[LOCKED] Way OT: Kaepernick got Nike to remove American flag from shoes because it's racist

Submitted by Ihatebux on July 2nd, 2019 at 12:10 PM


I'm more than a little confused.   #1 Why is a Betsy Ross flag racist??   #2 Why does Kaepernick have a Nike sponsorship?  

MOD EDIT - for posterity, I'll leave the comments because yikes to some of you, but this one is locked. - LSA



July 2nd, 2019 at 12:26 PM ^

Because he's the embodiment of a freaking Snowflake. Cry loudly enough and call everything racist, sexist, misogynist, anti ________ (fill in the blank) and companies will change their policies even as they pertain to the country and the flag. let's face it, we are living in corroded politically correct times such that the sight of a flag or a founding father makes snowflakes melt.  Glad I was born in a generation that didn't go into hysterics so easily.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:40 PM ^

Your generation is literally the laziest, spoon fed generation in American history. 

No wars, no economic stress, nothing. 

And you have the gall to talk down to us? 

Who raised said "snowflakes"? You fuckers did. Learn to parent better you lazy bums. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:44 PM ^

A couple thoughts before the lock shows up.

"we are living in corroded politically correct times" and yet only a generation ago (this one that apparently didn't go into hysterics so easily) it was still acceptable to tell an African American person to sit at the back of the bus. Things were better? Come on.

IIRC this whole flag burning/flag protest thing hit its epoch during the Vietnam era? So much for generations that didn't "go into hysterics so easily". Interesting left side article below on the concept.


I don't lean particularly hard left but your takes here on "snowflakes" are just meme level talking points. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:17 PM ^

Re: why it could be offensive to be celebrated (i.e. displayed on a shoe), I'm guessing because at the time there were 13 states/colonies, things were...quite different back then.  And by different, "not very good" for a large segment of the population*.  That is my educated guess on the matter.

Population is an interesting notion here as they were what, considered 3/5ths of a white person?!  How did that math work in the annual census?!


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:17 PM ^

1. My ancestors weren’t slaves so I don’t have an opinion on the matter 

2. Bc supporting Kaep shows black Americans that Nike cares about their issues especially when majority of Nike’s American sponsored athletes are black. 

3. Fuck you OP 


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:30 PM ^

My ancestors were slaves and I'm telling you it's okay for you to have an opinion. Some of us who are Black don't cry about history, we study it objectively and learn from it rather than trying to ban it in a real life version of Fahrenheit 451. Also many of us think Nike is stupid for catering to this PC garbage. America is the greatest country on earth for everyone.  Pray tell why do so many people continue to try and move here if it's so bad - and I don't see Kapernick or anyone else trying to leave and go elsewhere.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:41 PM ^

Agree. So much bitching about being here. There are literally millions who would trade places. Reminds me of celebrities who makes millions then bitch because they don’t want their picture taken or to be bothered. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:39 PM ^

I also asked my wife, who is a POC, whose ancestors (and more recent relatives) were slaves, and she said TheCube is allowed to have opinion.

Also, my ancestors were slaves too.  Check out the root meaning of the word "slave" - it comes from the word "slavs", who inhabited a large part of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:22 PM ^

Companies who market to youth are especially alert and sensitive to their consumers. When the President is overtly stoking racism and xenophobia, and harkening back to old times when America "was great," it suggests that it was great for everyone in this country. It wasn't great for women, people of color, individuals who weren't identified as heterosexual and Christian, nor for immigrants that had not established a foothold in America. Of course there are some companies don't give a shit.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:18 PM ^

Other great topics for threads in no particular order;

1.  Your personal thoughts on Donald Trump

2.  Your personal thoughts on Jesus

3.  Your personal thoughts on immigration

4.  Your personal thoughts on foreign policy

East Quad

July 2nd, 2019 at 12:18 PM ^

The original 13 colonies were partly in support of slavery (the Southern ones).  The flag shown is the original flag.  The extreme leap forward logic is that the flag is racist.  I think it is an awful stretch.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:24 PM ^

Partly? There was slavery in the colonial US. Full stop.  It was prevalent in New York, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and to a lesser extent other northern colonial areas (e.g., Pennsylvania).  There were definitely more slaves in Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia than in other colonies, but to say slavery was only in the South shows your lack of being informed on the matter.

The Man Down T…

July 2nd, 2019 at 12:33 PM ^

I really wish that people understood this. So many think "south bad, north good" but no.  Slaves were processed for transport in New York and they were not in favor of losing that money.  It's not as cut and dry as the books make it out today.  And, since this thread will get deleted, I'd just like to say, I wish people would focus on actual slavery that is still going on today..  The U.S. fought a huge war to settle that it was evil and should stop.  There are still many countries that enslave people today and they get nary a remark...

Blue Ninja

July 2nd, 2019 at 12:26 PM ^

I don't see his logic on this being that it represented oppression. Perhaps one could make the case if it were a flag from the Constitutional Convention when the issue of slavery was on the table but the fact is the Betsy Ross flag was created in 1776 when our country was barely even begun by a group of people who were fighting against oppression. One would think based on its history that he would embrace the flag but the irony is that instead its the flag itself that he has issues with. Its sad that our flag has become such a divisive issue when it was made to be a unifying symbol.


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:18 PM ^

My last comment. If Nike wasn't trying to get a ton of free promotion, they could have just kept this shit to themselves. I really hate that notion that say whatever you want about me, as long as you spell my name right. They will get so much free advertising from this.  


July 2nd, 2019 at 12:36 PM ^

Ah yes, because all of those boycotts in the past totally put Starbucks, Delta, Keurig, and various other companies out of business.  I guess you can just keep pulling yourselves up by your bootstraps, as long as they don't have a swoosh on them.