Brenda Tracy is Honorary Captain for Home Opener

Submitted by bacon1431 on

Rape survivor and survivor advocate Brenda Tracy has been selected as an honorary captain for the home opener. She spoke to a few Michigan athletics teams this summer and Coach Harbaugh has brought her back to serve as the honorary captain. 

While we are all lamenting a less than stellar start to the season and some are questioning the direction of the program, I think we can all agree that this is something we can celebrate. When she visited, she singled out Harbaugh as one of the most involved and responsive coaches she’s encountered when she’s come to speak. Wins and losses matter, but not as much as creating a culture of that develops our student athletes into quality human beings.


September 4th, 2018 at 7:16 PM ^

I feel I am being more civil than those that are engaging in victim blaming. Which expresses a far more detrimental attitude than anything I’ve said. And your content in this thread - focusing more on “virtue signaling” than, you know rape, sexual assault, victim blaming etc - is more detrimental than me being “uncivil.” Fuck civility politics. 


September 5th, 2018 at 6:44 AM ^

I guess you missed the point. It’s more uncivil to victim blame and perpetuate a culture in which survivors are fearful or anxious to come forward than it is to curse, name call or debate BS in an “uncivil” manner. What you are doing potentially has a tangible negative effect on someone in your life if they were to go through something like this as I imagine you express the same attitudes offline. Civility politics are pointless anyways when it comes to things that are objectively wrong (like victim blaming). We are not debating the tax code. 

Section 1.8

September 5th, 2018 at 9:44 AM ^

Look at what you're doing!  You are so inflamed, so impassioned and so unhinged that you are putting me in a category of "victim blamers" and "perpetuating" a culture in which survivors live in fear.

I'm not taking that from you, or from anybody.

I wrote nothing like that on these pages and you've got a lot of freaking nerve to suggest it.

You have a real problem with "imagining" (your terminology) what my thoughts and motives are.  You should do better with reading, and do less imagining.



September 5th, 2018 at 2:49 PM ^

I've read your words. Your empathy only goes so far as to survivors that respond in the way YOU see fit. No empathy as to why someone might not cooperate with authorities. That is shaming and victim blaming. 

You want survivors like Brenda to come forward but continue with an attitude that isn't conducive to supporting an environment where they would feel more comfortable coming forward. You want the cart before the horse. It doesn't work like that. Nobody can read what you say and come away thinking you respect survivors. 


September 4th, 2018 at 6:13 PM ^

The thing about "thumbs up and thumbs down" on message boards ----- they are a form of virtue signaling in their own right!

Too many folk who will post a popular opinion so that they can get a bunch of thumbs up and +1s!

Credit to the OP for at least going against the grain (in a non-obnoxious fashion).


September 4th, 2018 at 6:41 PM ^

Thumbs up to that sentiment.

I realized a long time ago that rational discussion of ideas, often unpopular ideas, is not possible on this board.  If the popular opinion is adverse to your own, name calling and vitriol ensues. It's the exact bullying that the same people denounce and "virtue signal" over.


September 4th, 2018 at 6:32 PM ^

Bando, do I have your permission to overstep, please? Our favorite concern troll is at it again. This time, attacking a rape survivor, probably because of Title IX. Section 1.8, you are a sick fuck, and if that gets me banned, so be it. The MGoBlog that lets you stay on the Board polluting it with your obnoxious, foul, inhuman, compassion-free, hot takes is not the MGoBlog I care to read or contribute to.

Bando Calrissian

September 4th, 2018 at 6:51 PM ^

Brenda Tracy was last seen getting attacked on Twitter by Zach Smith. The fact that you continue to denigrate her work, as well as the need for activism from strong and courageous people like her, is every reason why you should be banned. Again. And never be allowed back on another username. Enough is enough.

Section 1.8

September 4th, 2018 at 9:23 PM ^

Let's review.

So far on this thread, I have:

  1. Posted an opinion which many GoBoard members don't like, but some clearly do.  Let's all agree that I represent a minority view of Brenda Tracy.
  2. I expressed that view in a calm, realistic, respectful fashion.  When somebody like you, Brando, accuse me of "denigrating" her work, you cannot quote a single line of my writing in which I do denigrate her work.
  3. As usual, I have ignored all of the usual personal attacks on me.  Take a moment, to review the nature and variety of personal attacks on me.  Compare the personal attacks on me here, to anything that I wrote about Brenda Tracy.  Yeah, there is a moderation problem here and it sure isn't a problem of my violation any rules.
  4. And in the end, all that I have done with respect to Brenda Tracy is to express a view.  I haven't called for a march on the Diag to protest her.  You won't see me in front of the President's house with a bullhorn calling for a boycott of the game or Ms. Tracy.  I've said that Ms. Tracy has every right to her opinion; that her meeting with teams through the Michigan Athletic Department may have served a useful educational and informational purpose; but that as someone who declined to assist investigators and prosecutors in her own case, she's not someone who'd be my choice for an honorary role at a football game.

And for that, Bando, you want me banned.

Bando Calrissian

September 4th, 2018 at 9:51 PM ^

Yes, because you are an inveterate concern troller and men's rights advocate who triples down on abhorrent, pedantic, and unconscionable takes merely to attract attention to his supposed board martyrdom. 

You did it for years under your first name, until you got banned.

You did it at 11W, until you got banned.

Now you're back to troll your actual fanbase, and you should be banned again.

Section 1.8

September 5th, 2018 at 10:13 AM ^

Bando, I know a hell of a lot better than you, why I was banned at

First, Ramzy Nasrallah attacked Brendan Gibbons and Michigan at the time of his "Office of Student Conflict Resolution" expulsion.  Ramzy thereafter called Gibbons a "rapist."  And I pointed out that Gibbons had never been charged with, tried for, or convicted of, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, most particularly including rape.

