OT: worst actor or actress to ruin a role or movie.

Submitted by NFG on
Holy Hell. To piggy back the best movie fight scene topic, I ask you, what actor or actress single handily ruined a movie for you? I rented Batman vs. Superman tonight and the character played by Jesse Eisenberg is damn near the biggest insult to a casting role I've ever witnessed. It could be the 30 year old scotch I had, but I am pretty sure he ruined the movie and I never want to see his post dodgeball game face again.


July 23rd, 2016 at 10:06 PM ^

but most notably the original mash movie, which is an all-time classic, and ocean's 11, which is a pretty good remake of the original, gould excepted.

Image result for elliot gould in mash

i always figured he was friends with somebody in casting because he has zero talent.  


July 23rd, 2016 at 10:07 PM ^

Any movie where the lead has to fake an accent and they're bad at it. Especially the Irish accent, seems to be tough for the likes of Brad Pitt, Colin Farrell, Ben Affleck, Richard Gere, and many others. I want to buy into a movie, but obvious bad accents just immediately check me out.


July 23rd, 2016 at 10:13 PM ^

I always thought that was a very odd combination. He plays a huge loser in many roles, or basically just plays himself, yet he publicly projects himself sounding elitist and preachy. How does that work?! If you can say and do whatever you feel like then how can you tell everybody else their business?

Blue Noise

July 23rd, 2016 at 10:11 PM ^

Tarantino in any of his movies. He's an absolutely abysmal actor and his appearances in his own films are the height of self-indulgence. He almost manages to derail the third act of Pulp Fiction by himself, his performance as "Jimmy" being so atrocious.

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July 23rd, 2016 at 10:17 PM ^

I will probably end up in Bolivia for this...
Will Ferrel.
Outside of Elf and The Landlord, he has the same role in a different context in every movie. Reminds me of the immature bully who is spoiled rotten and nobody will tell him to grow up.

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July 23rd, 2016 at 10:24 PM ^

I understand what you're saying, but I love him. His delivery makes most things he says funny regardless of what he actually says. I also think his lines are hilarious, but something about him just makes you laugh. I rewatch the office all the time and after he is off the show for his short stint, it gets hard to watch so I usually restart or binge a new show.

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July 23rd, 2016 at 11:19 PM ^

+1 from me. 

Everyone always seemed to love his role in movies (and quote them incessantly), I thought I was insane for a while wondering what was so funny.


I will say, I did not hate him in Old School. But after that it started to get tiring very quickly.