Andrew Harrison When Asked About Kaminsky

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on

At the Kentucky presser following tonight's game Andrew Harrison kept it classy.  It's hard to hear but he mumbles it under his breath.

[Ed-Ace: Yeah, this went exactly as you'd expect. Locked.]




April 5th, 2015 at 12:50 AM ^

It shouldn't be wrong for anyone to say anything unless they meant it hurtfully. You think every time someone has ever said, "retartded", they were mocking the mentally handicapped? The word has simply come to mean stupid. Whether or not the original connotation was hurtful shouldn't have any bearing on a given conversation. We should all be more evolved than that.


April 5th, 2015 at 10:16 AM ^

This is beyond OT but this just reminded me: There was this massively tall girl in my grade who would go around calling people "retarts" multiple times a day. She had a deep loud voice that really carried down the hallway and you could honestly hear her across the hall or even two classrooms away "retart!" "retart!" "You stupid retart!" (No, she was not mentally challenged nor did she have tourrettes, she just really liked to call people retarts if they said something dumb or funny) Every adult she encountered gave up correcting her and trying to get her to stop because she would get disciplined for a day and then go right back to saying it the second she was out of trouble and they weren't going to expel her for saying "retart"

snarling wolverine

April 5th, 2015 at 1:29 AM ^

But it's not quite that simple, because once we decree that a word is "off-limits", that tends to increase its desirability among certain uncultured segments of society.   I have known white people who will use this word precisely because it's offensive.  I don't think the N word will ever stop being controversial.

At any rate, the "fuck" part of this soundbite is kind of significant, too - and it's a little harder to defend.  




April 5th, 2015 at 1:31 AM ^

That is the fault of those people. It's the whole forbidden fruit concept and it's juvenile imo. There are so many alternative ways to express oneself without appropriating or insulting others etc etc. 

But yes, I agree the first word is more headshake worthy than the third word. 


snarling wolverine

April 5th, 2015 at 9:16 AM ^

But that's just it.  The people I've referred to were fully aware that it's an offensive term, and used it for that reason.    They would even (mockingly) defend their use, saying things like "They know they're n****s.  They say it themselves."

This is a problem with "reclaiming" hate speech.  If you use a term while simultaneously taking offense to it (when used by others), then you end up keeping the offensive term in regular circulation.  I'd argue that it's better to just let the word die out.





April 5th, 2015 at 6:57 AM ^

it tells me you will have siginificant cognitive dissonance and will be seeing your therapist frequently in the near future?


April 5th, 2015 at 1:08 AM ^

It's interesting how everyone is focusing on the third word he said and not the first, which isn't terribly polite to say about somebody in a press conference either.


Everyone Murders

April 5th, 2015 at 10:50 AM ^

This comports with my experience. As a white guy, I don't use the term because I sincerely don't think it's my place to do so. Too long of a history of white folks using the term to make it anything but ugly coming from me. But any time I've been called that, it's been because I was getting the better of someone in competition (or by a black friend as a term of endearment). In those contexts it offended me not one bit. I understand that many folks want to banish the term altogether, and don't quarrel with that aspiration, but have found it really hard to get too pissed when someone calls me ( as a white person) that. I don't hear it tossed around in competition to players who don't have some game.


April 5th, 2015 at 1:12 AM ^

The only reason this is wrong is because he said, "F that Guy" in a press conference, which you can't do.  I've heard what he said hundreds of times directed at many different people and it's not a big deal.


April 5th, 2015 at 1:16 AM ^

I am a 37 yr old white guy and the last thing I am ever going to do is get upset about an African American using that word.  I think Andrew should be disappointed in himself for dropping the F bomb in the presser on national tv and find it really strange that he chose that word to refer to Kaminsky.  However, I think it's pretty clear that it's his way of saying, "Fuck that guy." after a frustrating loss.  


April 5th, 2015 at 1:26 AM ^

It's classless. It's obviously not the same as white dude saying that, but that's still an offensive term to a great many people. There is a great Public Enemy song about that. I know women who use the word bitch, and guys who use the word motherfucker all the time, but those are still offensive words. You shouldn't be saying any of them at a press conference representing your college. You wanna shit talk people? Do it on your own time.

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April 5th, 2015 at 2:05 AM ^

No shit b/c if a white person was saying the N word to a black person, he probably isn't meaning it in a "general" sense...He probably means it in a 3/5 of a person sense. Especially a white guy from the middle of Wisconsin. Now unless you are Eminem, Fat Joe or some person who is completely okayed and associated with black culture/people while not being black, you won't get away with saying the N word as a substitute for "friend" or "dude" to some random black guy.

Now, if you're referring to the argument of what would happen if Harrison called Kaminsky a cracker? Then yeah there would be more outrage than this, but probably not as much the other way around partially due to cracker being a much more newer term with less of a history when used by blacks vs the N word used by whites. 

Yostbound and Down

April 5th, 2015 at 1:58 AM ^

A. It is already a national news story hence the thread.
B. In this context and from this speaker it is not a racist term.
C. Yes of course if a white player said it it would be a bigger story because white people have used the term in the past towards black people as part of denigrating through racism. In which cause it should certainly cause more outrage.

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