Where's the money, Dave Brandon?

Submitted by marlon on

At the press conference announcing RR's termination, Dave Brandon talked about how Michigan has historically paid its coaches "in the middle of the pack" (quoting http://mgoblog.com/content/press-conference-recap) and stated that that was "not appropriate" (quoting Dave Brandon).  Well, what happened?  What happened to paying big bucks for a coach?  Dave Brandon certainly can't be considering paying Brady Hoke top-of-the-market money.  And while I had my hopes that a shitty head coach hire like Brady Hoke would mean Michigan was sure to shell out the moolah to bring in some top notch coordinators, we're now staring down the barrel of Al fucking Borges at OC and Vance Bedford/Jon Hoke/Some Other Crappy McCrapperson at DC.  These people can't command the kind of money real football schools are paying their coaches.  So was Dave Brandon just talking out his ass?   Is the man completely full of hot air?  Slimier than a used car salesman?  Dave Brandon set the bar for himself by saying that Michigan's failure to pay its coaches above middle of the pack was "not appropriate," but then he hired coaches for whom compensation above middle of the pack would be "not appropriate."  Is Dave Brandon off his retarded rocker?  Where are the big-time coaches we looked forward to following Dave Brandon's talk about opening the coffers?

Section 1

January 15th, 2011 at 1:00 AM ^

Several of them.  I won't concern myself with the details of the current head coach's contract.

But what I will observe, is that we somehow failed to bring in the desired Defensive Coordinator in the last Coaching Administration.  Did we somehow fail, monetarily, to coax Jeff Casteel out of West Virginia?

It is not likely a problem so much for David Brandon.  It might be an issue for Bill Martin, who I have routinely defended vigorously throughout this blog.

John U. Bacon's book is coming out this fall.  I'd really, really, really like to know the true story behind Michigan's two, or three, or more, failed efforts to bring Jeff Casteel to Ann Arbor.  Jeff Casteel, who only made something like $372k at WVU.  I hope John's book tells that story. 


January 15th, 2011 at 9:08 AM ^

that said db allowed up to $1M to bring in a new dc and the only person rr really went after was casteel, who had just bern given assurances about autonomy and pay by o.luck, the wvu ad. I believe the rumors were that rr was trying to ask other dc's but nobody wanted to work for rr, partly because everybody thought he was a lame duck.


January 15th, 2011 at 10:35 AM ^

I have coached with a guy who has connections to members of the WVUstaff, and it is my understanding that RR was a control freak about everything. Also, Jeff Casteel was asked again toward the end of this season to be the DC and he declined again. Hopefully RR takes advantage of his time off to assess his philosophy on leadership and delegating authority to assistants before moving on to the next job. I would love to see him sucessful at his next job.


January 15th, 2011 at 12:37 PM ^

With a former player and GA under RR and he said with utmost clarity that RR is/was a control freak who forced the 3-3-5, freqently overruled Magee's play calling, and generally did what he wanted without fear of condemnation. To be clear, this individual was not angry or bitter when he told me this and felt bad saying it.


January 15th, 2011 at 12:58 AM ^

but it's not like he doesn't have a point. 

Brandon did say we'd pay top dollar for coaches, and that hasn't happened so far.  Part of the sales pitch on Hoke was that we'd open the coffers to go after top-flight assistants, but I don't think anyone can really be overwhelmed by the guys who have filled out the staff up to this point, and the staff is starting to get pretty full. 

If we don't end up with an absolutely top-flight DC, then I'm going to be pretty disappointed that Brandon didn't end up opening the wallet. 

Maize and Blue…

January 15th, 2011 at 6:17 AM ^

There was a diary done by iawolve about Brandon coming from Dominos and what to expect.  The fifth paragraph down starts with "Last, as the new CEO, you would be given very aggressive profitability targets to meet. This would be achieved via cost cutting and revenue expansion."

The university is already near the middle of the Big Ten in expenditures on the football program and this hire should allow them to cut cost even more.  Especially with DB's insistence on midwest recruiting ties cutting down on those costly flights back and forth to Florida.

We already seen signs of revenue expansion or ideas for it given.  Advertising at "The Big Chill at the Big House".  The idea that DB floated about opening the "Big House" to weddings (nothing like sacrificing the purity of "holy ground" for profit).



January 15th, 2011 at 12:58 AM ^

Who is this top notch DC you speak off? There has to be interest from a top notch DC first. The guy is in this position for a reason and you are on this blog for a reason. Believe in DB and this coaching staff to do the right thing. Hoke is the coach he will chose a DC to fit the system he wants and if that is Bedford or Magnus DB will pay them their worth.


January 15th, 2011 at 1:00 AM ^

would be an obvious candidate. 

And the concern isn't that Brandon won't pay the coaches their worth.  It's that we won't go after coaches who are worth breaking the bank for. 


January 15th, 2011 at 1:06 AM ^

but it's possible that offering him around a million dollars a year might get him on the phone. 

At the very least, he's the kind of guy we should be taking shots at; someone with a track record who will cost a crapload.  If you want  a guy like Kirby Smart, you've gotta pay the market rate for Kirby Smart.


January 15th, 2011 at 1:49 AM ^

If i remember correctly for most coordinators, the elite ones don't even make remotely close to 1 mil.  I think our coordinators made around 250k in the Rod era, and I read somewhere (might have been this blog?) that that was only around 50-100k off the typical average.  So 300-350k is the average, and that is WAY off of a mil.  Elite coordinators probably make 500-600k at most.