
January 14th, 2011 at 9:35 PM ^

Out of respect to our former coach, I'm going to continue ignoring the freep, unless it involves another humiliation of one Drew Sharp (or any of his loyal band of misfits).


January 14th, 2011 at 10:14 PM ^

Do, not did. They continue to take their shots at RR.I don't know how to block quote, but here was a nice jab at RR in the Hoke article. "Contrast that with Rodriguez’s treatment of Ryan Mallett three years ago. He didn’t literally drive Mallett to the Ann Arbor border and kick him out of a moving SUV, but it was close." The guy is gone now, and they (the FREEP) had a hand in it. Call off the hounds already.

Section 1

January 15th, 2011 at 12:22 AM ^

Fucking amazing.  A complete fabrication.  By the accounts of everyone involved -- Coach Rodriguez, Coach Carr, Ryan Mallett, teammates -- what Jamie Samuelsen wrote was a total lie.  A defamation of Rich Rodriguez.  I suppose that the Freep defense might be, "He's not really one of our writers.  He's a radio guy who occasionally blogs for us.  Don't blame us.  We don't edit his crap."  That's the best case scenario for the Freep, with respect to Jamie Samuelsen.


January 15th, 2011 at 1:40 AM ^

Fox 2 and WDFN don't know who should discipline him for his "RichRod -- he gone" 20 hours before it actually happened?  I'm cool with the coaching change, but I would have loved to see him retained to see Armani crawl his way out of that hole.


January 15th, 2011 at 8:57 AM ^

I'm not going to read that rag out of respect for journalism standards, honesty and the University of Michigan.  I'm not interested in reading or debating anything about Rodriguez's stay at Michigan unless I'm going to learn something important or at least make me reconsider something.  That would semingly preclude all newspaper columns.


January 14th, 2011 at 9:35 PM ^

Sorry if someone has brought this up, but the band played it at the BBall game last night...there was a poll on detnews.com asking if it should be played at the Big House. My first thought: Oh God, please no! But then I got chills thinking about 110,000 people doing the hokey-pokey in the 4th quarter, with the scoreboard reading Michigan: 35, Ohio State: 7.


January 14th, 2011 at 9:37 PM ^

I doubt anything has changed. Rest assured that douchebag Rosie is hard at work on his next smear piece to try to torpedo the program in order to advance his sorry career.


January 14th, 2011 at 9:55 PM ^

Okay, in case anyone cares, I hereby declare that I am officially on the Hoke bandwagon. Not because of the article (I will never read a Freep article again because, well, F--- the Freep). I just realized that my MGoMourning period is now over and I'm officially "all in." Let's Go Blue!

Maize and Blue…

January 15th, 2011 at 12:56 PM ^

RR coined it and it doesn't belong here anymore.  RR was treated like crap here and that phrase needs to be let go since it's obvious that not everyone was All in for Michigan.  I will still expect the same 9-3 record for next season though since by former Lloyd players accounts we have got the greatest coach since sliced Lloyd, oops meant bread.  A monster recruiter who surely must not have a Michigan phone yet since Jack Tabb never got a return call.