O.T. Important things (to some folks) but not to others

Submitted by mGrowOld on
Today's raging debate over Adidas v Nike got me to thinking about topics important to people that others could care less about. Exhibit A in my house is where we sit in a resturant when my wife and I go out to eat. I don't care where we sit but to my wife this is VERY important and I can safely say that when entrusted with this critical task I have chosen poorly each an every time we've gone out. So knowing this I no longer make the choice and defer to my wife for seating selection and everyone's happy. So what's yours? I don't care about about shoe brand my school wears or where I sit in a resturant. What VERY IMPORTANT topic do you not care about?


April 2nd, 2015 at 3:44 PM ^

This is infuriating. No one wants to deal with mergers, so they clog the highway. Poor driving manners are a huge issue that no one cares about. I have no qualms about passing idiots on the right, but when people go the speedlimit in the left lane on an empty highway... I hate them.


April 2nd, 2015 at 3:49 PM ^

Conversely, I hate when I'm in the right lane on the highway, going the speed limit, and there's a guy riding my tail when he could just pass me. My kids hear this all the time: "Just fu**ing pass me, dude!" and then I say I had a bad parenting moment, dropping an f-bomb like that. This story will be told at my funeral in the "Remember when mom......" segment.  

Yostbound and Down

April 2nd, 2015 at 3:56 PM ^

I consider myself a fairly normal/speedy driver (I go 5/10 over most places) and I can't even stand it when someone screams up when I'm in the right and then shifts over. Dude, get in the other lane, there is room for you to start the pass back there instead of charging up on me like Bullitt.


April 2nd, 2015 at 4:00 PM ^

I hate that too.  For the most part I just really dislike aggressive drivers of all kinds.  I think you can basically judge a person's overall character based in large part on how they drive.  The tailgating, ass riding, horn beebing dude in the 2003 oversized Silverado is an asshole, on the road and off.

In reply to by ijohnb


April 3rd, 2015 at 10:18 AM ^

I strongly believe that poor driving habits are not a reflection of someone's ability to drive, but a reflection of a much deeper inability to cope with the existence of other people around you. You see this with people walking on sidewalks, pushing shopping carts thru Costco, even moshing at rock concerts. It really is possible to do your thing, drive fast or slow, whatever, without always being in someone else's way and/or constantly putting others in a position where they're in your way. It just requires you to actually pay attention to what's going on around you. And it is shocking how few people are capable of it.


April 3rd, 2015 at 12:06 PM ^

said.  Most people only think of "road rage" as meaning like actual acts of violence that originate from events while driving.  I see road rage as consisting primarily of aggressive actions taken while driving that really do go to deeper emotional issues.  The person who rides up real fast and real close before aggressively changing lanes is doing so for a reason.  They are either reacting poor to their own mental processes or using their ability to "bully" people on the road to combat feelings of helplessness and lack of control in their every day lives.  They are "beating" the other drivers at something even though almost nobody else is "playing the game" they are involved in. 


April 2nd, 2015 at 3:44 PM ^

Reading the entire instruction booklet right when you open whatever it is you just bought. I basically read up until "How to turn it on" and then if I need it later, I refer back. I have no idea what half the knobs in my car do and I've had it for 2 years. 


April 2nd, 2015 at 3:49 PM ^

However, aren't you at least curious what the buttons do? You should play around with features even if you don't read up on them first. Maybe you're missing out on something relevant, like fog lights or an ejector seat. You'll want to find that out.


April 2nd, 2015 at 4:08 PM ^

reset the clock in any car I have ever owned. It is always Daylight Savings Time wherever I go; if the battery runs down and the clock is 4 1/2 hours slow, I just memorize the offset and mention it the next time I drop the car off for maintenance.


April 2nd, 2015 at 3:47 PM ^

I always hit the minimum number of buttons on the microwave. You want 1 minute, thirty seconds? It's either  "time cook - 1 - 3 - 0 - start" or its "-quickstart 1 - add 30 seconds" That's right, I push 2 buttons rather than 5. I find the most efficient way to walk places, there are other examples too, but I think the microwave embodies it.


April 2nd, 2015 at 4:03 PM ^

I grew up in an urban area, so noise doesn't bother me. My wife, OTOH, can't sleep if a pin drops next to her. When we moved in together into our current apartment, the noise level of the neighbors was (and remains) her biggest issue. To an extent, there are legitimate problems: the downstairs neighbors have seriously loud arguments late at night, and we also had an upstairs neighbor who would come home late and pace her apartment in heavy soled shoes.

But to the greater extent, I'm perfectly capable of ignoring all of this and couldn't care less. In any event - happy wife happy life - so we're doing our best to find a new home ASAP. Time to buy.