Norfleet not dismissed from team.

Submitted by Mitchamaniac on
Sam Webb just said on WTKA reports of him being dismissed are false, but he is suspended. I didn't see anywhere on the board that this was common knowledge. If so delete.


May 13th, 2015 at 9:58 AM ^

Listen, buddy... I'm not even the one that is pigeon holing you here.  But you most certainly took the bait.  Like a widemouth bass.  You're on the fucking hook.   


May 13th, 2015 at 9:20 AM ^

is anything like his work ethic in the classroom, then I think we can spare him. I'm not a footbal coach, im a wrestling coach. Yes, I realize that people can contribute in a variety of different ways, without performing on game days. Who would he be pushing for playing time? Our other 160 lb scat back? Dont thnk so. Its not a personal attack on the kid, I just dont know why everyone is up in arms about a kid who has never scored a touchdown in the last three years. Oh, and I love his dancing, those are some bad ass moves. I care about everyone of the players on my team, some more than others, naturally. The kids need to earn being a part of a team by doing what the coaches ask of them, apparently he didnt do that...


May 13th, 2015 at 9:24 AM ^

Michigan football that he skipped his finals and put his position on the team and the team in jeopardy? Hmmmm....thats a funny way to show your love for something....

Hey guys, I care so uch about this progam that I'm saying screw these finals!


May 13th, 2015 at 11:29 AM ^

surrounding that?  Yet you feel free to judge. I work with students with learning disabilities on a daily basis, and one of their first defenses when academic demands get tough is to give up effort. Our system is set up to identify these issues after they present themselves and have caused academic struggles rather than identify is early and work with students before they develop bad habits. At any rate, we are talking about a young man with learning disabilities who has earned 90 credits at the University of Michigan, I would say he has put in alot more work than you can imagine. He made some bad decisions, perhaps out of frustration (another classic behavior of many students with learning disabilities), in skipping finals. Let Harbaugh deal with it and give the condescension a rest.


May 13th, 2015 at 2:29 PM ^

he has a learning dissability. Did they teach you about confidentiality in your current position? I sure hope so. If he had an IEP or 504 then there is even less reason. That means that he could receive some accommodations/services in the college setting as well. And I also work with student who have mental and physical impairments, all day long, so you are preaching to the choir on that one. I try to teach my kids not to "just give up" when things get hard, you know, teach them life skills, you might want to do your kids a favor and do the same.


May 15th, 2015 at 2:51 PM ^ was public knowledge that he has a learning disability. Search this site or google and you will find it. I have lived in Florida for my entire professional career (12 years) and have never lived in Detroit so I am not especially concerned about FERPA, IDEA or ADA. 

You have made a gross jump in logic here as well. I did not say that giving up or skipping an exam was an effective or acceptible strategy, I merely suggest that you try to have a little empathy. How you deduce that this means I teach my students to "just give up" or to not give full effort at all times is beyond me. Acknowledging and understanding =/= accepting or excusing.  Perhaps the differece is lost to you.


May 13th, 2015 at 2:54 PM ^

If heart is the determining factor, then give WD and Brian scholarships. This comment might take the cake, it kind of resembles what the issue was under Hoke. I care much more about the talent level of football players than their love for Michigan. 


May 13th, 2015 at 9:51 AM ^

During the last couple seasons of drudgery and seeing lots of players and coaches on the field down in the dumps, Norfleet ran out there each time with a spark of passion, ready to give it all he had. He wanted to get in that end zone and it showed. It wasn't just dancing skill...he was pumped and it was evident. That was nice to see during games when there was a lot of unhappiness otherwise. I hope he makes it back.


May 13th, 2015 at 11:30 AM ^

and not taking your eligibility seriously, does not imply he is for "us"... 

Rather, it would imply that he's about him, not the team, which is probably why Harbaugh suspended him, and rightfully so!


May 13th, 2015 at 9:28 AM ^

I know it has already been said by previous posters but I still wanted to say that i'm glad that he is still technically on the team even though he still has some hurdles to overcome.  He has a very unique skill set and he is a very fun player to watch.


May 13th, 2015 at 9:29 AM ^

more than one final, perhaps he is suspended until he completes those finals and Norfleet has no intention of completeing those finals.  Hence the "dismissed" from Norfleet.


May 13th, 2015 at 9:32 AM ^

I talked to a GA last night about this situation, and he told me that Norfleet has not been dismissed. He did however say that there is a lot Dennis is going to have to do in order to work his way back.

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EastCoast Esq.

May 13th, 2015 at 9:42 AM ^



Honestly, he is a Rudy-type player to me (movie Rudy, not real Rudy). He will never be anything more than a kick return specialist / occasional end-around back, but he is the classic underdog that is fun to root for.

Bando Calrissian

May 13th, 2015 at 10:31 AM ^

If I have a student who skips a final, like, didn't missed it because they were sick or had a family emergency, but rather just skipped it when they could have otherwise been there... Nope. Sorry. We can be flexible for a lot of things, but when you skip an exam and I have to put together an alternate exam (because students are increasingly apt at getting questions out there to friends who didn't show up or were sick), arrange a time to sit and proctor it for you, etc., that's not something a lot of folks are inclined to do for a kid that made a conscious choice not to show up. It's a royal pain in the ass.

