Meta: If you could change 1 thing about MGoBlog, what would it be?

Submitted by M-Wolverine on
I'm probably hoping in vain, but I mean for this to be a helpful suggestion box to be taken or discarded, not a complaint box. Ways to make the site even better, and how. Which means not - "no more soccer posts"; but could mean "separate tabs for OT content". (Which I don't particularly like, because I like 'em all, and don't want to sort through separate tabs for it; but I saw it suggested). Me? Not being that computer savvy, I don't know if it could be done, but if there was a way the site could save "new posts" labels over more than one page, it would save a lot of searching. Because invariably there's one post on the first page, and then a bunch of new ones on the later page, but the labels are gone once you're in the thread. (And yes, I know I could set the default for show all posts...but on the mobile it loads the longer ones slow enough as it is...a 200 post thread could take longer to load than the life of the device).


July 3rd, 2010 at 12:27 AM ^

Please do not make ths site any better!  As someone with OCD and ADHD (add possible insomnia), this site is the PERFECT drug.   Brian is genious in my mind, not just because I have issues, but because I love his writing style.  I love UFR, because it makes me feel like I understand stuff I didn't understand.


July 3rd, 2010 at 12:35 AM ^

if it's not already available a tab with a "cloud" view of tags from posts with emphasis on page views, comments, and chronology.

that'd be swell.

meanwhile, thanks for the fine site brian et al.  it's manna from heaven.


July 3rd, 2010 at 12:36 AM ^

Survey module would be easy and potentially interesting.  Drupal has this already.Which B10 team looks to be the most improved?  UConn - Did Martin make the right move scheduling this team?  Should admission standards for Football players be higher than other B10 schools?  This might limit the "Look - I have an opinion!" type posts (which I'm guilty of...I admit.)  Also it might drive traffic on slow days.

MGoTrivia quesiton of the week (these posts are always too few and far between - and often too easy.) That would drive traffic as well.

You could also add a word cloud - these can be helpful and easy ways to search common and timely subject matter that is being discussed on the boards or in the diaries.

It would be interesting to see who is logged in - maybe a scrolling text to show recent logins.

There was discussion about removing ads if you beveled enough guilt.  I would like that.

Users should be able to delete their own threads or posts - in case there is a double post or redundancy.  This could be locked out once someone comments on a thread/post.

MGoWave was  a good idea - but has issues...I would like some way to organize the info of past diaries and board discussions and tie in past discussions...I'm just not sure how that would work...



July 3rd, 2010 at 12:48 AM ^

Things I would like to see added...

1.) Calendar:  Just a tab with a calendar showing things like who is visiting on this day, who is planning on signing, any games going on, events, etc.

2.) I do GIS work, so I think it would be interesting to have a interactive map using google earth platform or anything similiar, but having different layers showing where we are recruiting.

3.) Would be nice if there was a +/- stat showing how many times a person has upvoted/down voted other people.


July 3rd, 2010 at 9:13 AM ^

We don't need exact locations of a recruits address, but general central points based on City & State.  It could also be more then that could have layers depicting....locations of Big Ten Universities, Bowl Venues, U of M friendly bars in other states, etc.

I agree this one would be a big undertaking not only to deploy, but maintain.  Just throwing it out there though....I have the software to generate the data  we would need in a .kml (google-earth data file type) a/o .shp (industry standard ESRI data file type).  Howeva, I would need to get educated on how to actually embed this into a site.


July 3rd, 2010 at 2:56 AM ^

change the mgoblog picture more often and do some work on the interface. nothing wrong with the presentation IMO, but i feel like its due for an update.


July 3rd, 2010 at 4:56 AM ^

But would it be hard to create another iteration of the Mgoboard for OT discussions?  The default main page is usually so long that it way outstrips both the archive and the feed, I assume it wouldn't be hard to throw another Mgoboard down there.

I mean, for the people who come here for OT stuff its little to no inconvenience (I assume creating/replying will remain virtually identical, with a new OT choice in the create combobox).  You extend the longevity of Michigan board posts on the front page and also reduce the amount of bitching about the OT topics on the board.

Problems might come from posts wrongly posted in each other's board, but thats what mods are for, right?


July 3rd, 2010 at 11:36 AM ^

Ok at 4:56 am, you are either:

A.) Hammered drunk from a epic night of partying.

B.) You are one of those crazy military types and you just woke up, are eating breakfast, and then gonna go do an obstacle course or run 5 miles or something.


Wierd time to be up dude


Bando Calrissian

July 3rd, 2010 at 4:38 PM ^

Maybe there could be a limit to how many times someone can neg in a day?  There's far too many clowns here who will go through an entire thread of rational discussion where divergent opinions are being nicely discussed, and neg everything from the person they disagree with.  Needless to say, that's not what MGoPoints are supposed to be used for.

