Andrew Harrison When Asked About Kaminsky

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on

At the Kentucky presser following tonight's game Andrew Harrison kept it classy.  It's hard to hear but he mumbles it under his breath.

[Ed-Ace: Yeah, this went exactly as you'd expect. Locked.]




April 5th, 2015 at 7:33 AM ^

I have to agree with Michology. Working with a lot of the young adults I find a constant battle of getting them to stop using the N word. It's mostly black on black usage and from my understanding it doesn't mean the same as it would a white person calling a black person that. I still try to tell them it's not a good word to use regardless but it's still an issue. Andrew is that mindset where he uses that word apparently

Michology 101

April 5th, 2015 at 10:26 AM ^

I simply stated that blacks don't use the word the same way as whites. It can mean just a person in general to them. I didn't say anything about agreeing or disagreeing with that way of thinking. Let the secret be known, that I don't feel the word should be used like it is also. Though this is how the angry mob mentality works. People want to find something to be angry about. The reason why I said racial topics are dicey is because it's safe to assume this blog is predominantly white and we all know how racial tensions can ignite. Look how I'm getting attacked off of a simple statement about the way Blacks used the N word. It's Michology's fault! Get em'! The angry mob. Religious topics can be fire cages also, and many have suggested on here that we don't get too deep into religious views either.


April 5th, 2015 at 8:12 AM ^

a racial slur when you are talking about your own race.  I have Polish friends who call each other Polaks & laugh about it, but I can't call them that.  Poor metaphor since we are of the same race, but similar.


April 5th, 2015 at 12:08 PM ^

But that doesnt change the fact that it is a word that should not be said in a public forum in that manner.


Like, I have seen women greet each other by calling each other bitches. It is used by these particular women as a term to describe each other in a friendly, somewhat sarcastic manner (truthfully, i dont understand it, but im not the one saying it). Just because they call each other that in private doesnt make it appropriate to use the word to describe someone else in public.


does that make sense? 


And lets not forget that Kaminsky is probably not friends with Harrison, so it isnt even as if Harrison has that excuse. He is just straight up using a racial slur to describe someone he doesnt like. I thought we were opposed to that as a society.


Why must there be so many stupid little exceptions to that rule? If black people simply stopped using the word altogether, it would probably discourage its use among white people

Michology 101

April 5th, 2015 at 10:15 AM ^

I'm really shocked at how many people are basically saying the same thing I said earlier in this thread, but I'm the only one getting attacked. I guess people have to try and single somebody out to focus their anger on... it's much easier that way. You must be liked more than me, OccaM. God, Bless you.


April 5th, 2015 at 7:43 AM ^

Real slippery slope to argue one group can use the word and another group can't. Can a half black, half white use the word? How about 1/4 black, 3/4 white? You're an idiot if you can't figure out it's either an okay word for everybody to use or it's not okay for anybody to use.


Ask yourself this. Why is he saying it under his breath?

Hardware Sushi

April 5th, 2015 at 12:34 AM ^

I would laugh SO HARD if Kaminsky took it the opposite direction and said "that cracker never actually won anything other than a third tier league title".

Then again, Kaminsky is not a random message board poster and is probably too smart to say that. But I would laugh in all caps.


April 5th, 2015 at 12:46 AM ^

But somehow I feel like people would have a problem with that if a white person used it for a white person too. Like everyone would dig into his history to see if he had a non-white ancestor somewhere, or something.

This is where I wish we could all just engage our brains and judge conversation on intent, and not litteral terms. You grow up in certian areas, you're gonna say "ni**a". It's just going to be engrained. If you meant nothing other than, "dude", why get upset?


April 5th, 2015 at 2:20 AM ^

Yes we should. Just as we should accept a lot of rappers appropriating italian mafia culture in the way they dress and act. That's what makes America great, everyone appropriates the awesome things they see in others' culture and make it their own. AKA the melting pot

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April 5th, 2015 at 12:44 AM ^

No Andrew, fuck you and your twin, especially whichever one of you made the three against us. Giant Gary Colemans, hope you enjoy watching the title game