At my institution, and in all likelihood at Michigan as well, however, athletes do have the extra layer of folks who arrange things for them. We have to deal with advisors, department employees, etc. routinely. 99 times out of a 100, though, our athletes are really proactive and let us know everything that could be a potential issue. At the same time, we have to fill out academic progress reports, tell the department about anything less than a C-, etc. It's kind of amazing the kind of handholding that can go on for students that really can't hack it, and don't really want to, anyway. Most of them are truly great and fun to work with. Some of them, though, aren't.

Norfleet in all likelihood had to disregard a lot of folks and safeguards in order to pull something like this, and fixing that shouldn't fall on his instructors--no matter how good he is at football.


May 13th, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

When I was in U-M's architecture program back in the mid-70s I managed to accumulate several incompletes because I was late getting final projects in. All of my instructors allowed me to complete the work after the official due date, and I wasn't truly penalized for it.


May 13th, 2015 at 1:35 PM ^

I agree they're not the same thing as a one-time sitdown test, but I can assure you that my architecture school instructors took project completion dates very seriously. I was lucky that they gave me the chance to submit work after the deadline.

I'm not saying I have any sympathy for Norfleet or any other student who blows off an exam; no instructor should ever be subject to pressure to allow the student to take it after the fact. That's a decision that's entirely up to the instructor, and he/she is well within the bounds of academic norms to refuse to allow the student the chance for a later exam.

My point was simply that it's not as though students never get allowances when they fuck up wrt to scheduled deliverables.


May 13th, 2015 at 10:20 AM ^

I was a TA and lecturer at UM in the late 80s/early 90s and most of us were very flexible about it as long as the student actually attended class and did most of the work (and professors for the most part left everything to the TAs). I really doubt anyone in the AD would "browbeat" a professor at Michigan, that would turn into a shitstorm in a hurry, and it would really be unnecessary as I just said. I received one phone call during my years teaching, about a football player who received a failing grade, and after I pointed out that he never actually showed up and never turned anything in, I didn't hear about it again. 


May 13th, 2015 at 9:47 AM ^

Just for the record, I've seen many posters referring to what he does as a dance, incorrectly. He is a member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity (one of the Divine 9  Black Greek Letter Organizations)  and what he does is called a "Hop". It is a cultural rhythmic movement associated with the traditions of his fraternity and while it is similar to a dance, many members of the organization feel slighted if it is referred to as such, as it has much deeper meaning behind it. (Some are more sensitive about it than others of course.)   


I myself am a member of another Divine 9 organization, Alpha Phi Alpha, and we "stroll" , and our movements are mistaken for a "dance" as well. It's not a big deal to me as I understand the mix-up, but just wanted to put it out there for anybody that cares to be PC.


May 13th, 2015 at 10:06 AM ^

Eh, if he's doing it on the field in a Michigan uniform, it's not a fraternity thing. Or shouldn't be. I actually liked it less when I found that out. It's a cool tradition for the frat, but I don't think you should be showing off your frat on the field - you're supposed to be representing Michigan there, not Omega Psi Phi.

If it's just a happy, excited dude trying to pump up the team and crowd? Then I'm all for it.

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May 13th, 2015 at 11:04 AM ^

Not to hijack the actual topic being discussed, but I disagree on a couple of points.


1st -  As a member of a Divine 9 organization, you represent them at all times for the rest of your life. It's not something you can turn off just because you have a Michigan uniform on.


2nd - It is not mutually exclusive to be hopping and to be pumping up the crowd,  many of whom know that he is a Que (the moniker for Omega Psi Phi members) from the Yard Shows and other events on campus. That's why the stadium sound guy turns on Atomic Dog because that is the traditional Que hopping song.




May 13th, 2015 at 11:32 AM ^

So the fraternity expects its members to prioritize it above the University and the football program. I wonder if Harbaugh is okay with that?

I mean, I get the "member for life" concept, but while you're in uniform, THAT should be your #1 allegiance, and I have mixed feelings about appropriating that stage to glorify another institution.

I have nothing against the fraternity, and no issue with Norfleet being in it. I just personally found the dance/hop/whatever more entertaining when I thought it was a (semi)spontaneous show of exuberance and team spirit, rather than showing off his frat membership.

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May 13th, 2015 at 10:19 AM ^

Thanks for sharing that history. Doesn't mean everyone else is going to conform to that new terminology. What he did was dancing, according to about 99.9% of the people you'd ask.

I'm with the other person here, I think it would have been cooler had he just done it spontaneously to entertain the crowd than doing it for his frat. Regardless, it was entertaining.


May 13th, 2015 at 9:48 AM ^

I think it's possible the reports yesterday weren't necessarily wrong and probably sometime between then and now UM and Norfleet came to a different settlement/agreement.

Doctor Wolverine

May 13th, 2015 at 12:34 PM ^

I hadn't heard he skipped his exams. Is that rumor, or is that confirmed? Even if he was transferring, it seems like he would want to take those credits with him. If this is true, combined with the suspension, it is safe to say he is going through something right now. Hope he can get things straightened out.