An Open Letter To Whoever Came Up With "Floor Seats" Comment Count



No. Don't do it.

Don't do what? Whatever it is you have thought to do next. Hand shoes. Don't do that. Nobody will like them. Foot hands. Nobody wants to replace their feet with hands via a brutal surgical procedure. Just leave the feet and hands as they are now. The feet will be shod. The hands will remain unshod. Critically, both feet and hands will remain feet and hands. Nobody needs or wants four dextrous but fragile appendages. Save it for zero G science fiction, buddy.

No. Don't do that, either.

Do not invent a cuisine based on rotting food. Yes, I've heard of that Scandinavian rotted shark thing. No, I don't think you should extend that concept to the ground beef I forgot about and is now alarmingly brown. Nobody wants to eat rotted food. Okay, yes, Scandinavians. Nobody who isn't a Viking wants to eat rotted food. Millions of years of evolution have resulted in people with strong aversions to food that could make you sick. Stop trying to make a smoothie out of everything the local Kroger is trying to throw out.

Don't do that. Whatever it is. Stop.

Look, I know you need some bullet points on a resume so that when you leave for another job you'll get a title better than "guy who can change the lights without a stepladder," but have you considered the fact that maybe you fit right in there as a man who stands in the corner with his eyes closed until a lightbulb needs changing and then impresses everyone around him with his femur len—DON'T EAT THE LIGHT BULBS

doesn't that hurt?

you are scaring your coworkers


don't do that


i can't stop you

nobody can stop you

please no

the sickening crunch

the guttural lip-smacking

the blood

i'll never be able to be around anyone else eating without thinking of this insanity

susan is vomiting

roger has stapled his eyes shut



is this hell

i suppose you're going to put this on your resume as an innovative recycling initiative

if i may offer a suggestion, maybe replace the thing where you showed two hours of ref butts with this


Naked Bootlegger

February 17th, 2016 at 1:48 PM ^

Dakich kept saying that we would appreciate the quickness of the players more from a court level view.  The refs asses were apparently quicker than the players.   I saw more referee booty than Kam Williams'  quick cutting off of screens.


February 17th, 2016 at 1:13 PM ^

I'm glad it wasn't actually a good game, because who would've see it? I gave up after seeing referee backsides obscuring shots and everything else almost every time down the floor. Watched the score online.

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February 17th, 2016 at 1:21 PM ^

I thought they somehow streamed a "Floor Cam" feed from  Once I realized this is what legal cable paying customers were subjected to, I felt instant pain for those who actually pay for crappy ideas like that.  

I do sincerely hope for a glowing ball (NHL on FOX™) that explodes into flames on every successful 3 pointer.


February 17th, 2016 at 1:30 PM ^

I'm not against trying new things. Innovation gave us the yellow first down line and score overlays. They should've tested this out for a couple of possessions, monitored online feedback, and then scrapped the idea completely.

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February 17th, 2016 at 8:33 PM ^

They also could've just filmed some games beforehand using the courtside view, see how awful it looks on TV, then scrap the idea. I mean, testing it out first must've crossed the minds of at least some of the people that work at ESPN...right?

Seems it must've been a situation just like Dave Brandon insisting that the attendance drop off for football games was totally because of the stadium's lack of WiFi.

Space Coyote

February 17th, 2016 at 1:51 PM ^

But there is a reason coaches have high camera angles when re-watching essentially any sport (or have guys in the press box)... because you can see the game better.

I have no idea what is with TV directors ever-increasing desire to zoom in further and further lower and lower, but it's awful. It doesn't help the viewer view the game, and in fact, makes it much more difficult to actually see what is happening. I don't want to feel the surprise of a back screen because that's what the player feels, I want to watch the game.


February 17th, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

I don't know which was worse, watching the game from that angle or being told over and over again by the guys behind the mics, both at the game and in the studio, how wonderful it was.  Obviously under orders to sell it hard.


February 18th, 2016 at 6:53 AM ^

In 1982 (yes, I'm old)  they held a UM v. Notre Dame basketball game at the Pontiac Silverdome.  I bought seats because they said they were in the first row directly behind the bench.  They were. Problem was they had the court in the middle of the field and the benches were around the court.  As a result, the benches were about 60 feet away in front of us.  And the people sitting on the benches blocked the view of the game.  We could only see what was happening on the court from the chest up.  Biggest waste of $ ever.


February 17th, 2016 at 3:52 PM ^

I just assumed there was some type of equipment failure where they couldn't suspend the cameras per usual. Whomever was responsible for this decision, and whomever had the authority to correct it midway through the first half and didnt, should be at the very least suspended if not relieved of their duties. How could somebody - professionals no less - think was a good idea?

