Make the case for retaining Hoke

Submitted by JeepinBen on

We've got a lot of Lawyers on the board, and while there is a huge amount of group-think on the board and most poeple assume Hoke is gone there is chatter that if he wins out he could keep his job. I think that's ridiculously short-sighted (as do most of you probably).

So - be devil's advocate. How can someone (anyone!) justify retaining Hoke after that 60 minutes of Yakety Sax followed by a team with 4 new OL starters, a freshman QB and RB putting up more points in East Lansing than Hoke's teams have scored against MSU during his tenure? Why is OSU so much better with their brand new pieces? Is it anything but coaching?


November 10th, 2014 at 12:31 PM ^

How about an asshole? Does that not dehumanize the subject as well?l. Why does the Raging Bean not rage over that? Or is because he has been conditioned to react sensitively to "slut" in gender studies courses and not to terms like asshole?




November 10th, 2014 at 12:37 PM ^

I've never taken a gender studies class. I'm just not a dickhead. :D

Also, the reasons those terms are not as upsetting or dehumanizing is because we live in a patriarchal society which misogyny is a systemic and universal part of the culture. So calling a man an asshole or a dickhead is not intrinsically an act of agression or opression. Odds are probably even that you arew calling a spade a spade. Even if it is an act of discrimination, it's not on the same level as the OP's comment. That's because slut-shaming a woman, even a hypthetical one, is a way to assert masculine control over her body and behavior. 


November 10th, 2014 at 1:08 PM ^

asshole or dickhead is sure to anger the other man.Anger that quite often turns into violent behavior. If you consider that men are by far the greatest perpetrators and victims of violence it then should become obvious that this is at least is on the level of "slut shaming".  Most violence comes from words. Often those words include "asshole" and other obscenities. Those words matter very much.

Your opinion is one based on feminist perceptions. Perceptions that are as ignorant of males as misogynists perceptions of females experiences. But feminists don't understand this. They think that ONLY their view is the correct one. That THEY are immune from parochial or bias. That's utter nonsense. As humans we all are prisoners of our own experiences and knowledge.

Patriarchal or matriarchal it doesn't matter. Humans will still do terrible things to other people. The idea that a female-dominated society is somehow better is chauvinistic fantasy based on no actual data.  What we need is a society based on neither maternalism or paternalism. Domination by any one group generally does not end well for us.

Lastly, Men are also dehumanized  in a patriarchal society. One need only visit a battlefield to see this. Women have largely been sheltered from the horrors of war--a bizarre benefit of sexism--and men have not. There is nothing more dehumanizing than being used as cannon fodder for political goals.Along with slavery war is the ultimate form of dehumanization. A fact that is lost in a culture that glorifies it.


November 10th, 2014 at 1:34 PM ^

"Your opinion is one based on feminist perceptions. Perceptions that are as ignorant of males as misogynists perceptions of females experiences."

First of all, I'm a man, and I'm a feminist. So you're basically talking gibberish. Feminists are not anti-male, dude--we are pro-equality.

But feminists don't understand this. They think that ONLY their view is the correct one. That THEY are immune from parochial or bias. That's utter nonsense. As humans we all are prisoners of our own experiences and knowledge."

Hilarious, because that's exactly what feminists have been trying to tell non-feminist men FOREVER.

The idea that a female-dominated society is somehow better..."

This is perhaps the most obvious straw man I have ever seen. NO ONE is arguing for a female-dominated society. What you're doing is picking the most rare, extreme, insane representative of a group and assuming that everyone is exactly like that. This is total bullshit and you have no excuse for not knowing better.

Domination by any one group generally does not end well for us."

Agreed! So stop supporting the domination of women via slut-shaming.

Lastly, Men are also dehumanized  in a patriarchal society. "

Feminists were actually the first people to theorize this. If you would stop spewing garbage out of your mouth and actually sit down and listen to one of us, we would be happy to tell you about it. I can gaurantee you that as a male feminist, I spent A LOT of time thinking about how men are dehumanized by our insane patriarchal culture.

