OT: Festivus - Airing of Grievances

Submitted by Magnus on

I saw it requested in another thread, so here is the place for the annual Airing of Grievances.

I have a problem with stephenrjking, whose name I thought was stephenjrking for the longest time.

I also have a problem with whoever negs this thread.

Grievances? Air them. Which MGoBloggers really grind your gears?

The Oracle

December 23rd, 2016 at 2:13 PM ^

I don't say Kaepernick should stop kneeling, but I believe I have every right to attack and detest him for doing so. I'm not asking to be protected from his actions because I can't handle them. That's the difference.


December 23rd, 2016 at 3:26 PM ^

You certainly have that right! However there is a good bit of overlap between the "safe spaces are bad" crowd and the "I don't watch sports to hear about politics" group..as if they want sports to be a place where they won't feel uncomfortable I.e a safe space


December 23rd, 2016 at 9:24 AM ^

The rush to see who can virtue signal the hardest on player discipline issues.

The fact I now wake up fifteen minutes before my alarm goes off no matter what, that's valuable sleep time damnit!

My Dog only bugging me in the morning to feed her and let her out and then spending the rest of the day following my wife around the house.

This proliferation of ski helmets being worn by presumably functional adults, the kind of accident you're going to get into on the bunny slopes does not require you to wear protective gear for your head no matter what the Doctor Oz and Oprah "let's scare the shit out of women who don't have enough to worry about" industrial complex tells you.

Tennessee fans who live in Nashville not wanting to go to the Music City bowl because it's beneath them, it's your team playing in your city, tickets aren't that expensive and if you idiots sacked up and just went with it you'd probably have a great fucking time.

Finally, OSU exists, Mort's heart attack only made him more assholish, and we dropped an interesting out of conference series with an SEC for to pay greater glory to a Notre Dame team that keeps playing Michigan for fools.

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December 23rd, 2016 at 9:40 AM ^

Board posts that are just copies of someone else's tweet with no additional commentary, insights, or general value added. You know who you are. 

The fact that this site is so popular - and even gets citations by ESPN - but can't get a god damn proper server so that everything won't crash during a high schooler's commitment. 

I hate you all. 

Wolverine Devotee

December 23rd, 2016 at 9:36 AM ^

Trolls on this site. You know who you are.

No mute/block feature on here.....cumong man.

The DOOSHES that neg/whine about posts on Michigan sports other than Football/MBB. (Not) Sorry we have more than two sports! Most of them actually beat OSU and win B1G titles WAY frequently than the aforementioned sports do.

Draftageddon. Enough said.

OSU cucks. Man up or defect.

Russia haters. Not on this site, but in general. Country actually has its shit together unlike us. Family values, beautiful women, borders, street vodka. Great stuff.

Daily DONT TWEET RECRUITZ PSA. I get it. At the same time, Brad Hawkins and I share a birthday. I wished him happy birthday the last two years as he did to me. Come at me bro.

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Wolverine Devotee

December 23rd, 2016 at 9:40 AM ^

Also, the following people should be sent to the impending Trump gulag-

Jim Delany, OSU Athletics, Mark Emmert, the guy who always puts ice in my Coke at White Castle when I clear as day as ask for no ice. IT'S NOT THAT HARD, JUST LISTEN TO ME! ICE IN DRINKS WATERS IT DOWN AND YOU LOSE DRINK. IT'S A CONSPIRACY.

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Lee Everett

December 23rd, 2016 at 10:40 AM ^

Hahaha. Yeah, WD. We saw you on the basketball broadcast and TOTALLY SHIT OURSELVES in excitement. And then we went on twitter and saw that someone retweeted you and we TOTALLY SHIT OURSELVES again! And then David Brandon sent me an email saying he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those damn meddling kids, and I TOTALLY SHIT MYSELF because he was talking about you!
You see, because you are very important.

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Lee Everett

December 23rd, 2016 at 11:38 AM ^


I have no inclination to go to your twitter.  

Why would I want to seek out more of your shitty personality?

