Lee fiasco out of the news cycle.

ESPN executives: "How the fuck is this only Thursday?? This week has lasted a month."

Money quote from SI.com writeup (LINK):

Ryen Russillo, the host of The Russillo Show on ESPN Radio, was arrested in Jackson, Wy., on Wednesday for misdemeanor criminal entry, a charge that is similar in nature to trespassing.

The police were reportedly called by a couple after Russillo entered their condo and refused to leave.​ probable cause affidavit states obtained by the Jackson Hole News & Guide that Russillo was found "lying on the bed in the south bedroom naked except for his pants around his ankles" at around 3:30 a.m.

Before you holier-than-thou types cast stones, who among us hasn't entered someone else's condo uninvited, refused to leave, then passed out naked (except for pants around the ankles)? Judge not, lest you something-something-ESPN.

Year of Revenge II

August 24th, 2017 at 12:30 PM ^

The night my 3rd daughter was born, I woke up in a stolen car up on blocks that was registered to an Angel Martinez of Grand Rapids.  This was just before cell phones, and when I returned back from using a phone at a nearby house, the mobile evidence unit of the GRPD was dusting the outside for prints.

Needless to say, I eventually gave up drinking, but it was a hell of a 21-year run.  

Lucky that one wasn't a B&E of a car type rap, or worse, that I had hurt somebody.  BTW---I had been driving my wife's (ex) new car that evening, but  had somehow misplaced it.  She was not happy.  Cops found it later though, so all's well that ends well!


August 24th, 2017 at 12:14 PM ^

A lot of people don't understand that drinking at high altitude will fuck you up.  You should only drink about half of what you normally drink if you live near sea level.

Everyone Murders

August 24th, 2017 at 12:19 PM ^

If so, the Lions may have a place for him.

(I'm hoping that the guy doesn't have a mental illness that would prevent me from finding this incident pretty damned funny.  If he does, I hope he gets help.  If he doesn't have a mental illness, you have to admire his pugnacity.)


August 24th, 2017 at 12:20 PM ^

Shit, please tell me this won't leave Will Cain hosting his show for the indefinite future. I was looking forward to Russillo coming back to hear about his thoughts on the Kyrie trade. His NBA takes are usually spot on. 

Year of Revenge II

August 24th, 2017 at 12:20 PM ^

...AND, this guy SURVIVED the firings, aka the The Great Purge of 2017 at ESPN. Please, just make the network go away, and something better will replace it (though this is not raising the bar very high).

Jay Blue

August 24th, 2017 at 12:45 PM ^

I mean come on... who doesn't pull their pants down around their ankles before getting in bed. Not sure why they felt they need to add that to the story....


August 24th, 2017 at 3:01 PM ^

Well, the hard drinkers among us know that this happens. At 22, it's pretty funny. At 42 I still think it's kind of funny, but it's the type of thing that ends with a dude being in a twelve step program.


August 24th, 2017 at 3:48 PM ^

Met a guy in my apartment complex this way. I was clothed, and my GF (now Wife) and I had a bit too much to drink. He lived in OUR apt#3 we were sure of that! Still friends today!