One need only visit a battlefield to see this. Women have largely been sheltered from the horrors of war--a bizarre benefit of sexism--and men have not."

Have you ever heard the term spoils-of-war? Do you know what Sherman's army did in their march from Atlanta to Savannah? Do you know what the Russians did when they sacked Berlin? [I'll tell you: the soviet Red Army raped over 2 million women]. Have you ever heard of the "comfort women" taken by Imperial Japan from its colonies? Mass war-time rape is a practice dating back to ancient times, having been mentioned in the bible ["
"For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women taken..." Zechariah 14:2, to name just one example] and in the ancient writings of Homer and others. Rape is not just a by-product of war, it is a deliberately employed military strategy.


November 10th, 2014 at 1:50 PM ^

By sheltered I meant that they have not needed to fight our wars. I was referring specifically to the American experience. Obviously, women in civilian roles suffered immensely. But so have men. 3.5 Russian POWs were systmatically starved to death by the Germans.What happened to the Southern women was indeed a crime. But that is an exception, not a rule, in the American experience of war.

"Agreed! So stop supporting the domination of women via slut-shaming." I never did. You obviously haven't been reading what I have written. 


First of all, I'm a man, and I'm a feminist. So you're basically talking gibberish. Feminists are not anti-male, dude--we are pro-equality."

You are biased. So am I. That is my point. You seem to think that you are somehow above this when in fact you are not. You must stop deluding yourself.


Being anything other than a humanist makes you part of the problem. I am not a partisan of man or woman, white or black, gay or straight. I am for justice and understanding. Partisans like you are only for the group you have chosen to embrace.


November 10th, 2014 at 2:03 PM ^

"Being anything other than a humanist makes you part of the problem. I am not a partisan of man or woman, white or black, gay or straight. I am for justice and understanding. Partisans like you are only for the group you have chosen to embrace."

If you think that being in favor of the advancement and equality of women must somehow mean that I am opposed to the advancement and equality of men, then you are literally the dumbest fucking person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.


November 10th, 2014 at 2:19 PM ^

"If you think that being in favor of the advancement and equality of women must somehow mean that I am opposed to the advancement and equality of men, then you are literally the dumbest fucking person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting."


Yet AGAIN you interpet a meaning that I did not state.


What I said is that you are a partisan. That means you are more concerned with woman than you are of men. That's it. That does not mean you are a misandrist. Do you not know what the word partisan means??? 


November 10th, 2014 at 2:03 PM ^

if you stopped to think instead of reflexively reacting hostilely, you'd realize SalvatoreQuattro has some valid points. Modern feminism IS often anti-male or misandrist. And yes, you can be both male and self-hating or anti-male. One example is the push for "equal pay" despite differences in experience, commute, work hours, etc. The recent crusade against campus rape is another fine example. It presumes all men are inherently rapists and guilty until proven innocent. And the examples of war are valid. Women have historically been less victimized by war than men. Look, I'm a humanist not a feminist or whatever. I'm for equal opportunity for all but not equal outcomes.


November 10th, 2014 at 2:25 PM ^

Shhh don't use common sense in these types of arguments... I mean what happens if you're girl friend is ACTUALLY a slut and cheats on you...? That can't possibly be a scenario in Raginbeans uber feminist world. Keep fighting the good fight SalvQuattro.

Waters Demos

November 10th, 2014 at 3:30 PM ^

Good exchange here.

The problem with feminism, of course, is that it is prescriptive, depends on some sort of "should."  This particular "should" presupposes democracy, but can't answer the question of "why democracy?"  

It's postmodernism, which essentially holds that there are no absolute truths, prescribing an absolute truth.  It is an absurd position by its very structure.  