Ramzy suspended me, not for any cognizable rule of their Forums, but rather for an "off topic" post.  When that suspension expired, and when I returned and joked with another member that I must certainly have been the only member of the Forums to ever be suspended for a single off-topic post, he put me on double-secret probation.  At which point I wrote to all of the 11W staff, that if Ramzy had been working for a real publication, and he had put into a draft story his assertion that a young man who had never been charged with a crime was a "rapist," Ramzy's fictional editor would call him in to change it.  And if Ramzy refused to make that change immediately, Ramzy's next meeting would be with the publisher, and perhaps their general counsel.

I wasn't kicked off 11W for violating any rules.  I was kicked off for having the good sense and the determination to challenge Ramzy Nasrallah on a straight issue where his position was absolutely indefensible.


September 4th, 2018 at 8:45 PM ^

I’ve seen you take the sides of some creepy despicable people in your role as a contrarian here, as they say, even the worst among us “deserve” representation and all that.

This one takes the cake. Being on the side of the “unknown rapist” just because?

You might want to re-examine your values.

blue in dc

September 4th, 2018 at 5:13 PM ^

just because some people choose to politicize an issue, that doesn’t make it a political issue. If you immediately jump to the conclusion that Harbaugh is doing this for political reasons, I would suggest you have the issue, not Harbaugh or the Athletic Department


September 4th, 2018 at 7:49 PM ^

Ok. It would be a good lesson for the football team to treat both men and women right. Happy? You miss the point and tell me that men get molested too. It is good for the young men to hear from a person like her and treat Every one right. That was my point.


September 4th, 2018 at 9:19 PM ^

Thank god you spoke up.  Such a brave and intellectual soul you are.  Your free thinking is a thing of envy.   You should email the AD to tell them to stop supporting male rape by having a female talk to athletes about rape.  It’s an epidemic.  Did you also know people can discriminate against white people on the basis of their race?  It’s crazy that we still let black people talk about racism and you should look into it.  I think there is a reddit forum on it.

rob f

September 4th, 2018 at 7:37 PM ^

Political activism?  Hardly.

I'd much more consider it to be social and moral activism.  And I much prefer this sort of thing rather than sweeping it under the rug (or worse) as has happened for so long at Penn State, MSU, and OSU.


September 4th, 2018 at 9:12 PM ^

LOL.  I’m shocked, I shocked I say, that this your take.  As an attorney, surely you understand we cannot simply call her an “activist” until that has been proven in open court.  The rest of the message board riffraff might not understand that, but a man of the law with your superior intellect must be aware that mere electronic statements such as a twitter bio aren’t not hard proof.  We haven’t considered the full context nor investigated potential hacking or falsifying her bio.  You can’t just jump to conclusions like this.


Dont lie, for a split second you popped a boner because you read “Brenda” as Brendan and thought your favorite “martyr” was coming back.  

Section 1.8

September 4th, 2018 at 5:25 PM ^

Well several years ago, I pointed out to the 11W crowd how Brendan Gibbons had fully cooperated with police, without a lawyer, and all the while volunteering to take a polygraph.  And Gibbons was never charged.  The OSU fanboys, with some interesting and notable exceptions, weren't having it.  Not from me; and not regarding a Michigan football player.

Jump forward to 2018, and we can see the same OSU fanboys arguing that Zach Smith (with much more damning evidence arrayed against him) was never convicted of anything.

Yes rape is a serious matter, and a serious crime.  Rapes need to be prosecuted.

Gibbons' accuser quit cooperating with authorities.

Zach Smith's accuser has not pressed charges with any domestic violence allegation.

And Brenda Tracy declined to cooperate with authorities.



September 4th, 2018 at 5:57 PM ^

You’re either ignorant or an asshole if you can’t think of reasons why a survivor wouldn’t cooperate with police. 

Besides, you don’t even know how much she makes so chill with your “profiting off of sexual assault/rape” line. She’s not some motivational speaker grifting organization’s and kids. Her work is tangible. 

Section 1.8

September 4th, 2018 at 6:06 PM ^

I can think of reasons why a survivor might not cooperate with police.

But we should be fighting that issue with everything we've got.  Rape cases and domestic assaults should be police matters.  We need to encourage more victims to engage with the criminal justice system.  Report to police and cooperate with prosecutions.  Protect accusers in any and every way that they might feel that they need to be protected.

Brenda Tracy didn't do that.  And of course I will not blame her or shame her for her choice.  But personally, I'm not much motivated to celebrate her for that choice either.



September 4th, 2018 at 6:13 PM ^

Dude, look up stories on how police consistently fuck these kinds of investigations. I know several people that went to press charges and walked out more traumatized than they were after the rape/sexual assault. When it comes to trauma, you’ve got to give he victim time to come forward when they’re ready. You can’t force them. Comments like yours do more to discourage survivors coming forward. You can’t say “come forward” without first providing an environment in which they will feel comfortable doing so. Saying you don’t respect someone because they didn’t cooperate does the exact opposite of what you’re saying you want to happen. You have absolutely no empathy. Your arrogance is blinding you. 

Goggles Paisano

September 4th, 2018 at 6:10 PM ^

Did you ever consider the shame and humiliation rape victims feel added onto perhaps more emotional baggage they carry as to the reason why they don't take it to the authorities?  We have no idea of the circumstances this woman faced or any other rape/domestic abuse victim's circumstances.  Something about why we are not to judge...and remove the plank from your eye...