
January 6th, 2015 at 8:31 PM ^

ESPN is attempting to restoke the Michigan-OSU contest. More Big Two game viewers = = more ESPN revenue. Harbaugh will deliver the goods for Michigan. Win-win for all interested except the Buckeyes. Harbaugh will appropriate audience goodwill earned by OSU. 
Jimmy is a thief in the night and I love it. Jim will assess his thoughts before speaking and, while his delivery may tend to be slower than the hosts, the impact of Jimmy's measured statements will communicate gravitas and subtle provocations. 
It's a bloody brilliant coup and OSU is the hapless recipient. They can do nothing as we steal part of their thunder even if they win the NC. If Oregon prevails, post-game discussion will almost certainly include the topic of improving B1G competitiveness.

Cake Or Death

January 6th, 2015 at 9:54 PM ^

with your first point about ESPN wanting to keep rivalries relevant, but this is all good for OSU as well.  They are in the actual first NC game and are doing just fine.  And they will benefit more than anyone but us from a significant improvement in our program.

It's great that JH is out there, and it will be good for us.  But we are not "stealing" anything from OSU.


January 6th, 2015 at 8:41 PM ^

When did everyone on this board get replaced by MSU and OSU fans making Hoke fat jokes and talking shit about him?  Few weeks ago everyone was talking about how much they loved Hoke he just didn't win enough.  Y'all a bunch of fickle assholes.


January 6th, 2015 at 8:49 PM ^

Half the people on this board are starting to act like Sparty fans with their "omg!!! what great exposure!!!" comments.  "Won't OSU and MSU fans be mayaaaaaaad." Pretty sure OSU fans don't give a flying fuck seeing as they're actually playing in the championship....and Sparty fans...well, they play the disrespect card all the time so they'll find anything to bitch about.

This is Michigan god damnit. We shouldn't need anymore exposure and we don't need to play the spoiler card.


January 6th, 2015 at 8:56 PM ^


In your rant is "shouldn't." The last ten years of Michigan Football have rendered our program a perceived also-ran.  Perhaps if you actually interacted with college football fans beyond Washtenaw County or were over the age of 40 you could understand this. No we "shouldn't" but YES WE DO need all the positive exposure we can garner, particularly during a recruiting blackout period.



January 6th, 2015 at 9:00 PM ^

I love Hoke as a "Loving Uncle / Father Figure", but as a coach he is / was inept. Furthermore, he was Homer Simpson in flesh and blood when put in a public forum and asked to speak or answer questions. Simple fact is, successful coaches ALL look and act the part. Meyer, Saban, Mora, Harbaugh all look the part. They command the room and have presence. They speak clearly and confidently. Hoke wasn't any of these things. I am not even suggesting it is his fault. Either you have the "it factor" or you don't. Our new coach has it in spades. That is why ESPN or a major network would want him as a part of their broadcast. Harbaugh is RELEVANT and brings ratings.


January 6th, 2015 at 9:19 PM ^

I am not sure if Harbaugh has ever done anything like this before, and if he has, obviously I missed it and should be rather ashamed of myself. However, I would think this might spruce up the call for the game a bit. Rather interested in what is style might be for on-air analysis like this actually. 

Blues Note

January 6th, 2015 at 9:31 PM ^

in the mouth, but this makes little sense TO THE GAME.

UM must have some persuasive connections.

One would think that if they wanted a big ten coach, Dantonio would be relavent since MSU's only losses were to the two participants.






January 6th, 2015 at 11:23 PM ^

I really wish the entire RCMB would contact ESPN and bombard them with complaints. What does this clown know about either of these 2 teams? Maybe Desmond got his boy on so he could promote UM. Regardless its absolutely ridiculous. Coach D should be the one on ESPN, not Lord Harbaugh. I think Coach D would provide much greater insight since you know he actually played the 2 teams. Yes I know, being in front of a mic is not really his thing and yes there is the possibility he was asked but declined but nevertheless this is an outrage.


January 6th, 2015 at 9:36 PM ^

Thats the closest the coach will ever get to the title game, he he does a good job participating next monday?, he might get a chance to watch OHIO next year in the same game?, ESPN is reporting ?,.App.State wants to Michigan on annual Kick off classic in 2015!


January 6th, 2015 at 10:09 PM ^

Chris spielman talked about this on Sirius xm radio saying he was doing a roundtable discussion with current coaches who he could not name. I'm sure one is harbaugh.. He mentioned it was on ESPN


January 6th, 2015 at 10:20 PM ^

This man is a genius. At this point no publicity is bad publicity. Gets his face out to potential recruits and keeps us at the forefront of the news.

Hell they should let him call the game some urban had the opportunity to visit, analyze and critique and call Michigan's broadcasts and attend Michigan's practices while at ESPN.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


January 7th, 2015 at 1:54 PM ^

I love how Suckeye fans and the Fighting D'antonios think Michigan is irrelevant and who does ESPN call for analysis? The Coach at Michigan. So much for that theory.