It's Happening

November 10th, 2014 at 7:59 PM ^

Wait. Wasn't it because a male dominated society kept women from fighting and dying on the battlefield? Women were viewed as weak and inferior. I'm sure women would have stood up and sacrificed their lives too if men had put aside their machismo egos. It's not their fault. You can't really rant on and on about the horrors that men endured when women weren't even allowed to be part of it. Believe me they would have been if men had allowed them to be and had not assigned them acceptable "female" roles to follow.

It's Happening

November 10th, 2014 at 8:01 PM ^

Wait. Wasn't it because a male dominated society kept women from fighting and dying on the battlefield? Women were viewed as weak and inferior. I'm sure women would have stood up and sacrificed their lives too if men had put aside their machismo egos. It's not their fault. You can't really rant on and on about the horrors that men endured when women weren't even allowed to be part of it. Believe me they would have been if men had allowed them to be and had not assigned them acceptable "female" roles to follow.


November 10th, 2014 at 12:49 PM ^

context: you do not understand it. at all.

when men have spent 99.9% of human history with social status that exists somewhere between "(male) human being" and "livestock", then you will be able to make a valid comparison between these things.

when men are shamed as "sluts" for the heinous crime of having sex for pleasure, and simultaneously derided as "bitches" or "prudes" for not putting out, when "he was asking for it" or "he was dressed provocatively" or "he's promiscuous" becomes a valid excuse for raping a man, then you can make a valid comparison between these things.

it's a damn shame that with all the effort and money put into your education you have not acquired one goddamn ounce of perspective.


November 10th, 2014 at 1:06 PM ^

No one is arguing that women are not subject to any of those things.


But you clearly have not put much thought into what you have written. How else can one explain your ignorance of war? Of what it is and what is required to wage it? How can you not be aware of broken bodies and minds? Of mass death by the most appalling of means?

How can it be that you know not of the suffering at Normandy? Of the horrors of Cold Harbor? Tarawa?

How can you be unaware of the men who died choking in their own vomit because of phosgene gas? Of the men who were talking one minute and were turned into powder the next by shells? How can you not understand the spiraling death of men in B-24s as their planes plummet to the ground?

How can it be that you are so ignorant of these things? How can you be so ignorant of the dehumanization that waging war requires?How can you not understand that men are but cattle being lead to the abbatoir of war?

How? How?

Then there are the men who died in mines and industrial accidents and who are killed in our streets(80% of homicide victims are males).


But yeah, only women are seen as less-than-human. 


November 10th, 2014 at 1:30 PM ^

analysis of the issue. But I wouldn't count on changing the opinion of the other poster who rather than think independently just regurgitates feminist propaganda. But we digress. As for retaining Hoke, he is a nice guy. And then there's stability. Of course, it's hard not to be stable when you're nearing rock bottom.


November 10th, 2014 at 1:58 PM ^

"How can it be that you know not of the suffering at Normandy? Of the horrors of Cold Harbor? Tarawa?"

FYI: My family has fought in almost every single war this country has fought, dating back to over one hundred years BEFORE the revolution. Three of my four grandparents served in WW2. My dad's mom was an officer in the USMC. Her husband was on the USS Gambier Bay when it was sunk in the battle of Leyte Gulf, which was the largest naval battle ever fought in the entire history of the world. He was one of the lucky ones who wasn't instantly incinerated, so he had the great pleasure of watching his buddies get eaten by sharks while they spent the next few days awaiting rescue. And since you had to bring it up, my great-uncle was on one of the B-24s....

So despite your histrionics, I am well aware of the horrors of warfare. More aware than you are in fact, because I know enough to know that men aren't the only people on the receiving end of war-time horrors.

Then there are the men who died in mines and industrial accidents and who are killed in our streets(80% of homicide victims are males)."

Yes of course, because no women have ever died or been maimed in any industrial accidents.

Because I'm a feminist, I must think that only women have ever been raped or butchered, right? Are you really that fucking stupid? What the fuck are you even talking about?

P.S. let me repeat this for you incase you didn't read my other post: Rape of women and children is a deliberately employed military strategy. Why don't you take a moment out of your day and learn about how war has affected the other half?


