META: Your favorite MGoBlog posters of the past

Submitted by DISCUSS Man on

Saw an interesting exchange in the THE HARBAUGHING thread I started earlier and though i would open it up into its own thread for discussion.

Veteran members, lurkers-now-posters. Who are your favorite posters of the past? These can be guys that got banned, Bolivia'd or just stopped posting on the site and moved on with life unannounced.

If you have any old timey or famous threads from the past, post those also. I'm in the mood for a laugh and want to be entertained.

My favorite that amused me quite often was Section 1. Not sure what happened to him. Why is he my favorite?

It's easy. The 20 page Rich Rod wars he started in threads. Also his blatant stepping over the line into the No Politics zone that got others riled up.


Mabel Pines

January 6th, 2015 at 8:34 AM ^

just read that.  Good stuff.  I usually stay away when things get really bad, but it sounds like that's when most of the fun stuff happens.

How is ProfitGoBlue?  Remember his rant at the beginning of this season?  I was actually worried about him; seemed depressed.  I wonder if he will watch this year?


January 5th, 2015 at 11:39 PM ^

Any other answer is just incorrect. Kind of dated now, but for those not around at the time:

On leaving OSU after a lot of waiting and uncertainty:

What it confirm? I wuz tolt if I left I got my own draft... How many fakeass Buckeyes get there own draft? Haha U MAD!

MGoUser Captain:

Thank goodness, what took you so long?


Well What took me so long is cuz I was gonna go in tha big draft but than I was like TP2... What do u need? An I was like well I already got cars and money and womenz and all the normil Coolidge things so I was Like I need my own draft and so I did RESEARCH and was like ok so I did


January 5th, 2015 at 11:56 PM ^

Stephen R Kass. I will never forget his meltdown post about how his wife caught him looking at naughty gif's on MGoBlog and how he was already in hot water to begin with and we all just made it worse for him etc. Classic MGoMoment.


January 6th, 2015 at 1:49 AM ^

We all put up stupid posts. That night was my night for multiple stupidity. I've grown.

I am at peace with mostly lurking now. I went cold turkey from mgoblog for most of the Fall. It was just too painful and I couldn't stand it after dealing with similar stuff with RR.

As for myself, there are so many things I've enjoyed reading. Crex, gsimmons85, steve sharik, big boutros, blue seoul, formerly anonymous, BiSB, and so many more made great contributions to the blog. Honestly, there were some posters whose name I've forgotten, but whose avatars are in my mind . . . a pair of dice was one, and this guy who was a photographer and had a self portrait in ww1 coat and helmet, iirc.


January 6th, 2015 at 11:59 PM ^

Well, I do agree with you that this isn't a place for lots of naked or mostly naked pics. It just makes it too nsfw or nsfh or nsfsrk. It's kind of a low class, RCMB, Eleven Warriors trashy place to go. It's interesting that even Magnus at his Touch the Banner blog now relegates cheesecake to the 2nd page.

I think since the servers were reset, and the mods were on board, there has been more internal policing to keep things appropriate.


January 6th, 2015 at 12:02 AM ^

For some reason Ken725 (I think it's 725) comes to mind. But em0, his depth charts, and subsequent meltdown(s) were absolutely epic. And I say this as a guy who hates the overuse of epic. That dude burned too hot too fast.

There's only one thing to say in regards to haloscan



January 6th, 2015 at 12:11 AM ^

I seem to remember liking a poster nameed Big Redacted with an avatar of Pussy Bompinsero from the Sopranos.  Maybe I just liked the name/picture.


Also I liked ChiTownBlue /ducks


January 6th, 2015 at 12:18 AM ^

I think they were the same person. He got into an early war with justingoblue and totally owned him. Eventually lost interest and got banned. Came back and tried to be more liberal with his tolerance of others and sought guidance from some of the staff. Realized that his career and family were more fun that trying to educate kids on this blog. RIP.


January 6th, 2015 at 12:45 AM ^

I can't find it anymore but there used to be this thread in the User Curated HoF where some guy went off about how much he hated people from Ann Arbor- or was it students at michigan- because of all of the elitists.  I vaguely remember him saying that he worked at Jimmy Johns and went to Eastern or something like that and all of the UM students were dicks to him.  If anyone knows where to find that thread I'd love to relive the glory days one more time.


January 6th, 2015 at 12:50 AM ^


Dude claimed to hail from Ohio but he was plausibly literate and contributed fair content. Somebody posted that Mr. Yang is currently being used for laboratory experimentation although I never saw verification here. The controversial manner he departed is legendary.



January 6th, 2015 at 1:21 AM ^

Man I'm late to this thread and missed out on some good reminiscing. I know a couple others have already said it, but Mr.Mario86 was my favorite. In my douchier years on the blog before I mellowed out a bit, I would love to start prodding him when he was on the verge of his many meltdowns and then watch and enjoy the fireworks. Good times... Also, I'd like to see Blazefire start posting more again as I always liked him. He's been relatively quiet lately.