OT: Worst Movie That You Ever Watched

Submitted by Santa Clause on

Simple question. What is the worst movie that you've ever seen? I nominate Howard the Duck, although the more I watch it now the more I laugh from it being so bad. 


May 6th, 2016 at 12:55 AM ^

I acutally thought the first 2 Hunger Games movies were pretty good.  I was pleasantly surprised by #2--I figured it would be stupid because the concept would be so played out after the 1st movie, but they managed to add enough political depth IMO to make it interesting.


Unfortunatley I thought the last 2 movies were not good.  The last movie in particular felt very very gimmicky and the 3rd movie was just plain boring. 

Darker Blue

May 5th, 2016 at 10:15 PM ^

I was suckered into reading those books a few years ago. 

The first book was almost good,  from there it all went downhill and the last book was so bad I nearly gouged my eyes out. 

I've only seen the first movie and I don't think you could pay me enough to watch the other three. 


May 5th, 2016 at 9:57 PM ^

I'm not a movie junkie, but the thing I love about Tarantino's movies is the dialogue is always amazing. Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, the whole final act of Kill Bill 2. The name of the new one escapes me, but it was almost 3 hours and basically just talking and I somehow wasn't bored. It wasn't his best though.


May 6th, 2016 at 7:43 AM ^

Love most QT movies and, cool story bro, I once sat behind him in a theater in LA.  That said, Kill Bill and Kill Bill 2 were awful awful movies.   His dialogue is great, but in those movies he was fairly fresh of of Pulp Fiction and no one was going to edit him.  It was like watching him verbally masturbate for 9 hours.  If he had someone to reign him in it might have been something.   (My wife loves both movies.)

Optimism Attache

May 5th, 2016 at 6:51 PM ^

I know it got ok reviews, but the worst movie I ever paid to walk out on is The Water Diviner. Just total garbage.

And I should caveat it by saying I don't see many movies I don't really like. I'm pretty good at picking and choosing, so this one seemed like it'd be ok, but man.

U of M in TX

May 5th, 2016 at 6:38 PM ^

Back in the day, my brothers and I used to rent and watch bad horror movies and MST3k them. The worst of the bunch is called Rottweiler, about a bloodthirsty, cybernetic rottweiler. The tag line of the movie is Eat. Sleep. Fetch. Kill. What's not to like? The whole movie is was near unwatchable, including a 10 minute scene of the main character running around naked; dong shots and all. This also included some very "creative" shots of him running over the camera. I don't really remember too much more, other than the lack of killing for such a movie. For your sake, watch at your own risk.


May 5th, 2016 at 6:42 PM ^

Battlefield Earth. I walked out when cave men could magically start flying harrier jump jets.

3% on Rottentomatoes as well. Apparently I wasn't the only one.  


edit: Avatar: The Last Airbender comes in a close second for unbelievably terrible considering how good the source material is.


May 5th, 2016 at 6:41 PM ^

Shadowlands.  Most boring movie ever.

I was all excited to see it, it had Anthony Hopkins in it who I love.

But both me and my wife fell asleep within the first 15 minutes.  Slept through the entire movie.

We both still joke about it.




May 5th, 2016 at 6:42 PM ^

The Entourage movie was terrible. Lets try and fit a seasons storyline into 90 minutes and have 3 time skips without telling the audience, and have endless celebrity cameo appearances. And The Iceman was also terrible, just a bunch of random killing scenes with absolutely no character development until the guy is caught by the police you had no idea were investigating him.

Mr. Elbel

May 5th, 2016 at 6:43 PM ^

Recent: Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. Was the only one in the theater. Watched it during a depressing time in my life. Left the theater even more depressed. Movie was incredibly dumb.