November 10th, 2014 at 2:12 PM ^

you what's your point? You haven't presented a single fact which counters SalvatoreQuattro's basic assertions that men have been more negatively impacted by war and workplace dangers. Why can't you just politely acknowledge that he makes some valid points? I acknowledge that women have also greatly suffered from the horror of war. Thanks for your information on this subject. See, it's that easy.


November 10th, 2014 at 2:13 PM ^

I too have had multple generations serve in the military of this country and that of Italy. So you have nothing on me in that regard.

Once again, you make strawman argument that I am unaware of other people's suffering in war. And once I'll point out that was I was talking about the American experience. You either are slow or are willfully ignoring my statements.


Yes, rape is a strategem. I acknowledged that. But masscuring men is also a strategem used. See the Nazi massacres in France, Italy, and Russia for examples of this. Murder and rape are both strategems used in war.


"Yes of course, because no women have ever died or been maimed in any industrial accidents."

The vast majority are men.You and I both know that. That doesn't make the deaths of women any less tragic than that of men. Not at all.  But men have suffered disproportionately in this regard.


You single out the aspects that help you and leave out those that don't. What an interesting form of argumentation.


Monocle Smile

November 10th, 2014 at 2:02 PM ^

What exactly is responsible for all those things you listed: systems run almost exclusively by men, or systems run almost exclusively by women? Who exactly is preventing women from participating in everything in that post?


That's what I thought. Your line of thinking is a nice try, but it lacks depth.


November 10th, 2014 at 2:22 PM ^

Men in power act differently than those not in power. The issue is not the gender, but the level of the social hierarchy in which both reside. You have misdentified the problem.

Oh and there is also the issue of race. You forgot that as well.

But nice try.

Everyone Murders

November 10th, 2014 at 2:59 PM ^

Saying "your post lacks depth" in an otherwise serious discussion of misogyny and gender roles? That's begging for an inappropriate TWSS joke.  You're intentionally trolling my inner 12 year-old.  It's a sucker play.

So I won't do it.  I won't write "Your post lacks depth?  That's what she said!"

You know why?  Because I'm better than that.


November 10th, 2014 at 3:12 PM ^

This isn't a competition between who's had it shittier, men or women. Bad things have happened to people throughout history and there isn't some sort of sliding scale where you can't complain about this one bad thing because it's not worse than this other bad thing. They're both awful. 


As for getting upset about the initial post that sparked this entire debate, besdies the fact that your assuming that the inital poster was a man, which you couldn't possibly know, you're outrage really is coming from a surface level--Women's Studies 101--approach that looks at the world as black and white. Of course, the more sophistatcated realize that that word is simply just that: a word, not some sort of chain enslaving women. It literally only matters if you let it matter, which is why new feminist groups incorporate it as a positive form of protest. New feminists understand that language, of course, is a human construct, not some kind of physical bound that controls people. 

Red is Blue

November 10th, 2014 at 3:34 PM ^

"Disrespecting a woman by calling her a slut could be considered misogynistic.". What if she actually was a slut?


edit:  By no means am I advocating the general use of this term.  However, that doesn't preclude the possibility that there may be specific individual cases where the shoe fits.


November 10th, 2014 at 12:04 PM ^

You could have chosen any metaphor in the world to make your point. You chose one that shows a disdain for women. Misogyny is most frequently not outright hatred or spousal abuse, just like racism is most frequently not slurs or police brutality. It's a systemic state of mind that tells you the best way to make your point is to denigrate a hypothetical woman because women like that deserve to be put down.

Go ahead and neg bomb me for it, but I'm not the gross one here.

The FannMan

November 10th, 2014 at 12:34 PM ^

I am not certain the woman is hypothetical.  Maybe he did, in fact, have a girlfriend who was, in fact, "slutty."  He then took her back and it did not go well.  (For that, matter he could be a she.)  

As an aisde, these kinds of discussions are what happens when the football sucks and we all agree on what needs to be done.