HTTV 2020 Kickstarter Campaign

Submitted by Seth on June 25th, 2020 at 12:03 PM

Having trouble getting the sidebar thing to work so here's a sticky for now. Any questions about this year's book put in the comments and I'll answer all tonight.


June 19th, 2020 at 2:40 PM ^

This is basically how we stay in business and pay a bunch of good writers who contribute to us all year. I can't break down all the numbers this second but most of the kickstarter pays for the editorial, production, printing, and mailing (standard class) costs of producing the book for the people who bought it on Kickstarter. I also print more to sell wholesale (which ain't happening much this year), and to sell out of our store. When all's said and done 70% of the profit goes to MGoBlog Inc. to pay Brian's and Ace's and my salaries and server costs and all the other stuff that keeps MGoBlog going, and 30% goes to me as the publisher who produced the thing, because this book is what makes it possible for me to do all of this for a living.


June 19th, 2020 at 2:50 PM ^

I literally had no idea this was the purpose, and I am now buying one because of it. I would advocate you putting this out there more prominently because I want this website to continue and the writers to live a comfortable life (you entertain/manage quite the group of donkey-butts). Thanks for being transparent and take my money. 


June 19th, 2020 at 2:58 PM ^

Comfortable ain't happening this year. We've lost sponsors and the book is going to take a big hit, and because I make almost all my money from ad commissions and HTTV I'm looking at quite a huge chunk at the same time my wife had to take a big paycut to keep her agency afloat. I know there are a lot of people in worse shape though--my household is two employed people, while I know a lot of households with zero right now--and I don't want my personal financial problems being the reason people buy or read my stuff. It ought to be worth it, you know, because you want to read my stuff.


June 19th, 2020 at 3:20 PM ^


is there a way of doing this that doesn't involve having to join up on kickstarter?  i don't remember doing that in past years and i'm probably not the only person who has way too many accounts and tries to avoid starting new ones unless its absolutely necessary.  


June 19th, 2020 at 7:09 PM ^

I don't want my personal financial problems being the reason people buy or read my stuff. It ought to be worth it, you know, because you want to read my stuff.

That's admirable. I really enjoy reading your stuff (and of course the other stuff here). 

But let's be honest: I enjoy reading a lot of stuff. But it's summer, and times tend to be a bit lean in my family at this time of year, too. I enjoy the folks who write at the Athletic and hope it succeeds, but I don't have the cash to pay for that right now. I enjoy my local newspaper's website, but I don't have the cash to subscribe to it right now. I enjoy national publications, and don't have the cash to pay for them.

I enjoy your writing, but I don't "just" enjoy your writing. I get the kickstarter because I want this site to continue to prosper, and because I read you enough that you guys feel like more than content producers to me. You feel like friends. 

I think a lot of people feel the same way.  


June 19th, 2020 at 9:33 PM ^

Well, now you did it.  I was not going to buy this year because I have been pretty disappointed in many things on the blog this year, notably the lack of football recruiting coverage and the bpone (and the continuing way you stop doing coverage of the OSU games).  But I will admit that you, Seth, are the one very good thing this blog has going.  I will click over and buy my copy now.


June 20th, 2020 at 9:33 AM ^

"...the reason people buy or read my stuff."

The reason I read your stuff is because it is very well researched, expertly laid out, of interest to me, and very informative.  It's sauced down enough to be understandable, but not so much as to be boring.  I LOVE the way you format and write.

The lack of post-game OSU coverage, and general BPONE/whining (esp about OSU) surrounding football from the owner, takes off some of the shine from the site.  But luster is restored when you and Ace (and the others) offer up content about how the game is played, and why it's played that way.

I feel for the financial issues you, and so many others, are dealing with from the C-19 fallout.  While I would be happy to donate to a fundraiser for you (if it comes to that), rest assured that I'll pay for your MGoBlog content for what it is - damn good stuff that I like to read!


June 20th, 2020 at 9:59 AM ^

here's a thought,  maybe a solution:  everybody that wants to flame war about politics can do so, but at the cost of, say, $250/yr.  make 'em pay for the lack of self control and put some dinero in some deserving pockets.  win-win.


June 19th, 2020 at 7:28 PM ^

Seth, I'll consider buying this but to be honest I'm not participating in this site much anymore.  It's changed since the web re-design especially the threads and quality of people posting.  

If you guys consider making a second OT forum where political and non sports talk can go I think that would help many of the users.  The constant anger, arguing, politics and personal attacks make me look for another sports site tbh.

If you guys can't fix points, allow signatures and keep the message boards functioning properly consistently please consider outsourcing the forums to a service that specializing in hosting these.  Most of us would be happy to be donors for a  high quality forum.  What we have now isn't good ... can be done in a revenue positive way for you folks easily.


June 20th, 2020 at 10:48 PM ^

Very much under consideration. There will be another site iteration but I'm not committing to any kind of timeline because part of the plan is to match the next wave of site technology, where your site is basically an app in itself. You probably already read a bunch of sites that work that way.


June 19th, 2020 at 2:03 PM ^

I own a medical device company and every time I feel sorry for myself because of the devastating impact of Covid-19 on our financials (the procedures our device is used in have been deemed "elective ") I'm reminded there are folks much worse off than us.  Such as:



Sports Blogs


June 20th, 2020 at 9:43 AM ^

I have zero sympathy for airlines.  They've recorded huge profits in the past decade, at the expense of our comfort on flights.  Rather than invest that money back into the business and/or stash it into rainy day funds, they paid themselves handsome bonuses via stock buybacks.  All that does is reward the C-Suite.  There are no reasons the airlines (especially the bigger ones) shouldn't have billions in cash available to see through this downturn.

I mean, if they could have even made it through 3 months before asking for handouts, okay...  But no!  On day 1 they were begging.  Same with oil companies - on day 1 complaining about losing money.  They've made billions in profit each quarter for a decade.  Fuck off, oil men...


June 20th, 2020 at 10:53 PM ^

Tri-blend. 50/25/25 polyester/airlume, about 3.8 oz for an XL, combed and ringspun cotton/rayon.

The old shirts were Gildan Heavy Cotton. 100% cotton, about 5.3 oz for an XL. We switched last year because, not kidding, my wife didn't like that my belly shows on the gildan shirts I have.


June 21st, 2020 at 3:46 PM ^

Welp, as someone whose public sector salary was unaffected by the pandemic, I just ordered a cool Bo headset t-shirt.  Next, I'll click on the manscaped ad (God help me).  I know all that basically gets you a large fries, but I hope it helps a little.

scanner blue

June 19th, 2020 at 5:40 PM ^

Release party/ in person pickup going to happen this year? I’ll probably buy the book just because - but sharing nachos and beer with Dr. Sap , Mr. Boyd, David ( the hockey guy), and of course Seth is / was cool.