Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 UMxWolverines
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 RickSnow
2.00 readerws6
2.00 BlueinOK
2.00 UP to LA
-1.00 AlaskanYeti
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 redwhiteandMGOBLUE
-1.00 Broken Brilliance
2.00 g_dubya
2.00 blueheron
2.00 The Geek
-1.00 Harbaugh's Lef…
2.00 lukepanici
2.00 Broken Brilliance
1.00 megalomanick
-1.00 jdraman
-1.00 megalomanick
1.00 megalomanick
2.00 BuddhaBlue
2.00 ToledoWolverine
1.00 megalomanick
-1.00 MgoHillbilly
2.00 rob f
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 CRISPed in the DIAG
-1.00 The Baughz
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
2.00 DanRareEgg
2.00 MGlobules
2.00 MGlobules
2.00 Toasted Yosties
2.00 lilpenny1316
2.00 Blue@LSU
-1.00 Brian Griese
-1.00 DTOW
2.00 Needs
1.00 megalomanick
2.00 Needs
1.00 megalomanick
2.00 BlockM
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 King Tot
-1.00 M Go Cue
1.00 megalomanick
2.00 tomer
1.00 megalomanick