Your personality is the worst thing about you.  Your personality.  You can't fix that.  You have a shitty one.  It's a real shame.

You had value when you would post interesting things about obscure sports.  I would think, hey, there's more to this school than just football and basketball.  Or, hey, our history is pretty illustrious.

But then your personality took over.  and you got an ego.  and you tried to brand yourself.  and you decided to say more shitty things from your shitty personality.  and you don't understand that people making fun of you, people criticizing you, is not positive attention.  It's attention.  But not the good kind.  But you're just seeking attention, because you think you're important, and important people deserve attention.

But people defend you because they still think you're this sixteen year old young whippersnapper with a lot of zeal.  But you're not.  Not anymore.  You're a 20 something unattractive and uneducated little shit who isn't going to amount to much but you STILL find ways to be arrogant and show off that shitty personality of yours.

So no, I haven't and won't be going to your twitter.  I don't enjoy hating you that much.


Wolverine Devotee

December 23rd, 2016 at 1:51 PM ^

That's my opinion. If you actually talked to me outside of here like others do, you'd understand. Not gonna discuss it any further because that would be veering to far over the no-politics line and I've already pushed it a little today.

Here's my grievance with you: stop derailing threads with arguments with me about how I'm an idiot or whatever tired, played out rant you're going on.

Just leave me alone, man. I have no interest in sparring with you anymore. I never initiate it when I don't like one of your posts.

We don't care for each other. Fin. Let's not make anyone else suffer through another year of arguing. 


December 23rd, 2016 at 2:47 PM ^

Here's the problem.

You post shit like;

Russia haters. Not on this site, but in general. Country actually has its shit together unlike us. Family values, beautiful women, borders, street vodka. Great stuff.

Daily DONT TWEET RECRUITZ PSA. I get it. At the same time, Brad Hawkins and I share a birthday. I wished him happy birthday the last two years as he did to me. Come at me bro.

And then you don't expect to get your ridiculous "opinions" ridiculed? Wake up. This aint wd's world. You don't get to say asinine things and then go run and hide behind the "leave me alone" cop out. Grow up, and take it like a man if you're going to continue the nonsense. You clearly do it for attention, then want to play the kid games when called out.

FWIW though, I mostly blame social media for people like you.

Wolverine Devotee

December 23rd, 2016 at 3:21 PM ^

I'll listen to posters who aren't "Fuck WD" guys. Your words are just chirping to me at this point. You'll one of the first on the mute/block list once the new site comes. And other people (including mods), are tired of you and I derailing threads. So please stop. 

С рождеством Христовым!


December 23rd, 2016 at 3:42 PM ^

The "Russia...borders" thing cracked me up. WTF are you talking about?? Do you really think Russian soldiers are patrolling all over Siberia, trying to keep people OUT?! I used to work in Moscow, and guess what? There are so many people from central Asia and the Caucasus living there under less than completely legal circumstances, and a lot of them are bad guys. Oh, and the "street vodka" just happens to kill lots of people every year.


December 23rd, 2016 at 10:08 PM ^

Was I so provincially obnoxious (or is that obnoxiously provincial?) as an undergrad? Perhaps, although I just dont think so.....  So my grievance: provincially obnoxious provinciality!

Visiting a former Soviet Republic (not the Russian one)  fifteen years ago was quite an eye-opener either way.  The British ambassador to that country lived three doors down from the friends I was visiting.  He now is taking responsibility for the Wikileaks handoff blamed on WD's Russians (and Sarah Palin's neighbors).  WD (et al) you might want to google Wikileaks + British + ambassador.  Your eyes will be opened with force.  Having met said ambassador and with the verification of my friends of twenty years none of what he says is "fake".  

History, heretofore, has been written by the winners (often employing BigTen officials).  We owe it to our children much less our selves to investigate the other angles.  And, with this intertubes thingy we just might expose those other voices to the now and future provincial. WD you have a winter break ahead of you, and a seemingly precocious mind.  Go google the British ambassador + Wikileaks.  It's my Festivus gift to you!