Thank you Dave for...

Submitted by BlueinTC on

at least having the courtesy to step down.  It's hard to say now whether this was a "forced" resignation or if he willingly offered his resignation, but if it was willingly, I do want to thank him for that courtesy.  This gives the school time to get the new AD in and, subequent to that,  time to find a coach who won't have just  a week or two to re-inforce the recruiting class.

Thanks, get the hell out...just kidding.  I don't want to stomp on someone who is down.  This was the right thing to do.  Good luck to you. 



October 31st, 2014 at 2:43 PM ^

for supporting the youth of today. Someday, from your actions they will have tons of case studies on how NOT to run and business and handle PR. You were a true gift!

Doctor Wolverine

October 31st, 2014 at 3:21 PM ^

Classiest post yet. Like him or not, it's never cool to kick someone when they down. The guy just got forced out of his dream job, and that's got to suck. As a UofM grad and fellow human, I wish him the best of luck and am confident that he will land on his feet.


October 31st, 2014 at 3:27 PM ^

Especially for facilities, 'smaller' sports, etc. Hell of a fundraiser. Stayed out of Beilein's, Berenson's, Hutching's, Barnes-Arico's, etc. way it seems.

Way too much wank on the corporate end, his vision of everything as a product, and the dismissive attitude towards fans. Dug his own grave, dug deep, kept on digging. Treated comminiqués as favors to the fans, the lowest species on his UM-totem pole (brought to you by Chobani! Replica pole only 29.99 at the MDen). 

Be interesting to see how well the new AD does with those thing DB was strong at.


October 31st, 2014 at 3:31 PM ^

The guy did the right thing for the university as well as for himself.  He exhibited that he really has the best interests of the university in mind and recognized that he became toxic with the students and a lot of fans.



October 31st, 2014 at 3:49 PM ^

He did a pretty good job navigating that bs. I'm glad he's out, but at that time (like many others on this board) I though he was the right man for the job.


October 31st, 2014 at 4:05 PM ^

I've been upset with Dave Brandon for at least 2 1/2 years now.  Just really disliked the way he came across, the "band thing" when we went out to Dallas, the skywriting thing, the seat cushion thing... all of it.  I so wanted him gone and was thrilled to hear that it was happening today.

But when I actually saw the end of the contract posted, with his signature there... I really felt bad.  I mean, I'm glad we're moving forward, but a real sense of empathy took hold at that moment.  It must have been so hard for him to put his name to that.  

Say what you want, but I think we all know that he really did want what was best for the department and he wanted all of our sports to thrive under his leadership.  He took the job with the best of intentions.  His vision for what was "best" didn't match what many of us had in mind, sometimes he was WAY off the mark, but I do feel bad for the guy.  

I know, I know, he's rich and all that... but I'm sure that this job was never about the money for him.  It wasn't all altruistic, I mean, I think he was in a desparate hurry to "leave his mark" on this place; maybe have a building named after him.  But I also think he truly thought he was always putting Michigan first.  Gotta be tough to basically get "asked to leave" by a place you love, a place you call home.

Still looking forward to the future without him though...


October 31st, 2014 at 5:11 PM ^

For making me realize that the only time I want the full-on Super Bowl experience is at the Super Bowl.  I'm sure the marching band thanks Dave for this, too.

Perkis-Size Me

October 31st, 2014 at 6:14 PM ^

I will say that I commend Dave for his willingness to pay top dollar for assistants, as well as his heavy investment in non-revenue sports. No, women's field hockey doesn't bring in money, but they're every bit of student athletes as the football players are. I was really glad to see him give those sports the facilities and recognition they deserve.

That being said, Brandon rubbed me the wrong way the moment he told us the band wouldn't be traveling to Dallas.

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