Week 5: Best thing you saw...

Submitted by mi93 on

Well...not what many of us expected in a couple phases, and quite the day.  Win and advance.

I love college football.  There is no better sport - March Madness is in second - but life often offers up things that are better.  Best thing I saw today was my brother marrying the most perfect woman for him.  He had the decency to not schedule it for a rivalry game or the B1G opener.

Watching guests staring at phones during the reception, following myriad games was pretty funny.  The Clemson alum in particular.

What you got?


October 2nd, 2016 at 3:43 AM ^

That's what BYE weeks are for. I'm getting married September 30th next year. Fiancé wanted a fall wedding, so my condition was that we do it during the bye week.


October 2nd, 2016 at 5:38 AM ^

  • Hawai'i (2-3) beat Nevada
  • UCF (3-2) beat East Carolina
  • Colorado (4-1) beat Oregon State
  • Ped State (3-2) beat Minnehaha

Could've done without that last one, but at least our CV looks better.


October 2nd, 2016 at 5:39 AM ^

That fat bitch kicker from Pederast U that hit Lewis last week got his face rung up by a linebacker from Minnesota last night. He wants to run around and cheap shot real players, he better tighten up his skirt and be ready to be hit back!


October 2nd, 2016 at 7:10 AM ^

their-late-night-recap-show-is-called. Didn't show enough before the actual hit to convince me how cheap it was either way. It was in retaliation from an earlier scuffle the tubster had gotten in. The dude lays some folks out. Whether these folks are always ready for it, I don't know. I'm kind of leaning toward the dude got a taste of his own medicine. Seems like he takes advantage of the fact that not many blockers are ready for the kicker to get involved and he lays the wood to them more for the novelty of it than he's actually doing the play any good. Better keep your fucking head up, Pillsbury, if you're going to be pulling that shit.

Goggles Paisano

October 2nd, 2016 at 6:47 AM ^

Best thing I saw was a team that knows how to win a very physical hard fought game.  A team that made the plays it needed to win the game.  And I will throw in a defense that kept punishing their QB to the point where he was not capable of making a big play in the 4th qtr.  


October 2nd, 2016 at 8:26 AM ^

this was a home game gainst a team missing its starting QB and best LB as well. some here are not sold on speight and want to see O'Korn get some snaps. what could harbaughs reasons to go with speight over O'Korn be? wisconsin is a solid team, but with this QB they are horrible offensively. their playcalling did the young QB no favors imo. run on 1st&2nd down and pass on 3rd and long isn't exactly helping a young inexperienced QB, that blew me away how vanilla they were through out the game. gave me nighmares of tresselball.


October 2nd, 2016 at 6:49 AM ^

Michigan Defense. Period. There were many who had doubts about this defense. Wisconsin is not LSU. They are not OSU, but they can move the chain. To limit them to 158 yards when our offense was stalling frequently after the first quarter was a thing of beauty.


October 2nd, 2016 at 11:47 AM ^

If objectivity means slober over Wisconsin and rag on Michigan then yes. Griese is just bad during Michigan games. He doesn't even know Notre Dame is back on the future schedule. How is that even possible? He is seens decent during other games but Levy is always terrible.

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October 2nd, 2016 at 8:31 AM ^

think has stunted his success. herbstriet shot up faster then any other sportcaster in recent memory because he was able to be objective almost to the point he was over doing it when he was covering osu. he also piled on unneccessarily when it came to tattoogate and osu's offensive problems under tressell.


October 2nd, 2016 at 11:53 AM ^

The one comment (that he repeated several times) that annoyed me was about the officiating, when the Wisconsin NT was called for holding.  Griese kept saying a Michigan player should have been called for holding (which he might not have been wrong about), but even after the replay showed the NT with an obvious hold: arm extended with a handful of the back of the Michigan player's jersey, Griese kept insisting he didn't see a hold.  It seems like sometimes he just tries too hard to prove he's not a homer.


October 2nd, 2016 at 9:33 AM ^

He can go call other BIG games to be unbias. At least when the ref got some bs call, don't shut up your mouth and ignore it (couple with no replay from ABC/ESPN, their typical routine when Ref has bad call sometimes).

He's worse than chris spielman calling Michigan game. Wait, chris spielman went to Fox, is that why they have Griese tcalling michgian this year?


October 2nd, 2016 at 7:03 AM ^

This is a cheap shot but my best thing of the week was MSU losing to IU in OT. Why? Not because the team lost, but mostly because the writers from TOC if I remember predicted in the preseason another CFP birth and it looks like they're heading for a rebuilding year. Sorry guys, but you ain't Alabama no matter how great your five year stretch might have been.


October 2nd, 2016 at 7:54 AM ^

Jourdan Lewis with the interception of the decade. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration once I get off this high of a win, but darn impressive.
The other impressive thing I saw was the dominance at the like of scrimmage by Michigan. They weren't perfect, it translate to points (thanks kickers), but we moved the pile more often than Wisconsin. I think that qualifies as outhitting if Frost is wondering.
The score indicated a close game, which is what matters, I get it, but the statistics showed Michigan to be a better team. Imagine what was going on a few years ago and then I think we will get a better perspective of what this win means.

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