
August 23rd, 2017 at 6:18 AM ^

Welcome to the world of social media news. People are dumb. All it takes is a few dumb people to buy this Robert Lee is confederate general(people will trust me) and social media runs with it. Hell people thought the Cavs championship parade was actually a picture of a Trump rally in Phoenix.

This is the world we live where people take Twitter as fact.


August 23rd, 2017 at 7:14 AM ^

Lol this shit is too far out of control. Hysterical cry babies everywhere are rioting and burning shit to the ground and intimidating people because they can't take history or certain names. He better have a good surveillance system at his house too. This young generation has completely lost it being led by a bunch of Angie's hippies who have pushed this retardation.

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August 23rd, 2017 at 10:58 AM ^

robert lee catches crap at work solely due to his given name...insanity.

will institutions like uva, washington and lee, etc be wiped out next simply bc theyre associated with those awful founders?  burn the bill of rights bc some criticize behavior of its authors?  wheres the line?

Year of Revenge II

August 23rd, 2017 at 7:37 AM ^

I upvoted you because (1) your post is funnier than shit, and (2) you have been funnier than shit in the past.

That said, nothing screams "I am a Michigan State grad" like an incorrect sentence, or a mispelled, simple word.  I am not a grammar or spelling cop, but I suppose I play one on TV.  

When I read this, I knew you meant "Nothing screams 'I'm not a racist' like banning an Asian from broadcasting a sporting event because of his name."  

You are too funny to be typecast in this light, and I for one refuse to believe you majored in hospitality, packaging, or crop rotations.  So you are on probation from somewhere I guess.

WELL DONE though!


August 23rd, 2017 at 8:39 AM ^

Besides, "Bobby" Lee was the actual nickname given the general by his troops. Someone would have picked up on that.

In keeping with it's pattern of utter cluelessness, ESPN could have suggested instead that its staff announcer fake an Asian accent and turn his "Ls" into "Rs." That way, he would pronounce his name "Robert Ree." 

See? Problem solved. No way anyone could possibly be offended, right?


August 23rd, 2017 at 8:47 AM ^

You are a wise man.

Really play up his Asian-ness so there will be no confusion.  Have one of those Todd Blackledge food segments be about eggrolls at a local UVA chinese restaurant.

Show some on-campus scenes at halftime of Asians studying math in the library while the game is going on. 

Nobody could get offended then.



August 23rd, 2017 at 7:47 AM ^

The only thing dumber than this move by espn are the comments in this thread about how America is a joke because millennials suck.


August 23rd, 2017 at 7:56 AM ^

This is just another example of the PC culture of our country. It's an extreme example, but sadly, this has become the norm. While this is wrong and stupid on so many levels, what I find to be the most insulting part of this is that it presumes, like much of the over-PC movement, that people can't distinguish between the dead, white confederate general and a living, Asian announcer covering a sporting event. Or, that if they can distinguish between the two, that they will be offended by the mere mention of the name Robert Lee (without the middle "E" anyway), despite the fact that it is this guys ACTUAL NAME. There are many things out there that warrant people being offended, but when dumbass corporations or groups overreact and do things like this, it is actually counterproductive in that it waters down times where offense may be warranted. /endrant


August 23rd, 2017 at 8:05 AM ^

Being easily offended is fun and profitable in this country.

That's why all these "white-interest" groups are now getting in on the game.

You reap what you sow, Government.



August 23rd, 2017 at 10:16 AM ^

Newsflash: Donald Trump is the Democrats' fault.  

If they would have paid attention to the half of the population that lives in "flyover country" that voted for Trump instead of calling them deplorables, they would have won.

And they are proabaly going to get him re-elected because they still insist on doing it.

Identity politics are not best offensive strategy if you are going to create an antagonized identity out of the half of the country.




August 23rd, 2017 at 11:13 AM ^

And people still don't mention that.  The Dems inside the beltway knew that ignoring "flyover country" was a bad strategy during the campaign, but as we've seen the past few months, it's hard to get through to arrogant people.  

Also, identity politics are a terrible strategy when the half of the country you antagonize shows up to vote in higher numbers than the half you cater to.



August 23rd, 2017 at 12:27 PM ^

Liberals are being stupid and shooting themselves in the foot.  

They have played identity politics so well that everyone wants to get into the game now.  They have succeeded in creating a flyover-country "white identity" and making it mad at them.

I've seen it happen first-hand in my once solidly-Democratic hometown area of Northeast PA.  It is now hard-core Trump country.  That this could ever happen there was inconceivable even a couple of decades ago.

And I'm here to tell you that those people did not leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left them.  They are the same honest, hard-working, struggling people they ever were.

As someone who would rather not see Mr. Trump re-elected to the freaking Presidency of the United States, this is extremely not smart.



August 23rd, 2017 at 1:19 PM ^

I would argue that the Dems didn't leave them, but their "all-inclusive" platform pushed them out.  Dems were too busy trying to school people on social justice and Trump was busy talking about jobs.  Even if he was unhinged, he was at least having the conversation that people wanted to have.  

All Dems have to do was say USA 2016 > USA 2012 > 2008 and this is why you can trust us to make 2020 > 2016.  And they should have gone to Northeast PA, Southeast MI and anywhere in WI to make the point.


August 23rd, 2017 at 8:04 AM ^

Just wait till they find out about PVT. Urban Meyer who fought for the 5th North Carolina Infantry Battalion at Gettysburg.

Everyone Murders

August 23rd, 2017 at 8:06 AM ^

My take is nobody on this board gives a shit about my deeply-held political beliefs.  I find those positions fascinating, I have several friends on many parts of the political spectrum who are capable of debating even sensitive points, and my wife and I spend a lot of time discussing political matters.

I think it's fair to note that moving an announcer named Robert Lee from a UVa game because of the announcer's name is silly.  Nearly everyone agrees that's a silly decision.

But Jebus, man.  What's with all the hot political takes on this board?  To paraphrase Julius Stiles, I don't recall this board asking you a goddamn thing about your politics.