
October 29th, 2022 at 11:18 PM ^

Charboneau calling it a "scuffle" is high comedy considering it's just 8-9 guys kicking one guy on the ground.  Also, he originally called it a "fight" until video showed it was decidedly not two teams going at it but one team jumping a guy.

Fucking awful way to end a game.  I get it's a rivalry game and all that but a bunch of tough guys in helmets cornering a single UM guy is bush league and I hope Tucker does something about it. 


October 30th, 2022 at 10:03 AM ^

Charboneau is a Sparty fanboy masquerading as a reporter; he outwardly cheers for MSU while in the press box and slobbers all over Izzo and Tucker. Solari and Kyle Austin are are the same way; they'll never objectively hold anyone at MSU accountable for their actions.


October 29th, 2022 at 11:18 PM ^

I think that was McBurrows. It's a #1 and I think I see a 'Mc' on the nameplate there. Gonna need to hear the backstory on how he ended up amongst 20 MSU players


October 29th, 2022 at 11:53 PM ^

Oh, I don't doubt it for one bit.  Their whole team has been cheapshot artists for years, egged on by that sourpussed sack of shit Dantonio, and they riot in the streets of East Lansing win lose or draw, but they can't help but get all butthurt and triggered over a trick play.  Group crying therapy on the RCMB is their coping mechanism.