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8-5 with a bowl win

8-5 with a bowl win



So are Florida State, West…

So are Florida State, West Virginia, and Arizona State HC Herm Edwards

Tired legs + great defence

Tired legs + great defense  


oops spelled defense wrong

Thanks for the assist!

Thanks for the assist!

Ahhh, a classic.  That will…

Ahhh, a classic.  That will never get old

The students that did not…

The students that did not get in on the merits are the victims

logged in just so I could up…

logged in just so I could up vote you fools

If he gets 90 credits at…

If he gets 90 credits at Michigan he will qualify for a Michigan degree, once he completes his requirements at the gaining university. 

Opportunity for a comeback,…

Opportunity for a comeback, I look forward to seeing her and the team return to their winning ways

My Sundays are so much more…

My Sundays are so much more productive and pleasant since I stopped watching this team. 

Mind you the greatest accomplishment for the Lions in over 65 years is a first round playoff loss. 

just checking in after not…

just checking in after not logging in for 3 years. feels like more

I just read

the line has changed already to 10.5 pts.

Not that

I want to see this kid at Michigan, on principle I hope does challenge UCLA and the NCAA on this BS. Stop the indentured servitude. Who the hell can tell any student where they can go to school.

I had

a lot of hope that this kid would star one day. After reading how he had to travel to Chicago by train to train. Too bad I hope things work out fore him wherever he goes


They out did Prevail and  Ride on this one because you know D@#ks make everything funny


The O-line did move some folks

off the ball. Our starting tail back lacks vision and he is not athletic enough to make the cutback. He's a stong hard runner maybe he/ll make a decent fullback.  The cutback was there he just coud not react fast enough to get there.

K bye

K bye

how did this

thread turn into a lloyd carr love vs hate thread?


I have no

Insight about this staff,but I read an article some years back about Urban Meyers first day at Florida.  He called a team meeting at the gym all players had to report. I think it was midnight time frame. He had his coaches locked the gym doors. He had the team do wind sprints until people asked to leave. If you left you would get transfer papers.

I played HS football in Michigan and at the time there was a no cut rule, but my head coach would weed out the pretenders by making the team run with the cross country team.


I suppose that there will be some variation of that trimming the fat process involved.


Welcome to the end of the Welcome to the end of the internet!
I am now

a little saddened and creeped out,I need to re-think this following recruiting thing.

Initially I followed because I wanted to check to see if the new coach then (Rich Rod) would be bringing in the type of talent to compete on the national scene and just got hooked.  But now I'm ready to just say "whatever man"  to this BS.


I'm ready to strap on all the gear and play for this guy!  and I'm a 50+ year old.

how can you not prepare yourself to be ready to play, how can you not?

where's my chin strap i left it around here somewhere

I believe

the real value of Wayne Lyons will be senior leadership.  This Def Backfiled has plentyof potential.  I just believe Wayne can be a steadying influence both on the field and in the locker room, he can be a "coach" on the field. I believe those intangibles are missing from this team, I beleive those intangibles will be what he brings. Besides why else would he bring a mediocre (as in probably better than some of our guys)  5th year player on board instead of a stand-out or recruit a high rated freshman 

So I'm really not so caught up in how great or mediocre the transfer is.  He seems like he will bring something Hokes' teams lacked except for the '11 Sugar Bowl team. 

the actual quote is "O'what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive" not wicked, but the operative word as it applies to young Mr. Weber is DECEIVE. The implication here is that a young propsective college student was taken advantage of by deception. Imagine if you can a salesman witholding vitally important information on a product that affects your quality of life for the rest of your life. Or your daughter being told that there are no campus sexual assaults when there have been plenty. same thing it's a game to us but it's quality of life for Mr. Weber. You are right we don't know all of the facts but we do know he was deceived and thats enough. Enough for Jim Harbaugh to drop that most appropriate quote on Urbans head.

like a Boss, glad we got another WR, hope he/s a hungry 3 star that works to be a 5 star.


One thing

to consider in of all this.  The S&C staff have more contact with the players than any other group on the staff, even position coaches.

logged on just

so I could upvote you good sir!!


double  post



need a second source to confirm if this is happenig again.



 but those Cowboys tears are pretty tasty right about now


served karma, that is all

I hope

he gets his smart tough players, but with speed.

I work

with a third generation Wiscy alum that knows Bilema and he calls him a  drunken cheerleader chasing fratboy


true Dirty, wish I could upvote you an extra 1000

I think the

Offense played a role in that. short field three and outs, and turnovers


Telephone contact is

ok but no visiting recruits


I see what you did there


What else

could he possibly say?  The man still has the rest ofthe season to go.  He's smart enough to know better.  Any other comment other than no comment is grounds to dismiss him as a candidate.

Thanks for

posting this article.  I'm dying laughing at this because there is so much Michigan fan in this piece.


fair point.


Dave Brandon and every major former ath. begged the students to show up to the game on time.  Many schools count on students enhance the home field advantage. Unfortunately, getting too drunk the night before the game and sleeping off their hangovers was more important.  Ironically, if the 3000 people that have already signed the "petition" had showed early for the game we would not be having this discussion. Fortunately there are plenty of people that are fine with the GA set-up.

Les is

always more. that is all


to watch this video three times. I cannot wait for the Fall


comparing LA to Columbus, hahahahaha!!!!

Not to

point fingers at who is guilty or innocent.

The end of the report implicates who might be a perpetrator by mentioning.

Oh by the way an OSU football player just left the team. but they won't tell us why.  What kind of shitty journalism is that? Why mention the outgoing football player leaving if nobody knows why he left? Or the OSU will not tell why he left?



thinking about Naked Pig Pale Ale. Anybody tried that yet? by the way the Sam Adams is a sipper for me 9.5%.  some Folgers French roast for me after this SA

Off the

beaten path some what. Sam Adams Imperial Stout.  and foor an American beer imitating an antique beer it's really heavy creamy and Stout.


can get a good gauge on how great the 2014 DL commit if suddenly they have an OU offer.