Honk if Ufer M…

February 17th, 2016 at 4:33 PM ^

HI could not believe what I was watching. Whomever is responsible should certainly face the death penalty! I'm strongly against it in general but an exception is highly in order in this case. I was a zillion percent sure they meant they were going to use this horrible gimmick at selected times or when they found a cool shot & used it in a reply. But when they just stuck with it through thicklessness & thinest & thinneryest as if nobody could see the directorers new clothes after 4 seconds it was unfucking believable!!! Wtf? It's not plausible or fathmable that they didn't do any test shots b4 trying this abomination live. How could anyone, let alone everyone who had to approve this let it go forward? Can they not see or think AT ALL??? Really, they should be killed. There was 1, count 'em, 1 play where I thought it did show some speed & in interesting & cool shot. Williams making a good play from the camera closer to the baseline. Aside from that it never showed anything that created the feel of being there up close & seeing the skills in more impressive fashion as they kept promoting. Not once did it give the look, feel or view of being courtside or in the coaches seat. Utter bullshit & stupidity! I've been courtside, I've been on a bench & sat on the floor at the scorers table waiting to go in a game, as most fans have when they played st some level, & that camera didn't capture that view AT ALL! Even if you know nothing about lenses or optics & have no common sense to reject this beforehand, how could you not see the problems as soon as you watch it? They used a wide angle lens which greatley enlarges & distorts objects in the foreground & makes the background recede & shrink. Other than a halfcourt shot or trap or steel, the action is NEVER there! Where the action was looked a mile away even when not obcured by Refassenlargitis or a pile of other bodies or dust bunnies on the floor HI could not believe what I was watching. Whomever is responsible should certainly face the death penalty! I'm strongly against it in general but an exception is highly in order in this case. I was a zillion percent sure they meant they were going to use this horrible gimmick at selected times or when they found a cool shot & used it in a reply. But when they just stuck with it through thicklessness & thinest & thinneryest as if nobody could see the directorers new clothes after 4 seconds it was unfucking believable!!! Wtf? It's not plausible or fathmable that they didn't do any test shots b4 trying this abomination live. How could anyone, let alone everyone who had to approve this let it go forward? Can they not see or think AT ALL??? Really, they should be killed. There was 1, count 'em, 1 play where I thought it did show some speed & in interesting & cool shot. Williams making a good play from the camera closer to the baseline. Aside from that it never showed anything that created the feel of being there up close & seeing the skills in more impressive fashion as they kept promoting. Not once did it give the look, feel or view of being courtside or in the coaches seat. Utter bullshit & stupidity! I've been courtside, I've been on a bench & sat on the floor at the scorers table waiting to go in a game, as most fans have when they played st some level, & that camera didn't capture that view AT ALL! Even if you know nothing about lenses or optics & have no common sense to reject this beforehand, how could you not see the problems as soon as you watch it? They used a wide angle lens which greatley enlarges & distorts objects in the foreground & makes the background recede & shrink. Other than a halfcourt shot or trap or steel, the action is NEVER there! Where the action was looked a mile away even when not obcured by Refassenlargitis or a pile of other bodies or dust bunnies on the floor. Yes, your eyes are also wide angle, about 35 degrees, but we usually have two of them, giving us depth perception, & the shape of our lenses changes as needed on the fly & out point of focus does too. Additionally the brain changes our perception in real life 3D so that things in the middle distance don't appear so small or far away as they do to a fixed lens. If u forced yourself to keep your focus on the foreground right in front of you at courtside than your view would be similar, but humans don't work that way. Lastly, you can anticipate or notice your view being blocked & move your body & your fucking head to see around things, which the camera didn't do! It was totally impossible to follow the game!!!! It would've been easier to "watch" the game by listening to a good radio broadcast!


February 17th, 2016 at 6:21 PM ^

I liked it. as someone who plays ball, it felt like I was in the game. Refreshingly realistic as it takes away that fake feeling that i think i could actually hang with these guys. With that said, I don't want to see it on a regular basis, maybe just brief glimpses. 


February 17th, 2016 at 9:16 PM ^

what made it not work, was that you could not see the far side of the court!! they could not put cameras on the other side, because of team benches. you could not see anyone on the other side of the court!!  why does ESPN not care when players, and shots were not actually seen on the screen?

also, they kept going on about the "speed of the game" from this viewpoint, but Both teams looked slow to me.  

and boy did Walton look short.