Perhaps there could also be a limit as to how many times a post can be negged?  I think we get the point at -50, and so often the only reason people keep negging is to pile on, not because they necessarily think it's a stupid post. 

I don't think there's need for limits on positive voting, there's nothing wrong with pos-banging at will.

Just my 2 cents.


July 3rd, 2010 at 8:22 PM ^

I'm not a huge point/negging fan, but maybe like you can't post new threads under 20, perhaps you can't post at all after -100 or -200. Or even -50 (though that might be one bad post). Or -x to -8000 or something, so people who use one of the words of death can still post. Because if you're down THAT far, you're not just having a bad day. Either you're endlessly complaining about getting negged; adding only bad content, or doing like in the other thread, just posting to troll. And if it automatically stopped you, it would prevent a need for mods having to be on and watching in the worst cases. They would be able to appeal and be reinstated back to zero with Brian or someone, if they determined it actually was an unnecessary slamming. Say if someone's first post was defending Lloyd in a "he threw Rich under the bus with Trent" thing, and got destroyed for that (it happens).


July 3rd, 2010 at 7:57 PM ^

1. Functionality of the Board post preview could be restored.  I was experiencing problems with it before the new interface was introduced, and I was told by another poster that it doesn't work when there's HTML in the post.  Even though HTML is encouraged (imbedded links, blockquote, etc.), I could get around this with extra-careful proofing.  However, it doesn't work <i>at all</i> anymore.  And there's nothing like formulating a long response only to lose it when the preview doesn't work.

2. Functionality of the site search could be improved.  Some posters get sensitive when people overlook earlier posts and post "old" news.  However, my experience with the site search isn't favorable (although I can't cite a specific example at the moment).  At the very least, perhaps one could sort the results by date.  I just tried a sample search, and the results were not in date order, and I don't see an advanced option to sort or refine.

3. For those of us who don't read often enough to see new Board posts before they're pushed off the front page, it would be great if the sidebar didn't default back to page 1 when you click on a post on a later page.

Having said all that, I think Brian does a fantastic job.  Good topic, OP.


July 3rd, 2010 at 8:32 PM ^

And I'm not just saying that because you like the topic... ;-) 1. The previous post I tried previewing on my mobile and it just went to a blank page. I could save post fine though. 2. Tried search earlier, and also could have used a date sort. Because while it will give you the biggest usage of the topic (I was searching a recruit's name), it doesn't necesarily give you the latest news (which might be a part of a bigger topic). So a date sort would help to see if things had been posted. 3. I agree. I know there's the main page, but I'm not always interested in what's hot. Because the first time if I saw it and liked it, I probably posted, and will link back with the new posts under my post list. Sometimes I like to go through everything, page by page, whether it's cool or not. And if you miss a day (or God forbid, two), or it's a heavy posting day, if you page back 8 pages or so, click on something there, and jump back to one, so you have to flip back again...well... (And it's he'll on a mobile).


July 3rd, 2010 at 8:27 PM ^

Update that yellowish color to Gold, it would add a bit more class to the walls =)

Seriously though some way to PM other people could dramatically decrease the amount of dumb noisy arguments that no one is actually interested in.


July 4th, 2010 at 6:32 PM ^

like TomVH and others...

Many MGoBloggers use their own readers but the majority cleary don't.  Do this for them and let this drive clicks to MGoBlog. 

These other blogs have nowhere near the traffic or content but when the new stuff comes up it is often on point and missed by MGoBloggers for days, MaizeNBrew, MVictors (I almost missed out wrt Tom Harmon's putter - unacceptable), TouchtheBanner...some have medium traffic and content...others have good content but low traffic and infrequent postings.

As the most popular of all the M Blogs this portal function is defaulted to MGoBlog for the should be encouraged.  This is low maintenance as well once setup. can still be editors choice and serves a different function.

Elno Lewis

July 9th, 2010 at 1:53 PM ^

i get tired of sending that check in to the brain cook every month, especially in the off season.

Clarence Beeks

July 9th, 2010 at 4:19 PM ^

Eliminate the stupid sidebar on the front page for mgoboard.  I swear that stupid thing is the cause of virtually 100% of the duplicate posting problems that happen here.

kevin holt

July 9th, 2010 at 6:50 PM ^

I could navigate my own posts easier. That sounds vain haha. What I mean is, I wish there were some way to see when someone replies to a post I've made. Maybe there is a way to do this and I just don't know?

I know it says when someone +1's or -1's a post, but even then it doesn't say which post it's talking about. I don't like having to go back 4 days later and see a reply I missed on a topic that is now dead.